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In the jungle

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Posts posted by In the jungle

  1. 1 hour ago, brotherother said:

    Can somebody please inform me what the financial requirements are when uploading the bank statement for a SETV (UK applicant)?


    Many thanks.

    I think they give some ludicrous figure on the London Thai Embassy website which is at variance with what the law actually requires.


    As I understand it the figure the law requires is the equivalent of 20K Baht for a single applicant.  As a real world example of a figure that worked in a UK application I provided a UK bank statement showing a balance of just over 3K Pounds.  That is simply because that is what I happened to have in my account at the time.  I believe a lower figure would be accepted.

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  2. Kao Yai national park is an easy day trip.


    Many riders seem to view Kao Yai as some sort of race track but I would advise against that as there are many potential hazards.  You will almost certainly encounter monkeys but it could be something much larger like an elephant.


    I seem to remember reading that they can refuse admission for excessively loud exhausts.

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  3. 11 hours ago, persimmon said:

    Thanks . I must have missed that . For anyone thinking of applying , these are the docs needed -


    flight booking

    hotel booking

    bank statement

    p/p last 2 pages

    p/p main page

    face photo

    photo holding open at main page p/p

    signed declaration

    confirmation letter

    proof of residency

    proof of identity  

    inside leg measurement


    OK , I made that last one up ????


    seems to get more difficult every year .

    I went through exactly the same process with the London Embassy.  It was an absolute PITA and I resolved to do my best to avoid doing it again.  In my case it was probably a day and a half of faffing about including having to download and learn photo editing software to resize documents to comply with their requirements.


    And why on earth do they need three different facial photos (including the one in the passport)?


    If I were an ordinary tourist with no particular ties to this country I would just go somewhere else where I do not have to put up with this.


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  4. Only one point I would add to the excellent advice you received earlier.


    If you are having work done on the brake system try and get them to use DOT4 brake fluid.  DOT3 is commonly used in Thailand but it is a lower spec than DOT4 and DOT3 is not sold in my home country in Europe with good reason.


    DOT4 is reasonably easy to get in Thailand.



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  5. 3 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    It's a good idea to get that sorted out as it may become a problem if you sell. 


    Go back to the Honda dealership and complain. 


    Dealer is in Bangkok and I am 500 km away.


    I will most likely get the owner of the local village bike shop to sort it out.  He is very good at this sort of stuff.  There will be a charge but likely cheaper than me tackling the issue.

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  6. 1 minute ago, nigelforbes said:

    This is not a devaluation of THB, this is a unique strengthening of USD against all currencies, which benefits the status of Thailand as an export economy. Here, the following may help you comprehend things better. BTW, if you try and insult me again we stop talking and you go on my ignore list, it's up to you:





    Damn.  The Russian Ruble is doing so well I must put all my money into it right now; well perhaps with a little Mexican Peso thrown into the mix.

  7. 4 minutes ago, MrMuddle said:

    By warranty do you mean insurance cover? Obviously the car is well past its vehicle warranty guarantee, which was three years, if I remember correctly. I just don't understand why they have suddenly changed the servicing from 12 months to six. It's always been done at 10,000 kms intervals, except for the first service at 1,000 kms. The car's only done just over 40,000 kms in over 12 years, yet has been serviced every 12 months.

    I think your current servicing schedule is fine.  Stick with it.

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