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Hi kwai fun

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Posts posted by Hi kwai fun

  1. 16 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

    Sounds like progress, but as for prison overcrowding Thaksin had the "ultimate solution" kill them all, surprising that he stopped at 2800 people really. A side benefit was that there was no overcrowding of the courts, no trials, no problem.


         Judge , jury and executioner . 

       Problem with that is some one might have a grudge against you or owe you money , covet your wife or just not like foreigners  and decide you need to be judged and executed . No courts , no trial , no problem .Justified by - He was using Ya bah ... 


       Slippery slope that one . 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. 18 hours ago, Matt96 said:

    no. it's right.


    want to offend somebody? get ready to pay. dont' want to pay? shut up.


    it comes exactly from here. Christianity with its idea of forgiveness was created to make slaves obey easily. that's why it was so popular among Roman nobility.


    he says "<deleted> you" and you say - be compassionate to him! may be he is in a bad mood!

    I dont care of his feelings at all. he offended me therefore he will suffer.


    the problem of modern wenst is that leftist lobbies force people to think too much about other poeple feelings

    this so called "honor" is just a manipulation. it's beneficial for the society to force(by manipulation) strong people to defend weak ones.


    but it's not beneficial for those who are manipulated.


        G `day Mat 


          I think you might watch a bit too much Hollywood action flick . 

       Who do you base your philosophy on ? Clint Eastwood , Chuck Norris  or Steven Segall ? 


         Keep on picking fights and one day you will end up with a knife in your belly or an iron bar to the back of your head . 

      The notion that you can fight and defeat anyone who insults you is delusional . 


      It only takes a small amount of force to the jaw to render even the biggest toughest man unconscious .  Keep fighting . You will learn 1st hand . 


    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, sklmeeera said:

    Should have been a lot harsher . Promoting homosexuality should carry 3 years mandatory prison plus life ban on coming back .



    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— 
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— 
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.





  4. On 11/20/2017 at 6:31 PM, Cadbury said:

    Well done RTP; another drug pusher off the street. A most successful lure. Let there be more luring of similar villains.


    A 22-year-old man was arrested with 10.3 million “yaba” pills in Samut Prakan’s Bang Phli district, national police chief General Chakthip Chaijinda told a press conference on Tuesday.



           Just a few billion more and the job is done lol . 

  5. 6 hours ago, Lowryderen said:

    But still.. 10,3 million (10.300.000!!) pills.. Thats way more than you can count to in a lifetime.. That is worth something to get off the streets yeah? That is a huge catch even around here..


           10 million pills off the street . 

          Several billion more stored in Thailand waiting to be moved to supply demand .  Until Myanmar and Thailand negotiate with the Shan State to shut down the labs , the pills will continue to flow . 


        It takes a lot of money to supply a rebel insurgency . 




  6.     No I don`t like he sold drugs to kids . He needs an attitude readjustment . 


        The kids need an education at school and at home that if you take Ya bah it will be all good for a week or two and then life will be hell . Then they probably would reject the yah bah . 


         Like I said . There`s plenty more ready to take over his job . 

       Has busting people stopped kids accessing drugs ? 


    Millions of Yah Bah tablets are consumed every day in Thailand by people you interact with in shops and businesses , taxi drivers and manual laborers etc . 


     Are they all disrupting the fabric of society ? 

  7. 13 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    Well done RTP; another drug pusher off the street. A most successful lure. Let there be more luring of similar villains.


         Another statistic in the War On Drugs . 

       There are many , many more ready to fill the breach . 


         Kofi Annan and the UN have already announced the War On Drugs is lost .


          So lets do battle some more ?  Another son / daughter, brother / sister , spouse locked up for wasted years and not contributing to the community . 

      Just a few more stings and the drugs will magically disappear and we will all live happily ever after ? 


        More busts = higher profit margin . Means more incentive + more profit if you can get away with it . 






  8. 8 minutes ago, MadMuhammad said:

    Never again may be a little harsh.

    If the cause of the seizure can be pinpointed after medical testing and all possible precautions are taken he should be allowed to drive. 

    Many drivers have had medical episodes which have been proven to be very random or most likely not repeatable and continue to hold a drivers license. 

       How about not allowed to drive for 3-6 months and again only after clearance from a neurologist ?  


  9. Food and drinks are then ordered in the restaurants, but the resulting bill is highly inflated over the expected charge. The tourists have been allowed to leave the restaurants only after paying the bill.


    Some tourists have been lured to spend the evening in nightclubs, and then overcharged on the bill.



        OH MY GOD ! Repatriate these poor souls and provide counseling please . 


          What goes around comes around ... 


      Hi plachon 


      That dictionary is not correct 100 % of the time .

     Though I often find the direct translation from English to Thai is not correct either . There are many more descriptive words in English which don`t have a Thai equivalent . 


       K after some google jitsu . 



    gaan bpà-dtì-rôop
    • reform



       Quatar shares a massive natural gas deposit with Iran . 


       War in Syria and previously in Ukraine are about LNG . Oil is yesterday . LNG is what wars will be fought over in the near future

    . Quatar partnering with Iran would drastically affect Saudi Arabia  .  Wahabists don`t like Shiites . Shiites with a license to print money frightens the Wahabists .  

  12. 19 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Well i can answer your comment, how do schools out in the mountains, where there are only dirt tracks get provisions to school?

    Answer the directors pickup, i know because vwe used our pickup to do it, when we lived in similar curcumstanses.

    So please people stop knocking the director, think about the situation he is in.


      Colin analytical thinking is not taught in Thai schools . 

     Subservience and rote learning are drilled into the Thai mentality . Some weight in the tray of the pick up and deflate the tires would help . Also use 2nd gear and don`t accelerate are useful techs . 


        I have shown Thai folks better ways of doing things . They return to their own inefficient techniques . You can lead a horse to water , you can`t make it drink . Thailand number 1 they tell me . lol . 


        The 1st hurdle I see is the foreign workers getting documents . People from border states may not even have citizenship documents from their home country . The east of Myanmar  is not controlled by the central government .  Then translation problems . And the inevitable corruption . 


        This is a shot 1st ask questions later scenario . It will cause pain before its resolved . 

  14. 38 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

    Just as a matter of interest, are there no "bent" cops in your own countries..there is in mine for sure, and in every country that I know of. The only difference is that in most countries the stakes are a lot higjer than "tea" money.....

        One has to laugh on here at the constant " holier than thou" attitude of a lot of posters.....they should really at the time of posting give us the names of their own countries.....so as we could have another laugh ....because by implication of their posts...they are telling us it doesn't happen ...back home?


      I`m from Australia .

     Try and bribe a cop down here its not going to end well . Especially since Cops now wear video and microphones .


        Big difference in Thailand is the police can act as Judges . Money changes hands without charges ever being laid . 

  15. 1 hour ago, steven100 said:

    oh yeah ...  legalize it so we can have more like this nutter running around  :shock1:


       Ignorant .

    The United Nations have met in the past year to discuss an end to the War On Drugs . Smart people have observed what has been done in the name of the War On Drugs and realise its a waste of time and money . Laws won`t stop people taking drugs .  


     Drugs are freely available regardless of the laws . More laws just increase profits for the people involved . 


       Alcohol is more dangerous than illegal drugs . More cost to society .  

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