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Posts posted by Pepe1

  1. 2 minutes ago, iReason said:


    While I appreciate you re-posting the video, thus giving it more exposure, 

    given your subsequent grand example of being massively uninformed, (undoubtedly willfully), I must bid you adieu.


    Troll on if you must.

    Attempt to derail the thread as you have shown in the very recent past, if you must.

    While regurgitating gibberish directly from the fool who is being investigated. 

    Which is patently laughable.


    Meanwhile, in the real world, the wheels of justice are turning. :thumbsup:

    And endless parroting of the inept one is meaningless.


    Standby for your extra helping of Crow Pie.

    Along with your Double Double Fat Cheeseburger, with all the trimmins' and a side of fries.




    Not trolling and you know it. 

    Sounds like you believe in the tooth fairy.  Any day now, we'll get Trump, any day.  And it never happens and never will.


  2. 14 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


    So the man with real estate and other businesses around the world whose companies sell imported products from around the world, who holds his beauty pageants (involving international contestants) in other countries, whose companies regularly hire foreign workers, who borrows from foreign banks and who solicits and accepts investments from around the world into his projects is a non-globalist? Because he says so?


    If your girlfriend told you she was pregnant, but also that she pisses standing up, wouldn't you wonder how both statements are true?




    That man happens to be president of the United States and is closing the border to terrorists and other undesirables, not to mention building a wall.  He became president and on election eve the plans to remove him from office started.

    Say his name.

  3. 12 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    You're trolling.  The Junior passed along emails detailing his communications with the Russians.  Perhaps they weren't who they pretended to be, but it's the intent that matters to the courts.


    This isn't about Trump hiring the Russians.  It's about the lies.  Which is perjury.  You are aware of the consequences for that, right? LOL

    I say produce some evidence and you say I'm trolling?  What has TV come to? 

    Your last comment...do you think this is some sort of court?

    Some of you boys are off the rails.

  4. 1 minute ago, iReason said:

    No matter what he does, history says Trump will never be popular


    "No wonder that, since Inauguration Day, his approval rating has never risen higher than the 46 percent of the vote he won last November;

    a Washington Post-ABC News poll out last weekend showed it at 36 percent."


    "American history is clear: Presidents who’ve lost the popular vote don’t win popular support."


    "The four previous presidents who finished second in votes cast all struggled to convince Americans that they were doing a good job."




    This article (and others from the WP) can be summed up as follows:

    Globalist Jeff Bezos hates Trump.

    Bezos owns the Washington Post.

    End of story.

  5. 3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Olbermann is far from a fool.  What in that video was incorrect?  Name just one item.  Just one...

    EVIDENCE.  You guys need evidence.  A video of Trump and the Russians where he hires them to hack the election, kind of like that video of Obama talking to Putin's number two man, saying after the election he could help Putin....


    Anyway this is all just hilarious and more emotion than fact.  The globalists are pissed that a non-globalist won.

  6. 2 hours ago, iReason said:

    Keith nails it again: :thumbsup:



    The wheels of justice are turning. :thumbsup:

    One of the funniest videos I've ever seen.  Only the Martha Raddatz election eve crying video tops it.  If you seriously follow this fool and come to the same conclusions he did, there's no hope for you.


    Trump will remain in office for about 7.5 years more.  Get used to it.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

    President Trump Brags About His Election Victory During Boy Scout Jamboree Speech




    He is insane! PERIOD!

    As well he should and the crowd went wild.  He showed how a positive attitude and hard work can accomplish the impossible.  Also, these young men will be old enough to vote in the next election.  Again, a smart move by Trump.

  8. 12 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Who originally authorised the deployment of the Thaad missile systems to South Korea, you seriously believe it was initiated by Trump? In any case nonsense post by you, Mr Troll - do your research - e.g.





    The problem is still there, Mr. Simpleton.  Do your research.

  9. 5 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    Trump voters are waking up.


    Trump Voter Shocked To Find That Her Meals On Wheels Could Be Cut



    It speaks volumes that the paucity of your arguments in support of the Giant Clown means that the only response you can provide to critics is 'get over the election'. The equivalent of poking out your tongue.

    No, it speaks volumes that you actually admit to reading the Huffington Post.

  10. 6 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    You still haven't answered my previous question.  Show something Trump has actually accomplished.  Very little if anything. 


    As for the wall, you are aware of the differences between a proposal and a signed contract? LOL  There's no money for this.  It won't be built until congress approves it.  And will end up like his travel ban.  Dead on arrival.

    You don't have a clue, do you?  Anyway, this thread and the "Resistance" movement serve a very good purpose: Group therapy for those who cannot accept President Trump's victory.  Carry on!

  11. On 3/17/2017 at 7:02 AM, craigt3365 said:

    The wall has not been built and most likely never will.  They can't find the money.  He hasn't deported any illegal aliens.  Obama did the best of any president ever.  And he's brought zero jobs back to the US.  How's that Koolaid taste? LOL


    P.S. This isn't about the election.  Catch up, please.

    Again, he's building the wall.  Here's  link to the Request for Proposals.  https://govtribe.com/project/solid-concrete-border-wall-rfp

  12. 37 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    The wall has not been built and most likely never will.  They can't find the money.  He hasn't deported any illegal aliens.  Obama did the best of any president ever.  And he's brought zero jobs back to the US.  How's that Koolaid taste? LOL


    P.S. This isn't about the election.  Catch up, please.

    I won't address all of your foolish points, but will address the PS.

    The topic is about the "resistance."  The whole reason the resistance exists is because people have not gotten over the President Trump victory, so my comment is totally on topic.

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