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Everything posted by aBigSmile

  1. You smugly linked me to the CDC site, without offering any peer reviewed study that demonstrates the injections reduce symptoms. I suppose it's quite befitting that you employed the word "ignorance," as it takes one to know one.
  2. Yes, Thailand has done so brilliantly well that it''s "only" shrunk in population size by 100,000 people since January 2021. Query the government's database for number of births and deaths and see for yourself: https://stat.bora.dopa.go.th/stat/statnew/statMONTH/statmonth/#/mainpage
  3. Have you considered that your first infection was due to the Alpha or Delta strains, which were more virulent in nature, while the second time you were assaulted by the Omicron variant, which is milder in symptoms? As for the vaccines reducing the severity of the symptoms, I'm yet to see a single peer-reviewed study that supports that claim.
  4. Stop pulling things out of thin air. I sent you a link that explains clearly how the Ministry of the Interior can deport one without any legal process. You don't wish to accept it? Up to you. But that won't change reality. If they want to kick you out, they will -- without any judge involved.
  5. I'm quite certain you're wrong about how deportation is triggered in Thailand. As far as I know, it's sufficient that Ministry of the Interior gives that order. Yes, it's that arbitrary. One can appeal e.t.c., but the process isn't handled thorough the courts, and one doesn't have to be found guilty of breaking any law. https://www.hawryluklegal.com/2015/04/how-deportation-works-in-thailand/ We're merely guests in this country, and our rights are rather limited.
  6. 1. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, as i don't have the entire clip. 2. It's a universal and human obligation to deescalate flaring violence--especially when the perpetrator is part of your company. 3. By law and reason, you shouldn't forsake the injured. It's your responsibility to summon help and assist as best you could.
  7. You've missed the point. It's in the discretion of the immigration to send one off for any activity or behavior they deem inappropriate--whether one breaks the law or not.
  8. It's no a matter of legality. The Thai immigration doesn't view brawling and throwing punches favorably. Being a guest in this country behooves one to exercise self-retrain and to act only if absolutely necessary.
  9. First off, he stopped the car, availing the ensuing confrontation. Next, he didn't try to deescalate the situation. Lastly, He didn't lend help to the fallen man.
  10. A key question. I've done an extension, so I should be in the clear. Thanks.
  11. Thanks. I should have mentioned that I'm on yearly extension, my O-A long expired. It seems that all I have to do is not to apply for a re-entry permit.
  12. That form is fantastic. Thanks! My OA is still valid, but I haven't obtained a re-entry permit and don't intend to get one before I leave in September. The conditions in your answer are slightly ambiguous, so am I in the clear?
  13. I’m currently in Thailand on O-A. Leaving for 1 month in September and would like to “convert” my visa to O and move to yearly extensions. Should I apply to O in my home county or return on a tourist visa and do it in Thailand? I don’t see that option on the embassy webpage, so maybe it’s not offered. Alternatively, can I enter the Thailand on tourist visa and then apply for O? I read on one website that’s impossible, but I want to make sure. Many thanks for allowing me to pick your brains.
  14. Let us not forget inflation, inflation, inflation. People have little disposable income to spare for traveling.
  15. Sure, nothing like breathing your own CO2 mixed with some masked-grown bacteria.
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