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Road Warrior

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Everything posted by Road Warrior

  1. and another accident ??? rip you silly man !! when will thais learn .. never ???
  2. not another accident !!! makes change drinking from his cup BEER AND NOT ON THE PHONE which is norm for thais when driving
  3. picking fruit you need a WORK PERMIT !!! this work !!!!
  4. most cam only work if card is under 32 gb
  5. it must be the season to try to "cull " people if thy dont die in road accidents !!! as there are may on daily basis
  6. speeding again am sure !! when will thais learn to drive ???? as the highway code of practice .. WHATS THAT they say !!!
  7. may be if get RUN OVER dont get charged for tea/coffee ??? back to police
  8. more thai moron drivers . speeding and maybe on phone as they tend to do !!!! unbelievable
  9. so very sad .my kindest thoughts the the parents for their loss
  10. very wise and sensible move ,now do same for RED LIGHT light jumpers/and driving the wrong way !!!! this could make Thailand somewhat safer ????
  11. and not forget 12 /13 yr old children riding motor bikes !!! what road sense have they /??? try nil
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