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Posts posted by pentap

  1. Good idea but go the extra mile and fit speed governors, tachometers plus sat-nav

    Simple solutions to simply safe life's. Easy! No brain storming or lengthy BS meetings required. The tech is there, just find qualified personnel who know what they are doing, which maybe very hard to find here, to simply install the devices. Job done! Peoples life's are more safe.

    But it won't happen.

    T. I. T where life is very cheap.

  2. Step up!!!!

    It's been going on for years! It should not exist!

    I for one was very surprised and disgusted to learn the extend of such crimes within Thailand. I never would have thought it was this bad based on what I used to believe in, about the Thai culture.

    Daily reports of monks behaving badly. (sorry for the pun) Road rage violence. Child sex slaves etc..

    Very sad.

    I was once told, Thailand was a family oriented, fun loving, honest, spiritual, respectful, caring place. I beg to differ.

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