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Posts posted by Toshiba66

  1. Police say Elliott admitted hitting Onn with a pool cue, then stabbing her to death with a 23-inch machete when she resisted. 


    Ok, I get the Pool Cue. 

    I even get the Ya Ba even though you would have to be brain dead to take that stuff.

    But he had in his home a 23 inch Machete? Really? What kind of person has one of them in their home? Only a complete loser in my mind.

    RIP to the poor girl. 

  2. 2 hours ago, OneeyedJohn said:

    Yeah, I was led to believe the 2 - 5 PM ban was about schoolkids, but they are in school then supposedly, so what is the thinking behind it.


    The 10 - 4 curfew they can have as long as they like, couldn't give a to$$

    I was led to believe the same but like you I don't understand that thinking either as schools are closed on weekends and you still can't buy between 2 and 5 pm on Sat or Sun.

    I have no problem with the curfew personally but it serves no purpose to controlling the spread of the virus. 

  3. I am having my stuff sent over from Oz soon and through all my research SevenSea's seemed best and that's who I will use. Some of my friends have already used them with great success.

    The move cube's they offer are great for what I have to bring over but might be a little too big for what you need. Door to door is great.

  4. 4 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    I'm not punishing people in Bangkok, yes it is the largest province, yes it has the largest population and yes it accumulated the highest infection rate, thus it must be treated accordingly.

    If you open up Bangkok along with other provinces in a like-minded way the infection rate will climb again in a second wave, as other countries have found out.

    There can be a national policy to re-start businesses as infection rates allow, but these must be carried out on a case by case basis and not on sheer numbers. 

    When infection numbers in Bangkok show it's safe, that is the only time to do it, not when it's zero 500 kilometers away in a different province.

    I wasn't suggesting to open up Bangkok. I'd just like to grab a couple of bottles of Beer from 7 Eleven on my way home from work. Am I to be punished for that because I am in Bangkok? Is it safer for them to sell Beer in Roiet before Bangkok? The Alcohol ban and curfew are totally mostly ineffective against spreading the virus. Wearing a mask cannot hurt, only help. Social distancing is great. Most important thing to do is boost your immune system to fight the virus off when you do eventually get it.

  5. This is going to make one hell of a movie where hopefully we can find out some of the facts that may be missing .


    Lets hope its all over today so I can get some sleep.

    The way I see it there is still 7 to get out. 4 boys, the coach and 2 seals. Maybe this is the reason for the 4 pm start as reported to get so many air tanks in place. 


    Lets hope the success continues today!

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  6. 3 minutes ago, car720 said:

    9pm Monday night in Australia and they are saying that all the boys have been rescued.  They are saying it was a team of Aussie medical divers that did it.  Not sure of the truth of it but good show if so.

    I don't think its possible and can't see where you get this info from.

    Be wonderful if true though.

  7. So many conflicting stories and what appears to be lots of guesswork.


    Facts appear to be:

    4 out of the cave and 9 to go.


    I am sure those involved are making the right decisions about who goes out  in what order.


    I just want to read about the numbers out. Not interested in names or speculation about Anaesthetists, who is leading the recovery, who  should come out last or anything else. Most of the truth will come out in time. Not today that's for sure.


    I just want everyone out alive and well. Give me numbers please!


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  8. I personally feel they now have a 2 day window to get them out. If the heavy rain starts its possible they may lose them all by leaving them there and there is no time to start any form of drilling.


    I am so glad its not me making this decision because imo the odds of getting them all out alive are not good but if they can get most of them out alive that may be the best option to take in the end.


    Just a really terrible situation for everyone involved.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Jupitero said:

    Not to be a party-pooper, but rather than teaching them how to dive, it might be better to teach them how not to go into caves during the rainy season.

    Whats happened is a fact. No point discussing it now imo.


    I am keen to learn whats ahead of them to get out. They are 3 klms in, right? How many sections are totally submerged? How many are walkable, wadeable? Does anyone have this info to give a clear understanding of whats in the path out for them all?

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