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Road Warrior

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Everything posted by Road Warrior

  1. maybe the driver should be more aware at night driving and not speeding ????
  2. indeed scrape tihai pass and silly insurance --then tourist will return to Thailand as before
  3. i agrre 100% with "atpeace " partially regard insurance .
  4. 20 million baht x 300 bht = is a lot will it go the cover hospitial fees for those who cant /dont pay ???????????????
  5. crash helmets no important but WEARING MASKS ARE !!!!
  6. sad RIP more thai driving standard's / speeding --will never learn even with paying high price of dying .so sad
  7. be a change to talk about bird flu and NOT COVID 19 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. what great idea !!! will ensure more thai's killing each other .due their driving standards
  9. lived here for 20 yrs and no increase BUT STILL GET UK INCOMETAX BILL EACH YEAR
  10. sad - RIP -- so common with thai drivers . so silly and so dangerous /they will never learn !
  11. thai driving discipline standards ! re ambulances seen it so many times. hope one day to BMW driver if he is in need of a ambulance ,
  12. hope re-entry if they RETURN !! makes life easier with less red tape ands silly high med. insurance
  13. sad to see a silly sentence 1 yr !!!! manslaughter should be 7 yrs which would be in eastern countries !!!
  14. what a ridicules amount of insure 3 million bht no one entering Thailand will pay that !!! SO NO easing of rules .so no tourist !!! why dont they see some sense SCRAPE INSURANCE REQUIRMENT then Thailand will recover
  15. turning without looking as norm for thai drivers .and undertaking also normal !!! --. very sad -- RIP
  16. do Thai's know recomended braking distance ??? dont think so- they like driving tailgate ,common practice
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