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Posts posted by JustAnOpinion

  1. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    This is a fantastic development. I have been saying from the beginning more people should shame these highly corrupt, rather evil army appointed senators. And their entire families too. I have no issues even with shaming their children in school. The kids should know who their parents really are. The should know their mom is a corrupt monster and not a decent person.


    In the video clip, the male chef said he was informed that the senator who failed to show up to vote for the Move Forward Party PM candidate was in the restaurant.

    “Go! Get out! You don’t belong here… We don’t welcome you.”  and “She’s a god d*** senator. Get out of here. You’re corrupt. Go!”


    Brilliant stuff. The people might need to take charge now. These senators need to be declared enemies of the state. They are essentially committing treason, at this point. A list of their names and photos needs to be circulated. The people need to call them and their children, siblings, and parents out at work, at school, at restaurants, and in public.
    Shame them into submission.
    Embarrass them to no end.
    Make them conscious of the incredible amount of damage and erosion to democracy they are causing, and let the army know we are not buying your power mongering and greed. Remember when Cha Cha said "I will be cooperative, and honor the results". Just another of his thousands of lies to the people.

    Are you very vocal and aggressive in the country you came from? Why shame the children? The children do not play a part in their parents political inclindation. Why shame them?. 

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    If he "took money for sales" he'd have to be working in the shop, not solely providing the capital, wouldn't he?

    No..he dont have to work in the shop. He is just an investor getting the returns of his investment

    • Haha 1
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