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Everything posted by robiw

  1. Thailand and the US hold annual military exercises in Thailand called Cobra Gold..... Yes you are missing something ????
  2. Just do it online, pretty straightforward although as is normal in Thailand you have to physically send them the paperwork through the post, they don't accept electronic copies. I needed on for a visa to Australia, took around 2 months early last year I think - https://pcscenter.sbpolice.go.th/en
  3. Globalstar is primarily used by business for safety of personnel or monitoring/ tracking of a wide range of assets - trucks, containers, of and has a few 10's of kilobits bandwidth. Because it's in LEO, it needs a significant number of ground stations as each satellite is in view of a single ground station for around 10 mins. Apple are also using Globalstar to offer their SOS emergency set service where there is no terrestrial coverage. There is nothing secret about it!
  4. Try Adam Rhodes https://www.facebook.com/adam.rhodes.9889
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