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Posts posted by Marley01

  1. What about the police that were extorting from the Pattaya karaoke, that went quiet after all the chest beating from the head copper? 

    Where did the 50k come from in regards to that policeman that reported it in his financial interests supposedly from ThaiBev until the public were outraged then it wasn't from thaibev?? Where from then?

    That goose in Chiang Mai that had the generals son belted up by bouncers in the nightclub?? Haven't heard the result.

    Maybe too much work for reporters to actually ask questions?

  2. On 5/31/2017 at 6:06 PM, Bluespunk said:

    Nothing to do with PC.


    The whole ''blackface'' thing is racist to the core.


    Not always intentionally and I doubt it was in this case.


    However the history behind it should be enough for any company realise that it is not a road to go down.


    I'm astonished that in this case it was vogue...

    That bloody R word again. 

    It is only racist in western society because the PC brigade and media is goes out of its way to promote the R word.

    why was it humorous when the Wayan brothers played white females in White Chicks???

    Why acceptable that Johnny Depp played Tonto or Yul Bruner played an Asian or Anthony Hopkins played an Hispanic in Zorro.

    People need to harden up.



  3. 1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

    You have valid points, if people are prepared to swallow the pill or piss and moan and grown as they are doing here.


    The SOLUTION here would be to perhaps have the government create a system like in other countries, I can only talk for Australia, i.e. ticket issued on the spot, you pay within 21 days, fail to pay the ticket, you will not be able to renew your licence, car registration and insurance, drive without a license, registration or insurance because you have failed to pay the ticket is jail time and heft fines and further suspension of your license.


    For those unlicensed at the time if being caught, off to the police station until someone pays a hefty fine for them, that or jail time, and court with further suspension of license.


    As for all the revenue from tickets being collected by the government department, there is a trail, it would ensure no tea money for the police, just pay rises so that their income is adequate for the work they do, naturally the more tickets they write, promotions, higher pay etc etc like in other countries, but no one will admit it, but its a fact and it reduces deaths, and keeps the roads safer for people to drive.


    I call it fair.

    That sounds too logical 

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