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Posts posted by johnnyonesock

  1. I got talking to a Western guy who was staying in Thailand on and off with a woman in Udon Thani..he spent money to improve her house and supported her financially when he was out of the country...he then decided he wanted to buy a pickup so off THEY go to the dealer and he chooses a s/h one costing 500k for which he pays cash...he didnt speak thai and the paperwork was completed and they drove off in the new vehicle then a few weeks later when the blue book arrived it was in HER name...not sure if he is still with her


    moral of the story is when you go to buy and vehicle do so alone

  2. 34 minutes ago, Aussieroaming said:

    Well done Vern,calling someone a Pedo is a dog act. Sure you slagged of his mini sub and shouldn't have but a jibe about a sub is no way related to pedo rubbish. 

    I agree with your comment... there are lots of highly intelligent people who comment on here who probably hold down high paying jobs but when it comes to critical thinking they havent got a clue

  3. lets just imagine what happened in the jury room after the end of the court case.....the 5 hand picked feminists and 3 beta males start the discussion....the women who hate any man that goes to Thailand and considers them sexual deviants then put their case and the beta males are shamed into accepting the womens views because if they dont go along with it they know they will be accused of toxic masculinity and patriarchal oppression......I am not accusing the court system of deliberately hand picking these jurors..cough..cough,,, for this case against one of the richest men in the world.. however the plaintiffs integrity has been severely compromised by this incident and probably more so by the verdict

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  4. 3 hours ago, candide said:



    what nobody has mentioned is that Trump barred Epstein from his Mar-a-lago club on Palm Beach for life for attempting to solicit the young daughter of one of the guests


    also in the original Epstein case in 2009 the lawyer for the victims Bradley Edwards claimed that Donald Trump was the 'only person' who provided assistance when Edwards served subpoenas and notices to high-profile individuals connected to Epstein. 


    the controlled  mainstream media is as usual full of lies and misleading information to take the heat off the Clintons and other high status people and will be using this case to attempt to implicate Trump for their own nefarious reasons


    I have no allegiance to Trump and understand that he too is part of the deep state but i dont think hes the type that goes with underage girls

  5. 6 hours ago, Katipo said:

    The wall is a stupid idea that won't stop people smuggling or illegal immigrants getting to the US. It'll also have no affect on the 'war on drugs'. As such it's a complete waste of time. Now, if the US stopped destabilising countries in the region, that might make a difference, as you're turning off the tap at the source. 

    really?....well what about the Berlin Wall or the wall Hungary have put up to keep illegals out or the Great Wall of China that kept the Mongols out or the wall in Israel....all of them are or have been extremely successful in maintaining the security of the country.....the fact is that the USA and most other Western countries are controlled by the enemies of the West who wish to see the end of the majority of white populations in their own lands and what is presented as democracy is just a puppet show

  6. 2 hours ago, Hank Gunn said:

    Okay, get this through your head. My initial comments did not reference any post of yours, so I don't know why you're quoting yourself to try to prove I'm wrong about what you said.


    I merely stated that his being referenced as a "hero diver" by some people on this forum (there have been other threads about this topic) and in the press didn't match up with what I read.

    I guess that shows my "inability to use a search function". (There were on the first page of a Google search.)


    When you see those terms used in the context of this story, (a cave rescue requiring diving) it's quite easy to see that there's an implication that he was right there with the Thai Navy Seals. That's all I'm saying. Yes, I was wrong about him being a diver, but that was from information I gleaned from an earlier story and you'll notice I was humble enough to admit my ignorance of that fact.


    Look, I'm not denigrating the guy. I'm just saying calling him a "hero" is a bit of hyperbole and I stand by my original premise. His contributions were laudable yes; most likely critical. But to call him a "hero diver" is a bit over the top.


    it was Vernon who initially went to see the boss of the Chiang Rai district and persuaded him to call in the cave divers from the UK who were also friends of Vern and worlds leading experts in their field.....knowing the Thai obsession with face it was actually Vernons persistence,his contacts and his knowledge of the cave system that was fundamental to those boys getting out....a few more days of delay and the situation would have turned into a tragedy...I would say that makes him a super hero

  7. 2 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

    That's what Vernon wants, but I hope Elon drags it out for years as a hobby. Until Vernon runs out of ways to pay his legal fees.

    the overwhelming majority of posters on here seem to be taking Vernons side and are backing it up with reasoned arguments .....do you by chance have any connection with Mr Musk that you have not yet revealed that may enlighten us all as to why you continue to take his side in this matter?

  8. I own a 2001 Nissan which is in excellent condition and has only done 80,000km...just recently i have noticed a line of small rust bubbles under the paint along the bottom section of the passenger door and the rear adjacent panel and wish to get it repaired before it becomes a serious issue,,,does anyone have any recommendations as to where to get it fixed?.....yesterday i took it to a bodyshop opposite Tesco on Hang Dong Rd and they quoted 10,000 baht which was way over the top so looking for small operation that will do a reasonable job.

  9. the office to get your pass for the Wing 41 road from Suthep Rd to the Airport opens in a couple of days..I have a bike and car and wish to get permission to use the road....one small problem is that i moved condo about 6 months ago and havent updated my address in the green/blue books..i recently had to renew my drivers licenses and they list my new address which is in conflict with the owners books...will i have a problem?

  10. 13 hours ago, JAG said:

    People fully understand what National Socialism means. What it means was fully revealed to the world in 1945, when Europe emerged from the terrible war which it launched, and the world discovered and witnessed the full horrors unleashed by that creed. If people adopt or approve the iconography and political ethos of National Socialism, then they also approve and adopt what it brought with it. 


    You are clearly an apologist for that creed, and all it entails and led to. Your pathetic attempt at semantics, linking it's abbreviation (so universally and enthusiastically adopted by its adherents) to a Bavarian dialect pun is a feeble attempt to deflect. 

    no..some of us know the truth about this period of history..some of us get our "facts" from Hollywood....maybe you can tell me why the hammer and sickle flag of the USSR under which up to 100 million people died or maybe the 60 million that died under Maos Great Leap Forward policy doesnt receive the same treatment?


    • Confused 1
  11. 16 hours ago, Credo said:

    What a deflection and soft pedaling of a well debunked theory that those other than Whites are superior.   Note the word 'supremacy' in white supremacist.   As for the Nazi version of this, it's not about putting your own people first, it's about what was done to those that they didn't consider their 'own people'.   Remember many of those people were citizens of the country, but they were still put in the gas chambers.



    i would love to answer your comment and put you straight but fear it would get me an extended holiday..again

    • Confused 2
  12. 1 hour ago, attrayant said:


    It’s amazing to me that the sentiment “Nazis and white supremacists are bad” is not clearly understood and requires further clarification.

    I dont think people actually understand what National Socialism  means...which is putting your own people and country first..a political viewpoint that has been made impermissible and demonised by the elites desire to flood  Western countries (and only Western Countries) with the 3rd world for political reasons ably supported by their owned media especially Hollywood...the term "Nazi" is an insult in use long before the rise of Adolf Hitler's party. It was a derogatory term for a backwards peasant – being a shortened version of Ignatius, a common name in Bavaria, the area from which the Nazis emerged. Opponents seized on this and shortened the party's title Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, to the dismissive "Nazi"

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