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Posts posted by hanumizzle

  1. Ruby is nice, but about the same you get with python.

    One of the apps most hyping Ruby is Ruby on Rails, which is indeed very very nice, but with less hype you get the same for python (example: turbogears http://www.turbogears.org/ ) and even PHP - yes, good ole PHP ( see http://cakephp.org/ )

    So if you feel tempted by the Ruby on Rails hype, and you do not know Ruby, well, you do not need Ruby to get such a web framework, if you know PHP it is piece of cake = cakePHP http://cakephp.org/ !

    I like Python, and I was teaching it to a friend, but I still think Ruby is better designed over all, at least the definition of the language itself. (I can't really say much about the internals of the language, but I have heard that Python has a more flexible C API.) The tradeoff is maturity vs. design (at this point). I don't use Ruby on Rails as of now, know very little about it, and generally don't buy into hype, period. I just evaluate the features of a language objectively.

    One of the biggest advantages with Ruby is that it has real anonymous lexical closures. There are problems with Marshalling Proc objects (reified blocks), but I'd still rather use an anonymous block rather than the kludgy solution of passing a named function that is only used a few times, or making it a method.

    http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?PythonVsRuby...this gives a better view of the issues than I offer.

    And PHP is just a terrible language. I really have no incentive to use it.

  2. Having lurked for a while, I figured I might as well finally announce my presence. As you might have already guessed, my ubiquitous nick comes from the Hindu monkey god Hanuman. I also use it on irc.freenode.net and my favorite stomping grounds, the Vector Linux forums: http://www.vectorlinux.com/forum1. Here, I am known as the 'Honourary Desi'; I am a flaming Indophile and a number of my desi friends have even said that resemble a Northern Indian; doing the universal mudra of anjali in my picture probably helps that impression. :o

    I am in fact a high school student in the U.S., but forewarned is forearmed, AFAIC. I can always be of service on the Linux forum regardless. :D I will probably be asking a lot of questions in return, principally regarding legal red tape and other practical necessities.

    Other than that, I began the new version of VASM (Vector Administrative and Services Menu) in Vector Linux, rewritten from scratch in Perl, and I am more or less plugging away. The end of senior year is approaching, and I am preparing to enroll in Penn State University. I plan to major in CompSci w/ a minor in linguistics...these will obviously be useful. Actually, I find mathematics difficult, which is probably an anomaly for someone who uses computers as much as I do, but I will apply myself to independent studies of the field, which has proven effective in the past for other subjects. Most of the things I know well today, I began studying very early, by myself.

    Fortunately, I have greater linguistic abilities. I have studied German for 4 years and have at least something to show for it, as I am working on a translation of Sithon and Manola in German, as well as a draft of a Wikipedia article originally in German; see here: http://www.vectorlinux.com/forum1/index.php?topic=11083.0

    I also can already read the Devanagari alphabet and plan to study Hindi and Thai further in college on my own. By virtue of knowing Devanagari, I already know some Thai characters (mor maa and chor ching, etc.), by extension, and the whole idea of an alphasyllabary just makes more sense now, having learned a far simpler Brahmic script earlier on.) They are both excellent languages in their own right. I have often half-jokingly called Thai the 'Emacs LISP' of natural languages...which isn't entirely fitting, but makes sense in some ways. (Symbol cells could stand for tones, highly regular syntax, borrowing paradigms from all over the place, etc.)

    Over the summer I will be instructing the children of one of my school teachers (Marathi no less) on basic programming. Maybe I should tell little Aditya that you guys know him as Phra Athit; heh. Not sure what language I will have picked out (maybe Python?), but I really enjoy teaching. Perhaps I could make a living out of it, and I might ask about certifications and permits for doing so, too.

    Hopefully, I will be well prepared. At the rate I'm going, I should be fine, but only time will tell...

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