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Everything posted by darbyman

  1. I'm a Brit and totally ashamed of what my fellow Brits get up to when travelling abroad - not only to Thailand. I believe it's due to the cradle to grave nanny state we live in, with an inbred feeling of entitlement thrown in. There really is very little respect for others nowadays.
  2. Coming back to Thailand for 15 days holiday next week- first time for several years. Wife plans to visit several of her numerous relatives, probably short stays at 5 or 6 homes. Do they have to complete a TM30 for every visit?
  3. We intend to move back to Thailand in 3 years. In the meantime I am considering using the 3 month o-visa. If an application is successful is there a period of time within which I must use it. Say I applied, but can't get away for a couple of months, is it still valid and, if so, would I still get 3 months use?. Thank you
  4. Met mine through dating agency. She 40 years younger than me; good looking; engineering degree; good job as QS. I asked her why interested in older man. Answer-Thai men completely unreliable, lazy drunkards. Older westerner more likely to be faithful, reliable and more financially secure. First 3 years of marriage spent in Thailand then came back to UK 12 years ago. Wife has her own care business and works hard. Money saved to return to Thailand in 3 years and she need not work again. Great! her experience as carer in UK means she takes care of me in future. Age difference fully accepted by others both in Thailand and UK. One small exception was when we went shopping when a little girl came up to me and said " my mum says you are a dirty old man" I looked to her mum and thought "yeuk!!)
  5. I visit family in November. Stay at various relative's homes throughout stay. What about this 100% stay at hotel business?
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