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Everything posted by timkeen08

  1. Search using spark plugs and results came up with no problem.
  2. A waste of time for me. I will go with what I found.
  3. A quick google search: There are only three states that do not have motorcycle helmet laws: Illinois, Iowa, and New Hampshire. That Definitely is not many. It is more like a small few. Generalizations without knowing the Truth is easily debunked. Learn by your mistakes, if not then you know what that makes you. Just regurgitate what comes into your simple mind. Just my opinion.
  4. https://www.inverse.com/science/can-poppy-seeds-get-you-high
  5. Then re-register for another 30 days. Repeat- repeat... Worse than the 90 day report for farang. If farang even qualify to register on the app. I am glad I am on marriage extensions. I will talk to my wife today. She has medical conditions as well.
  6. My son told me when he was older that the DARE officer at the high school sold pot to students he knew were pot smokers.
  7. I understand. Last month I had L3, L4, & L5 fused. L6,L7, & L8 show small cracks but are not in danger of becoming deviated. I am maxed out on Tramadol and Baclofen like I was before my surgery. Self control can be done without laws forbidding it. There has always been a difference between dependence and abuse. Every long night full of pain when I have already reached my 24 hour limit. Based on the new pain I am having now it looks like another surgery to repair L3 is in my near future. And maybe a lifetime of pain myself. I just had and will continue to have blood work done as needed at my local clinic. It sure would be nice to have some real bud to help ease the pain or to at least ease my mind. My wife and I have never been so stressed out. She is by my side all the way day or night whatever I need. Just getting off and on my hospital bed at home to take a pi$$ is so screaming painful. So now what do I do because going to the family's farm is now not physically possible, and probably not again for a long time. I was looking forward to making it out to the back or front of the house in our village to light up in the wheelchair that will be delivered any day. Even the lower mid grade bud at the farm did help. I did not mind rolling a big one plus a big bowl full. Good Purp during the day and good Cush at night for sleep would have been a relief and very helpful. I broke out with a rash every time I tried BCD oil in the past. If the in fighting on this forum is any evidence of what is going on between the powers that be then this is going to be a disaster. Thailand will loose face big time. This legalization has already gone Globally viral. I am afraid that the doomsayers that have never inhaled can not stand the fact that good bud is helpful in many ways. It should be up to the non-inhalers and the inhalers to make up their own minds what is best for themselves without being egregiously attacked. Well it will definitely not be worth masses of tourists ever coming to Thailand after this recent debacle and view of hypocracy. I knew it was too good to be true. Yes, protect the children by all means, it is already illegal to do otherwise. Keep stores far away from schools. But bring back the only hope for a real future that Thailand has. Up In Smoke, not the movie. Those with negative life experiences but spout out nonsense can go ahead and attack me, I will not bother to respond to ignorance.
  8. I just heard that again a few days ago and the don't bogart song. I had to explain the smoking circle to my wife.
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