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Crabby XPatty

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Everything posted by Crabby XPatty

  1. I'd put money on it that this is just another instance of standard corruption...nothing else. Justice is for sale here...and if you have enough cash, you can literally get away with murder. I recall that there was also Swiss David's significant other that joined in berating the doctor, including reference to her having high-powered friends in the RTP. I have zero faith in any aspect of the Thai legal system, it's all about the baht. I hope the doctor doubles down instead of rolls over.
  2. Another victim of the human race, and a complete disregard for the planet. Sure, lots of trash from all over SE Asia, but despite the ever increasing instance of things like this all over Phuket, Thailand continues to bumble along with complete disregard for trash management. Officials have nothing but lame ideas and photo ops at beach clean-ups to make it look like they care, but there remains no effective waste management ethos, and Thais of all ages have no problems bringing food and toys to the beach, and leaving the trash behind for someone else to deal with. Same with fishermen...no respect or appreciation for the very thing that sustains them. Some things will never change.
  3. Yes... further investigation is required...to investigate the Porsche owner's finances. These must be the best cases for RTP...a poor foreign worker that doesn't matter and a rich drunk Thai. This is the last we'll hear of this case...case closed...a few corrupt people a few million richer.
  4. The police don't even care about the bad visual of this farcical case. Every comment on this article provides an opinion on who paid who, but the consistent thread is that it is corruption in its ugliest form, and affirms what we all have come to know about Thailand,.. corruption rules the roost. I'd guess nothing meaningful will ever come of this case, and the wheels of corruption will continue to make the most rotten of apples a lot of money,.. and a few lower caste wanabe team players will be scapegoated into oblivion... and the common Thai will have less and less hope that their country will ever change.
  5. Untreated alcoholism...face in the gutter and looking down on the world.
  6. Another class act...threatening to slap someone over a reservation. Why should the owner care?...just serve them and move on. They deserve all the s#!^^y press they get.
  7. My god, as if the crime of a teacher taking and having inappropriate photos of students isn't bad enough, then the school administrators put fut a united effort to sweep it under the rug. Seems like they knew about this guy, yet did nothing to protect the students...which makes them complicit to the crimes. All for the sake of saving the school's face. They all deserve to be fired immediately and the pervert teachers brought up on charges. Sounds like law enforcement and the school might be in negotiations to determne the pay-off amount to allow the pervert teacher to "flee the country".
  8. Judges should be impartial, but the dinosaurs are loathe to accept change and progress, and bring an unacceptable level of personal bias into the mix.
  9. Whenever I read headlines about foreigners acting badly, I dread it if they're from the US. But when I opened this story and saw the guy wearing toddlers PJs, I knew it wasn't American, as US citizens are not allowed to dress like that...at least not in public.
  10. Too bad for him, but sticking your head/body into an active elevator shaft is pretty effing dumb. I'd bet many baht that manufacture's maintenance manual warns to never enter an active elevator shaft. Power should be disabled and circuit breaker tagged, with locks on the ballast weight and/or car to prevent it from falling. Darwin moment
  11. No...the lifeguard didn't save Che...he retrieved his dead body...which is pretty much what lifeguards do in Phuket. Too busy playing on their phones to practice any kind of prevention. Just keep the red flags flying, and blame the victim when things go south.
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