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Posts posted by used_motor

  1. Having said all that has anybody else tried that Thai Beer (thats it's name) relatively new it goes down like honey and gets my vote over the rest of them, not available in all the bars yet but your bar to get it in, alternativly 30baht in the supermarkets enjoy.

    Thai beer is leo with a different label, the same as Super Leo, all the same beer. I read an aricle in the Post where the company that makes it admitted the fact.

    I've gone off Leo to Heineken so I can function the next day.

    Does'nt give me the shits either.

  2. Well that sounds great, I'll be there on Sunday to check things out. It sounds quite professional now. I'm still curious as to what made Joren or whatever his name is to get upset though. Any ideas???
  3. I have a little project which could be highly profitable and fun to operate. I'm looking for a working partner to put some time and effort into getting this project up and running.

    I have a few other businesses and don't have time to do it myself and lack some of the computer skills I need.

    I'm not after investors, just someone who is prepared to put in some effort.

    I need someone serious, a farang, can use a computer and make and promote websites, can speak some Thai would be good, is easy to get along with, and has an entrepreneurial spirit.

    It may be a bit vague, but I'll explain things later.

    Please email to [email protected] if you're interested, and please give me a bit of info about yourself.

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