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  • Birthday 10/10/1964

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  1. What does Thailand expect as they are now the 'Hub of Ganja' ????!!!!😏😏😏😏
  2. 'Sunday, November 14." ehh no!!! Sunday 10th or Thursday 14th!!!!
  3. They already have 3 times the amount of public holidays than in the UK!!! Also all non government daily paid workers will lose out on earnings too!!! Imbeciles.
  4. No mention of any Teachers being ill!!!! Of course, they don't eat the same food do they!!!!
  5. Judging by the state of that truck it is probably not taxed or annual inspection done therefore not roadworthy legal ffs!!
  6. "They were granted bail and must submit documents to clarify their actions within seven years." What!!!! within 7 years!!!! 7 weeks max. should be more like it ffs!!!
  7. In Hua Hin recently on the beach on Buddah no alcohol day but still we got beer!!!!😏😏😏😏
  8. Kanchanaburi has many raft communities on their dams!!!! One, some while ago, we went past the first floater which was a bar area!!!!5555
  9. Normally the hotel would have sued the guest for their 'comments' like the <removed> sued by the Koh Chang hotel over alcohol charges.😏😏😏😏
  10. I do mine on laptop. Home. Free. 😏😏😏😏
  11. I thought they were talking about a Pattaya 'Ladyboy' bar!!!!πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
  12. They basically forget that all the money we expats bring in stays in the Country and helps all the local community's we live in and spend it in. P.S. That is after already paying tax on it in our own Country for most of us!!!!
  13. I hope 'she' wasn't showing her 'pinky'!!!!πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
  14. They have 2 'Hopes' and one of them is 'Bob' the other is 'no' !!!! So many of the poorer people have no bank account, no mobile phone and no WiFi.

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