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Posts posted by Nawty

  1. Yes, take the advice that you as an unproven perhaps, certainly unmarried possible father of this child has all the rights you would back home....giggle giggle chuckle chuckle.

    As a person who is unmarried, me and has 2 kids, beleive me when you are told you have little rights 'automatically' you can go and fight for them sure, but as in the west you do 'automatically' have far more rights than you will have here.

    To get my daughter recognised as MY child, even though I am on the birth certificate and all that crap. I had to take my daughter to court and have her recognsied/adopted as mine. Now she is recognised as mine. But she was not AT ALL prior to this.

    My other child is another story.

    Try listening to reason from a Thai lawyer or worse still, an immigration officer when they tell you your child is not your child...'in this country'.

    Make sure you are clear on that I am saying this is because I am NOT married to my wife. If I had been legally married, I would not have had these problems.

    So some may say, just marry her. Well my other wives in several other countries may object.

    The cost of going to court and getting it legally done was 60k baht from memory. if you want a recommendation from my Thai lawyer who did it for me, let me know. But I would be a little bit apprehensive to intro you to this lawyer if things are not kosha. For example, is the mother a typical pattaya bg type, or a tad more refined and educated.

  2. watch some steve erwin shows.

    Before i saw him going through a swamp in a metal dingy at night, he had a flash light pointing in the water, then he suddenly dived into the water grabbed it and put it in the boat while his wife jump on it tying it up.

    Now thats a dude with balls

    Your right, his wife has got balls. She ugly enough to.

    Irwin is a bit of a goose. A lot of his earlier stuff was so overacted, so over dramatised just for the TV it was verging on ridiculous. He has gotten better, but still a goose.

  3. The one in croc dundee was stuffed and the big one was electric.

    Go to the croc farm here, sure they will let you for some baht. Try to make sure it is an alligator and not a crocodile. Your mates will never know the difference. Alligators are the sloaths of the croc world, they don't get to excited about much really.

  4. Good on you Bhill.

    If you go the road of keeping the child yourself, you will never regret it. Also if you live in Thailand, there is no better place for a single dad to raise a child. You will be able to find a nanny and a maid to help with all the problems and it is rather cheap for this. Just find a good one.

    As for fathers rights, you have none here as the farang father of a thai child. It is thai because it is born here and you are not married. Not being married raises more problems.

    I think hospitals will only do a dna test after 6 months, I am 100% on this and may be getting it mixed up with something else. I also beleive they are around 12 to 15k baht and have to be done at one of the Thai hospitals. You can arrange to get it done through any hospital, like Bumrungrad and they will simply take you on the day to the right hospital to have it done.

    I also thought that both parents have to be there, or at least sign and agree to it.

    For future referance, you do need both parents permission and signatures for a passport, only extenuating circumstances will allow you to get one without both parties and that is if it is the Thai side doing it.

    It is imperitive that you get your name on the birth certificate, even if later it turns out to be not yours, you need to be on the certificate for all things in the future. Especially if you are making plans to be the only parent, it is critical for you to do this, especially as you are not married remember.

    As someone said, it may be much much simpler to offer her some cash and get EVREYTHING signed immeditaley from her so as then nothing needs to be chased up in the future and then denied and problems caused.

    Most single thai mums end up sending the child upcountry while they earn a living in bkk, that is if they cannot afford to keep it themselves. Offer her a better life and education for the child and if she is a half decent person, she will do it. Get it all done legally and then no problems in the future.

    One thing on your side, if what she says is true about her friends wanting to buy a baby, she cannot or probably would not have the smarts or the cash to come up with the proper paperwork required for the other people to take thechild as their own. think about the paperwork required to get passports, birth certs etc etc.

    She would need your permission for another family to adopt the child and for passports etc. So I would not be to worried about that.

    She may just be making those noises to see what you might offer in return. Just try to be nice, sweet and understanding. Get your rights looked after, get the child and then screw her afterwards if you can.

  5. Why, what do you plan to do with it, farm rice ?

    At 20k per rai, it is not outragious or ridiculously expensive. But depending on the location, road access, water etc then it still could be well over priced for actually what it is. Hard to know without knowing or seeing etc.

    If you really want it, for whatever reason, but you are in no rush, then just offer them something a lot less and see what the reaction is. You can always up the offer later.

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