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Everything posted by DjSilver

  1. Well, living in Thailand for 6 years with wife and Thai. I know how Thai men with low self-esteem act ????
  2. So you mean the low self-esteem Thai man felt his man hood was threaten? ????
  3. Do you mean the fake and coeasered confession done by the Thai police? And that he in Norway confessed to that he confessed in Thailand, not to killing anyone? And that his wife is Thai and could be part of the ongoing Thai conspiracy?
  4. The stupid thing is that Thai call this luxury, when it's only modern standard. ????????????
  5. Well, there is this festival in Japan every year and it's a normal thing. And we can't forget that Thailand ate the inventor of Ping Pong shows as the number 1 Thai sport and culture ????
  6. Well, we all know that Prayut control the electiin board and the courts, so they will find a way to make him not eligible. Sadly enough.
  7. He shouldn't return until Thailand is a democracy where the courts are not ran by the dictatorship or the military.
  8. Yeah, no one has never said they have a brain. Thailand is stil the Land Of Scams (LOS) ????
  9. I think I speak for most people, no matter Thai or expats, that we would rather have Thaksin as Prime Minister than Prayut. However, Thanathorn would would have been the best Prime Minister for Thailand. Sad, that Prayut is controlling the courts in Thailand.
  10. I guess the police wasn't paid enough. I had a friend/colleague who ran a poker club in Phuket more than 10 years ago, but he gave it up and moved back to Sweden again after the police wanted more than 50% of the winnings. Greedy Thais, 10-20 % should be enough.
  11. Great news, more people needs to stop going to Thailand. It needs to be less than Thailand had during 2020 and 2021. We need to send a strong signal to the Thais, that we will not be scammed any more.
  12. Yes, and we all know it's not dangerous or has ever been dangerous for the larger sum of people. Therefore, there should never had been any lockdown or restrictions.
  13. The question is rather if he should still be considered the true Prime Minister of Thailand or his sister. Since, he was illegally forced away just like his sister. This clown Prayut is not the true and legal Prime Minister of Thailand.
  14. This is good news, now the tour guides might be much better than the terrible Thai ones.
  15. And we all know that Thais are breaking the law even more ????????????
  16. Face prison, because of a fake verdict from the corrupt Thai courts? Rather stay in England now, until the courts aren't corrupt any more and a democratic government is so strong that the military doesn't have enough power to take power any more.
  17. One of the worlds worst places to go. Only shows how Thai scam foreigners.
  18. So ridiculous by the Thai police. Come on, this is the land that invented ping pong show and also made it i to the Thai National Sport. The monk wouldn't have hesitated to nail her if he had the chance or even touch her if she would let him.
  19. Haha, and that comes from a Thai. It's the Thai who invented Ping Pong Shows, and made it into the Thai National Sport. Also, it comes from a Thai, that is not trustworthy ????????????
  20. Thailand should've just as well spent 0 and kept everything open.
  21. 50k baht, what a joke. It needs to be $50k. The bar owners needs to feel the pain they have inflicted.
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