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Bundaberg Baxter

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Posts posted by Bundaberg Baxter

  1. 1 hour ago, simple1 said:

    Read and learn....


    "Sharization" or "Islamisation" (Urdu: محمد ضیاء الحق کی اسلامی حکمرانی) was the "primary" policy,[1] or "centerpiece"[2] of the government of General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, the ruler of Pakistan from 1977 until his death in 1988. Zia has also been called "the person most responsible for turning Pakistan into a global center for political Islam"



    The ONLY person to blame for Islam, 'political' or otherwise is Mohammad who spread his faith by the sword, sharia and it's spread is the creation of Islam, not a 20th cent leader. 

  2. 6 hours ago, bouph12 said:

    Pakistan, the country deemed worthy of receiving £374,000,000 of aid from Britain last year.


    Immediately stopping aid payments would be one way of getting the message across that this is just barbaric.



    wow it would not cost much more than that to keep ex pats pensions up rated, but no give it to a country that kills for blasphemy against a non existing 'God'

  3. 7 hours ago, BruceMangosteen said:

    Everyone I know buys at the least a single Re-Entry Permit at the same time they get a new VISA or an extension of one. Most get a multiple Re-Entry Permit. FYI the "Residence Certificate" also has a local fee attached to what is in fact a free service. This is the third world folks. Get your Health Insurance and then get back to us with this 200 Baht complaint stuff. God Bless You.

    The residency cert is free, I did not pay for mine, some mugs do though and that is just another little brick in the corruption wall. Why pay for something you do not need to? 

    • Like 1
  4. if it was 'urgent' you have not left enough time to get to the gate, if that was the case how can they fill a form out with all you details faster than you can? it's a service you certainly can do without and getting them to fill out a form is likely to slow things down, a lot of people would have downloaded it and filled it in before they get there, if they have 10 minutes to spare

    • Like 2
  5. 17 hours ago, garyk said:

    No one has mentioned filth and trash everywhere. The air quality here has to be one of the worst in the world. Killing people every year with the burning. That alone has me thinking of other places to live. 

    All along the roadside where we are there is rubbish, even fields full. Had to move from Bangna Trad due to the filthy air- always black deposits from traffic and we were 250 yards from the road. Only time in my life I got bronchitis , is there any monitoring of traffic pollution?

  6. 52 minutes ago, Goanna said:

    Because that must be the most degrading and filthy thing that can happen to a man. Along with the outrush of faeces upon withdrawal. Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong. Seems a disgusting activity to me, but these days, it is not illegal to be a deviate. So I am very tolerant and understanding. Live in peace.

    I don't believe it's any filthier or degrading than hetro sex, and there is no out rush of faeces, gay sex is not an enema!

  7. 17 minutes ago, hobz said:

    You are not an islamophobe! You just dont agree with the quoran. An islamohpobe is someone who dislikes all muslims. 

    Either my or your definition of islamophobe is incorrect. Explains why we argue. Simple misunderstanding.



    wrong, a phobia is an irrational tear and Islamapohobia is fear of Islam, not Muslims. Considering the threat is has always posed a fear of Islam is not at all irrational, despite the many 'peaceful' Muslims

  8. I have only ever had to use CW and before that the old one near lumpini, suan phlu but next week we are moving a few miles and will be in samut prakan province area. I  know I will have to report change of address but what are they like to deal with? I have read about them having a few different rules and regulations which seem a bit unique, what will I have to change from dealing with CW?

  9. I'd knock car innsurance of the list

    4 minutes ago, retarius said:

    I was going to comment on this as well….apart from housing, hotel, Labour and car insurance I can't think of much that is cheaper in Thailand. Cars are very expensive and so is food….plus if you are older, you have the issue of healthcare. No a waste of 60K pounds plus 600 pounds a year.

    I'd knock car insurance off the list as it can be more in Thailand. Looking at chocolate in Tops yesterday which still had 1.99 euro stickers on 'reduced' to- 145 baht! 


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