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About Aviatorhi

  • Birthday 01/03/1987

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  1. Lol... Censorship doesn't work. It only backfires. This guy's selfish idiot of a brother did some selfish idiot things and he can't stand it. What a wimp.
  2. No particular care about what happens to the US specifically. But I would like the rest of the planet to finally wake up to realizing that they are the worst allies on the face of the planet, as they have always been, and treat them accordingly. They can enjoy their North Korea style dear leader cult alone, and just like NK no nukes for them either.
  3. Too often people try to solve disputes themselves. When in doubt use legal means... All "disputes" I have had were always resolved with 20K-30K baht of legal posturing. Most people stare the costs of a court case and back down immediately - especially if teased with a "middle ground" carrot.
  4. Clearly wealth isn't the only factor to one leading a happy life - BUT it's the key factor in why most westerners believe they enjoy a higher standard of living here (they do) - it's because they can afford it here when they can't afford it in the west. The topic was about "quality of life" anyway - not about individual cases of outside factors affecting happiness.
  5. Having enough wealth to support your life to the standard you desire equals contentment - this is a closed loop condition... you might not want to buy designer clothes or party at the club every day, but if you have enough money to not need to worry about where the money will come from when you need it (and that includes "surprise expenses" and "impulse purchases") then you are in a position of privilege relative to the aforementioned dirt farmers you are basically always wondering how they are going to afford anything (especially when those "surprise expenses" come up). Most westerners do have that sort of "wealth" here, when they do not at "home".
  6. Anywhere is nice if you're rich - and in Thailand, most (let's say 90%) of us are "rich"... or "rich enough". If you have a million baht in Thailand you'd need ten in the West - but your life would be the same. If you refuse to believe that, try explaining how great the quality of life in Thailand is to a dirt farmer living in a dirt floored house.
  7. You're the one doing it so you tell me... Anyway, you think this is a "debate"? This alone proves the planet will be better off when you're dust.
  8. You could've just said you can't tell the difference and get angry at yourself for being attracted to them.
  9. That would be correct IF it was true, but it's not and you're a stain.
  10. Thailand's are long overdue for an overhaul (gee, I wonder why economic development at the bottom of the economic chain is somewhat stagnant here; and the entire tax code needs an overhaul if they are to get off protective tariffs, and I DO pay my Thai taxes) - but I'm not a citizen here so I have no meaningful input on this besides discussing with my Thai friends. US tariffs are dumb (and, unfortunately, I am a citizen there because of anchor citizenship - so it has a direct tax effect on me - though my bigger concern is value of the US dollar and the general international order) - because the US has a developed industrial base and capitalism works on the basis of added value to an existing commodity, and the US doesn't have the manpower for an integrated and domestic vertical supply chain... unless you'd like a planned economy?
  11. I think watching freedumb<deleted>ers burn will be hilarious.
  12. I for one support Xi harvesting you freedumb<deleted>ers for adrenochrome. Your nation is a disease.
  13. Ofcourse they're not... At least not today when Thailand has a developed industrial base.
  14. The absolutely limitless amount of freedumb lovers who think that tariffs are "good" or that everything should be "made in freedumbland", is quite astoni-----, err, par for the course. But doesn't change their soap grade IQ.
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