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Posts posted by Jasonron

  1. I agree with the most but some.. eg: the westerners keep the economy afloat... what a hilarious statement to make ... u r not a novice to talk like that being here for such a long period.. there are several studies and surveys that statistically state that Asians mostly Koreans, Chinese and Indians spend almost 4 times the money spent by the cheap Charlies from the occident world ..it’s as simple as this.... ask your taxi driver, the attendants at the malls: jewelry, fashion and clothing, massage parlors and the bar and the bar girls and any one who ever is/are working with the public day in and day out you get the answer to who keep the economy afloat... 

  2. Yes Thailand has very right to say who they want in their kingdom.. why people make unnecessary noises about a guy who breached the law of the land.. anyone irrespective of his nationality should be caught and banned for overstaying and for any wrong doing.. be a good guest and one can enjoy the hospitality.. show them your attitude then they’ll show you the door.. as simple as that.. 

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  3. It’s all greed and lust for free money which is widely seen here... judging people by appearance rather than by their character or nature is pretty common everywhere.. a long time back a wise man once told me “ if any one expects any thing for free then that person is a beggar” ... I have read and know people who are teachers and government employees with some graduate level education parting with several thousands to hundreds of thousands in return for free millions on their way... how foolish.. it’s ignorance and sometimes arrogance too that end them up in such situations.. they never learn ..

  4. There are several such bogus schemes mushrooming everywhere in the world and a lot of such news on Tv and print media.. still people fall prey to these schemes.. it’s not lack of common sense and foolishness.. it’s just the greed and pure lust for easy and quick money that these people wanted.. having millions and still wanting for more.. only working class and the lower middle class are the target for these schemes.. 

  5. Hahaha thousands of white volunteers in Chiangmai... similar to the African football players in the UK ... very cunning but innocent... why couldn’t they do the service back home... similar to these are the ones who study Thai after they retire ... hahaha what a shame on these people using cheap tactics to stick around and earn a living.. I encountered a useless fellow nearing 60 from the UK.. he was jobless and desperate for a job. Attends to invited parties for food and drinks and boasts of wanting to return something back to the society.. no education and work.. there are at least a few thousands to several on selling these fake lies... 

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  6. That is absolutely fine.. you aren’t painting someone else’s house.. it’s registered in your name now.. I do all my lawn work, wash car regularly, paint house when it is soiled by birds and even some electric work.. I never had any problems... I don’t think honestly anyone would report you for that ... you can’t do any work in a commercial area like market or public place for earning money.. 

  7. The rules already in place are more than enough. The only thing is their implementation. Most of the people have no money to pay or refuse to pay simply saying ‘no money’. The only option is lock them up strictly and no bail. Even if the license is confiscated people still drive around as th chances of getting caught are 50-50.. just implement the laws strictly. No one would want to spend a quantity time in jail losing jobs and income... 

  8. Here we talk about only 10 million Chinese and a million Indians. Thailand still has more than 20 million tourists. Where all the money from these people trickle down? May be Chinese tourists book every thing in China but they still do spend money here on many things and on many occasions. Even the studies and the numbers show that Asians spend the most a day. Check the number of back packers from the west and from the east. Where do these cheap Charlies stay and what do they spend every day. I spoke with many tour guys and all of them say openly that they get money from the Chinese and of course they are noisy rude etc... even in many islands I see Russians n their cousins from the erstwhile USSR. They stay in decent hotels. They  aren’t cheap charlies. 

    • Haha 2
  9. The move is the move isn’t really appreciative but why target only some of the entire lot.. there are several illegals working as teachers on tourist visas and without work permits.. most of them are from the so called English speaking countries but the majority doesn’t have degrees ..taxi drivers plumbers tinkers electricians ... u name them and they are all here English teachers... hahahaha.. target those illegals and clean up the mess.. at least I believe that most of these people from Africa have degrees though they might be illegals ... 

  10. I agree with 473geo..people come and settle here and spend the rest of their lives on their own will and wishes.. they  exactly know of all the prevailing clauses and conditions here.. no one forces them to go bust.. there are loads of people who settled with good and genuine people and on the other hand there are many who live a recluse life and end up on the streets.. they simply blame the Thais and Thai laws here which is completely unfair.. I know of several people who came here just for a livelihood.. they had nothing back home.. still they blame and curse everybody and everything here.. be polite and shed all those egos and live normally like humans...

  11. Bitcoin is not just a bubble .. though it is uncontrolled and unregulated it is here to stay.. there will always be ups and downs in stocks.. it is the technology and is the future of currency transfers.. crypto currencies are here to stay to make life easier for the common man. Nothing can stop this change.. 

  12. They should do more screening at the visa waiver counters so as to stop as many pedophiles and broke scumbags from entering not just look at passport and color.. a simple research would clearly state that all the Chinese Indians and others from Asia stay in luxurious hotels and spend more than 10 times the money spent by many scum bags who live off of weekly and monthly benefits in their native countries 

  13. Root cause of all evils is the personal jealousy, greed and suspicion and anger.. despite growing old if one can’t control these emotions then, it’s waste living.. of course it’s not easy to accept deception from wife and best friend too..that’s still not an excuse for brutally killing someone..   punishment is death..  

    By the way what happened to those 3 or 4 bar girls from Khonkaen who brutally murdered their colleague, dismembered her body and buried in a forest. They were brought back from Myanmar and they were all smiles in the police station and at the court  properly dressed with makeup and waving as some celebs .. they too never had any remorse.. hope to hear something similar in that case too.. 

  14. The number in that particular area could be five.. they are living there in southern  and eastern parts in tons.. I think there is some big racket operating in bringing Indians from some remote and rural parts of India with less or no jobs at all.. I spoke with two such people from India. They are uneducated and come on tourist visas. They are sent to lesser known parts of Thailand. They sell some basic stuff like food on bicycles.. they pay for some brokers and they know that they are illegal but never wanted to go back.. slowly after getting to know the locality they start money lending business.. of course about the Africans they come to work in gems and stones industry and involved in many illegal activities like we read every day.. I want the immigration officials to slowly clamp down on illegal teachers too. There are many of them with no valid visas and work permits.. clean up the mess completely from illegals.. 

  15. Definitely there must be many IS operatives here.. I believe that it's easy for them to enter from the far south. I have heard many Pakis having marriage Visas and all married to Thais even before entering Thailand . that's so weird.. whatever the nationality be all the overstayers must be blacklisted and send back.. no excuse for overstating. they never turn up for any help from the police or the immigration unless and until they are caught and then come up with weird explanations and excuses.. 

  16. This is just a brutal murder. A doctor involved in drunken driving. It seems that he is leaving the hospital. Probably the scumbag was drunk while on duty?? This all happened on the hospital premises. Many questions to be answered but will go unanswered. Poor victims will be forced to settle the matter with some currency notes.. such a shame to the Doctors' fraternity. 

  17. People very easily blame the country they came to live in.. It's not limited to just one country .. even in the so called developed or advanced countries there are illegals in alarming numbers.. for instance British immigration officials claim that there are more than a million illegals in Britain.. Thailand has similar population still the figure claimed by the officials is just 10% that of Britain.. 

  18. Crackdown on all those illegals.. do not limit it to just Black Eagles .. there are homeless and clueless birds of many species flocking together here.. many such can found be found in far off islands and Chiangmai.. I wonder if 25% of the so called teachers in Chiangmai have proper work permits and visas.. al those tourists with shorts and a backpack are the ones who live off of Thailand's resources.. they are pests and not contributors.. they act as  teachers and even volunteers to fund their extended holidays.. send all of them packing.limit and if possible  stop extensions then we can see the real tourists.. 

  19. How foolish could people become.. Westerners want their skin tanned and Asians want pale skin.. I beieve this is all the vicious game played by the brands selling cosmetics.. all the adverts on TV and in the media created and continue to create a psychological impact on the young minds that being dark or black is unacceptable, means lack of opportunities, etc etc.. somehow they portray as if it is a sin to be born with dark skin.. I believe this has been deeply ingrained into the young minds all over the world... there should be a ban on all those MNC brands that sell cosmetics. That too in Thailand there are more dangerous Chinese products with no certification and check.. I wonder how many of those two inch thick skinned girls in the so popular cosmetic clinics across Thailand are actually trained nurses at least.. 

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