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Posts posted by john011

  1. Bumrangrad Hospital did not do a blood test when I got my work permit medical certificate there last year. 


    Was that your first time to go to Bumrungrad for the medical certificate related to WP? Or you've had your records in Bumrungrad even before when you go for certain appointment when you get sick?

    I also heard about Bumrungrad issuing a med certificate without any blood test. But I'm thinking it may be when you are their regular client.

    I wonder how is it for first timer at Bumrungrad. I have never been to Bumrungrad so I don't have any record there.


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  2. Unless there is something new I am not aware of, there is no requirement to indicate "reactive" OR "non-reactive". Only that yiu do not have tertiary syphilis.

    The suggestion to go to Med Consult Asia (Dr. Donna) is good. They do these certificates all the time.

    Not too sure if it is a requirement from the labor or if it is my company that wants to see the "non-reactive" status on the medical certificate.

    Thanks for the kind advice.

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  3. From my understanding of syphilis , the standard VDRL test will eventually show negative once you have been cured. But the problem is that this may take many months so cannot be used to evaluate how initially successful the treatment has been.
    Other tests are used to indicate that the infection has been dealt with, but once infected these test may be positive for life.
    Be aware that some clinics offer a fast syphilis test. As far as I understand this is not the same type of test as the VDRL test, and can in fact show you are positive from previous infection, but the VDRL test would show as negative. This happened to me. I tested positive with the fast test at a clinic, but negative from subsequent tests at a hospital. I had had a previous infection 10 years before.
    You really need to see an experienced VD doctor to get the best advice. If the doctor is satisfied that you no longer have the infection I am sure he would sign off on your medical certificate that you are free from syphillis

    Thanks for the advice. Will surely consider this. I'm doing all possible ways in order to get a med cert that indicates "non-reactive" or negative.

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  4. There is no such thing as a "blood test for 3rd stage syphilis". The standard blood test detects only syphilis antibodies. While negative result rules out anything other than syphilis newly caught in past week or so, it will be positive in 1st, 2nd, 3rd stage and also in people who had syphilis in the past fully cured. 3rd stage syphilis is diagnosed based on clinical observations in a person who is sero positive for syphilis. It is entirely possible to determine someone does not have 3rd stage syphilis just by examining them and nothing to gain by doing a blood test in absence of clinical signs.
    A doctor can quite honestly and acvurately check "no" for this without a blood test.

    Is there a way at the clinic, I can ask the doctor NOT to indicate the "reactive" on the medical certificate? Can they put "non-reactive" to the fact that I have been fully cured? So that I can keep it private and my company liaison officer will not know about my history.

    One of my primary concerns is that I don't want anybody know about my history, most especially staff at my workplace. I'm not too worried about the infection itself because I know I am cured.

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    finally, a voice of reason. It's a stamp on a piece of paper.

    Oh the way, do you think I need to tell her honestly about my situation? Or shall I just go there and let her find it out first before I can tell the whole story? I don't know her and she doesn't know me. I don't want to appear as if I am trying to manipulate the entire situation at my benefit and at the expense of her expertise/profession.

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  6. From what I understand it is possible to do what you want to do: to protect your privacy and retain your employment prospect.
    But I'm not  sure if it is possible to walk into a random clinic and get a certification by visual examination that would fulfil  MoL requirements. I'm sorry I don't know how to do it, but if I were you I would start right away and see what your test says and than take it from there with caution and level headedness talking to your trusted physician.

    I will go for my blood testing next week hopefully, as i am advised to have my blood checked 3 months after i got the penicillin shot. Next week will be exactly 3 months. Based on the result next week, I will make necessary decisions on the next steps. I would have to inform my doctor that i really need to have a medical certificate that says "nonreactive". I am really hoping the doctor will help me by all means.

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  7. I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause panic.
    The required medical documents I had to submit since the second year onwards working here, were lab reports that specify a certain reading; these lab reports were submitted together with a signed certificate by the doctor.
    Have you or anyone successfully submitted such a medical certificate without lab reports?
    Here my colleague's certificate from last year. Test.jpg.8045144bda3a80f464ff9fcbac064a67.jpg

    This is exactly what I submit every year upon renewal of my work permit. And my company is always looking at the "non-reactive" result of the syphilis test, every time we submit this lab result to the company liaison officer.

    And this is what worries me by the time I go for the test to get a medical certificate for work permit renewal.

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  8. No, Im not in Bangkok. What I'm saying is the medical certificate is simply a formality. Just find a local clinic that will do the medical certificate, it should cost no more than 300 baht or so.
    I think your post is genuine, and you just freaking out over nothing.
    If your company demands you do a blood in the office or go to a specified hospital they are most likely trying to make you quit.
    Do not worry, Thailand is a nice place, you just have to go through the motions.

    My company doesn't insist on going to a particular hospital though for testing.

    I am really freaking out because of two things:

    1. I don't want anybody know I once had syphilis (especially people in the company).
    2. I would still like to work in Thailand in the next five years or more, so I need a work permit; thus, the need for the medical cert to say i'm non-reactive to syphilis.

    I'm not too concerned about the disease itself because it was stage 1 and that i know it is 100% sure curable. And i believe after i got the shot 3 months ago, I am now treated. Except that the blood test can stay positive for some reasons.

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  9. Only stage 3 syphilis is a reason to deny a WP. Stage 1 or 2 is no problem for a WP.

    Okay, I was diagnosed of stage 1.

    But when I will get tested for work permit purpose, will they put "reactive" on my result if it gets positive? They say even though you are treated already and cured, most likely it will still result in positive.

    Or will they put "non-reactive" considering I had only stage 1? I need my med certificate to say "non-reactive" as a requirement.


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  10. Hello sir,
    You do not need to go to a hospital, they are very expensive. You can go to a local clinic who will provide a valid medical certificate that is accepted by the employment office and determine whether or not you have syphilis by looking into your eyes and perhaps measuring your blood pressure to make sure you have a pulse.

    Do you know of any legitimate clinic (approved by labor office) around Sukhumvit which doesn't do blood test for syphilis but can put "non-reactive to syphilis" on the medical certificate?

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  11. My place requires a syphilis test every contract renewal.
    If I ever failed then I would not get a new work permit.
    Not sure you have privacy for the test that relates to this, past history should be private though.
    Doesn't always mean it is.

    I can go to a hospital and get tested or secure a medical report by myself. Then I can get the result and submit it to our company. Other companies, I think, would require the hospital or clinic to submit the result directly to the company and in that case, you will not have a hold of the result to keep it private.

    My only concern so far is how to get a medical cert from a hospital that will not get me tested for syphilis or if tested and would appear reactive, they can manage to change it to non-reactive result so I won't have any problem. Is that possible?

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  12. How did you catch it?

    To be very honest, I didn't know how did I catch it? But I do admit I had some naughty encounters for the past 3 months prior to testing positive. The nurse said it was okay. As it was first stage, nothing to worry because it can easily be treated by one shot of penicillin. But my worry is on my work permit. Is my hope to have my work permit renewed not possible? Is that how strict Thai labor ministry is?

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  13. Hi,


    I need some advice. My syphilis test 3 months ago was positive for primary (1st stage) syphilis. I had the first shot of penicillin. I will go for my regular blood test in the next week few weeks. However, I read a lot of information on the internet that even if syphilis has been treated, any future blood test for syphilis will always remain positive. I believe I am now fully cured, but the fact that the test will be positive has scared me a lot because my work permit will expire in August and by the time my employer will apply for renewal, I need to submit medical report, and part of that is syphilis test. 


    I have some serious questions to clarify:


    1. As far as possible, I need to keep my syphilis to myself and there's no way this should be known by any staff in my company. Is there any accredited hospital in Bangkok that will issue medical record without having necessary blood test? Is syphilis test really required? I remember our company staff in charge of visa would always ask for the medical report that reads: syphilis: non-reactive. 


    2. Suppose my blood test will be positive, will I be denied work permit? What are the implications for this in terms of renewing my work permit? Will the company not employ me because Labor department will not issue me a work permit? 


    Appreciate all your kind advice. I'm so down because of what happened to me. 



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