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Everything posted by killala

  1. Cannot for the life of me get the head around " a small tear of 1cm "'in the passport? I've been into and exited India with a passport that had taken a turn through the washing machine... sheer madness. Q
  2. Had this been thought through in the first instance then the situation may well have been different. Sell the stuff openly by all means but use it privately, only the other day a farang gentleman was openly smoking outside the door of a 7/11 and we have a pizza take away and cannabis joint close by with a few old sofas thrown inside and resembling an opium den the owner wonders why he doesn't sell many pizzas only to the few with the munchies? Mad situation.
  3. I’ve 5kw Solar and an analogue meter and quite happily spins backwards all day long and my average monthly bill is around 200 baht. The rest of the estate are all on analogue meters save for one as the old metre and its pole took fire some months ago. PEA replaced the meter with a digital and not only will it not run in reverse but is actually recording the output from his solar array!! Nasty.
  4. Have to agree that this GFM is not appropriate here. Sorry for the deceased family but if the fella could afford numerous hols to Thailand then surely he would have some assets in Wales like a property etc which the family could borrow against in order to get his body home?
  5. Grey nomad? Is that what the retirees are known as? I’m 69, married to the same Irish woman this last 47 years and living in Hua Hin for the last 13 of them. Grey nomad my backside. This fella on the scooter just a drunk young buck.
  6. I’ve a stinking sorry looking weed cafe along the soi where I live and be really good to see it closed down.
  7. My Edocrinologist travels down from Bangkok once a month and I see him in Bangkok hospital Hua Hin and I pay only 1050baht for the consultation. Lord alone knows how much BKK hospital here takes out of that 1050 for admin and office space ( as most will know they don’t give anything away) so I wonder how much of the fee ends up in the consultants pocket, not much I’d say?
  8. Not so. I’m Irish and have a home in Spain so the visa rules obviously don’t apply to me but have lots of Brit friends down there and of course there is a visa but the financial requirements are quite steep around 27k euro per year for each applicant and lots of hoops to jump through which I would imagine would put many people off applying. Sort of reminds a chap of somewhere closer to home…
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