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Everything posted by DjSilver

  1. As long as this braindead dictatorship doesn't remove the mandatory and ridiculous fask mask rule everything else is of no importance.
  2. Is this a joke or what? The prices are already so low they could double without any problems.
  3. Great news, I wrote the same that these crazy soi dogs should be poisoned. Hope it will happen all over Thailand.
  4. The health ministry of Thailand is a joke. What ever they say, people should just do the opposite and than it will be correct ????
  5. The stupid idiots that runs Thailand doesn't understand that it's better to skip all pcr tests all together. Retards
  6. As long as Thailand is so stupid that they keep the mandatory face masks there is no meaning of going back to the banana military repulic.
  7. Who cares about that as long as one still have to wear those stupid face masks when in Thailand???
  8. Are you crazy or just xxx? You do know that all cards that you can pay with isn't credit cards? You do know that most cards are debit cards? And you can pay with debit card online of in stores as well?
  9. Everyone knows that the development of both Thailand and Thai people mentally is behind the rest if the world with at least 40-50 years. So no surprise they talk about skipping the face masks now when it should have been done ages ago.
  10. Who cares about the nightlife in Thailand? The longer it's closed the better and less sex-tourists coming to Thailand. Better to never re-open Thailands nightlife ever.
  11. Another reason why I would never let my children go to school in Thailand. Also, even those private international schools are bad. Those are the schools that the Pisa results are taken from. Just think how much lower all those public schools are in Thailand. Terrible.
  12. Good to see the Russians cut off from the rest of the world. It's the only way to get rid of Putin, when they realize they can't do anything outside if Russia or get products from outside of Russia.
  13. It's cheaper just to eat street food everyday and jummy.
  14. Let's hope Thailand gets sanctions as well ???????????? Stupid and incompetent government.
  15. Who cares about Thai economy when their ally makes an illegal war?
  16. Who cares about high amounts of new cases. Thailand have to remove all restrictions that had with Covid-19 to do. No to so only shows more how incompetent the Thai government is.
  17. What a stupid thing. It is everyone choice to be vaccinated or not snd should not be a 2nd class human if one is not vaccinated or excluded from anything. If so, it is discrimination.
  18. You can stay until the end of the extension. No matter if ypu divorce. Don't listen to the idiot's thatcare guessing in here.
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