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Everything posted by habanero

  1. You would have a hard time anyway finding a vet that would put the dog down. They just don't do that in Thailand. It's a Buddhist thing!
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/07/us-cities-defund-police-transferring-money-community I don't care to get into a pissing contest with you. I live in (Red) state where a lot of the population is armed, legally. Both male and female. So I don't worry about crime that much. There is never any talk about defunding the police. On that note, there is also never any talk about sending a social worker to a domestic violence call either. That is just ridiculous. But, I do hear "the Squad" talking about such stupid things as that.
  3. Since I live near an area where I can witness it myself and you do not. I think I will go with the truth. Your version is not the truth.
  4. Red states are the safe one's. I would never live in a Blue state. They are the one's demanding defunding the police.
  5. I would have to say, Fort Walton Beach.
  6. Russia is trying to set up their banks to use China's Union Pay, debit and credit cards.
  7. Why are you trying to make this post political?
  8. We moved back to the U.S. last April. It turned out to be the right decision. We too used to live in N.H. and Florida as well. We couldn't see ourselves moving from Thailand back to the cold winters of New Hampshire so we decided on the South. You are right about medical care. So much easier here in the U.S... We are covered by both Tricare and Medicare so we never see a bill. I guess the biggest problem is over eating. Too much of all the foods we love and missed. Also, it doesn't seem to cost any more to live here than it did in Thailand. Although gas prices are going through the roof right now. Well, you know the rest. It's also nice to go for a drive and not have to worry about paying the cops at road blocks. While we do on occasion miss Thailand we know we made the right choice.
  9. Thailand's value to China is the Navy base. From there China will have better control on India.
  10. Good time to be an arms dealer in Eastern Europe. They will be the one's to benefit the most.
  11. A little deceiving. 64% of 331.8 Million VS. 70% of 67 Million.
  12. The best part of my HP all in one is the 23" screen and the fact that it takes up very little space on my desk. Other than that, I don't see any advantage over a laptop. I also have a laptop so that I have some portability.
  13. Just out of curiosity. If they had put you in a hospital room, would your insurance then pay for it?
  14. Also, Thai's don't use the term Afro or African American. To them you are either from Africa or America. They would never use the term Laotian Thai or Burmese Thai to identify themselves. Even if they are from Isaan, and their roots probably come from Laos. They still identify as Thai.
  15. If you like to breath fresh air, Thailand would not be my first choice.
  16. People with kids are receiving monthly child care checks that are suppose to be used for childcare while the parents go to work. But, the people are just figuring why pay someone else? I will just stay home and keep the money myself.
  17. They shouldn't be charging for it anyway: This was back in July. I'm not sure what the total amount of donated vaccine is now. 1.5 Million Pfizer Vaccine Doses, Donated by the United States, Arrive in Thailand Today, the United States donated 1,503,450 doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to Thailand. This historic shipment, which reaffirms U.S. support to our oldest ally in Asia, arrived at Suvarnabhumi airport this morning. We are also proud to confirm that the United States will provide an additional one million vaccine doses to Thailand – on top of the doses that arrived today – for a total of 2.5 million doses.
  18. He'll be lucky to finish out this term. His poll numbers are tanking daily.
  19. Really? Have a look for yourself. I guarentee you will change your tune.
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