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Posts posted by stutz

  1. I feel sorry for her loss of family, but people must be responsible for their lives. Surely an 81-year old and a 68- year old from England should have medical coverage by their home country and they should have been responsible enough to secure medical travel insurance. However there are enough soft-hearted people in the world who will contribute to her care. Good for them!..I just don't agree with this being the way to go nowadays.. All to prevalent because of the internet. It will make a lot of people a lot less responsible when they think they'll be helped by society..

  2. I believe it should be titled" Thailand has the world's stupidest motorcycle riders"  I've been riding here for 25 years from six months in Samui to the other years centered in Issan (UBON). I love riding bikes here and (thank God) have never had an accident. But I am careful and figure I know where danger lurks.(But it can strike anytime)  My opinion, 95% of the accidents are brought on by themselves through recklessness, drunkenness, speeding, total lack of braincells and sheer stupidity. There are of course accidents caused by cars and trucks hitting bikers, again for mostly the same reasons. I believe one day I'll be taken down by a teenage female rider or an oblivious 55-year old market lady. Until then I'll keep my eyes peeled. I  still believe it is one of the best places to motorcycle in the world. I hope to continue touring for another 10 years.

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