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Everything posted by Flemo

  1. What happened to the submarines?
  2. Looks like the shoe is literally on the other foot
  3. An eye for an eye i reckon. But because he's a big boy then a hammer would even up the score.
  4. Confucius says....... a fool and his money are soon parted.
  5. If you raid a crop in any country you can near guarantee the same result. He should have just bought some.
  6. He's not aboriginal so get your facts right
  7. They will reap what they sow
  8. Of course Brits would never do anything like that.
  9. OMG. Have a look at him. She's probably not the first one
  10. Maybe he is just tired of Indians ?
  11. I'm glad that i now know what clothes he was wearing ????‍????
  12. I wonder how they will blame the burnese for this one ??
  13. It's all very comical, considering the fact that none of them were voted in in the first place.
  14. Why would someone plant a purse with 1000tb in it and hope that you will go to the cops in the morning. There's a real risk of losing your 1000 and a purse. Something not quite right here.
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