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Posts posted by Ramses

  1. Hi Joe.

    I guess you wrote your mail in Englisch. As you know, the most Thai-People

    are speaking a very poor english. So maybe your mail in english went direct into

    the trash for spammail ;-). Let some thaipeople (maybe your wife) call to the

    phone number. Or do you have a the chance to write a mail in thailetters?

    I think this is the reason. When I have to conect Thaipeople, I never do it by mail.

    I almost never get an answer back. When I try it by phone, it works almost every time.

    I.E. happened to me, when I tried to get some information from Thai Kubota about the

    Ricetransplanter. My mails were ignored. Only phonecalls in thai worked.



  2. This Post is from Jai Dee in another Thread:

    About 20 rubber knowledge centers will be set up in the North and Northeast

    The Agriculture Department will set up 15-20 rubber knowledge centers in the north and northeastern regions to teach new rubber growers planting techniques.

    Department deputy chief Sukhawat Chantharapannik (สุขวัฒน์ จันทรปรรณิก) said growers will learn the techniques from demonstration plantations and will exchange knowledge and experience on rubber production among themselves.

    Mr. Sukhawat said the department expected the 145,000 new rubber farmers will earn at least 6,600 baht per rai compared to 3,720 baht per rai from cassava and 1,620 baht per rai from rice.

    Rubber has already been grown in about 850,000 rai in the North and Northeast.

  3. I cant beleive what I am reading.

    Rubberwood in 2004 was at 80 to 90 dollars per cubicmeter

    right now it is between 175 to 200 dollars per cubicmeter

    I just learnd on some pages, that high yield latex timber trees

    can generat an avarage of 40 cubicmeters per Rai.

    That would be a minimum of 7000 dollars per Rai about 250,000 baht per rai.

    my friend told me somthing between 100,000 to 150,000 baht per rai.

    the pricinformation can be found on this page: http://www.globalwood.org/market1/aaw20061201.htm

    prices are from december 2006 scrolling down to indonesia and log prices

    there are some prices for farmed mahogany too. it is only at about 600dollars per cubic meters.

    looks like there is some difference between some mahogany trees.

  4. some very nice information can be found here.

    it shows the advantage of partial irrigation in dry regions,

    and explains that the yield can increase beyond 100 percent with it.

    some other great tables are shown with intercropping results and different

    types of rubbertrees.


    you have to klick on the link: Natural Rubber Research in India:Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

  5. hello friend2,

    looks like you are making a small fortune with your mahogany trees.

    here are some real market prices for your trees:

    For US Market per Cu.m

    Mahogany 1C&B, KD 16%

    Central American market US$1170-1200

    Mahogany 1C&B, KD 16%

    US market US$1230-1290

    What I heard, a Rubbertree at sellingtime has got 1 to 1.5 Cubic meters

    so a 18 year old Mahogany should be some more. lets say one tree about 3 Cubic meters

    thats a 3 x 1200 x 50 = 180,000 dollars. If you have got access to the market.

    Of course the Touchwoodpeople are making some money with your investment too.

    Happy new year to everyone!!

  6. I wrote in the middle of the text, that there were about 76 trees/rai.

    And usually, you can choose what u buy. At special places of course.

    Sorry, sorry, sorry Ramses, stupid of me. I didn't see it probably because of the wonderful Christmas wine and dine, not a clear head yet :o .

    It means it's even better news: the 600 brings 4 kg/year, the 251 even more than 6 kg.

    Can you fill me in on "special places" to buy excellent trees?



    lol, this happens hicks....

    Yes this figures look not as fantastic as the chinese that i posted before, but they are still great and more real , because this information is right from a government-page. I guess also at this places you can get this RRIT251. On that pages are many phonenumbers which you can connect to. As my wife told me there were some for Isaan too. But we didnt check it out on. Mybe if I have more time. But your family also can check it out. I am still here in Germany and waiting for my time to come to move to Thailand. (1,5 to 2 years I guess)

    Also we called to my mother in Law yesterday and asked about the rubbertrees on our farm. It showed up that not all trees are doing

    same well. To half of the trees they were giving fertilizer twice already, but the other half just once to now, because we have not enough money to send to Thaland right now. (To many taxes to pay here at the end of a year :-(

    We planted about May as I wrote before. The half with two times fertilizer is now a bit more than 2 meters high. the other half is just somwhere at 1.30 meters. it is unbeleivable what fertilizer can do. my wife will go in february to check out our farm and put the second time fertilizer to the other half. and then it is also time for some extra fertilizer, 2kg per tree once a year to give.

  7. I dont know under which conditions this company is growing mahagony. Maybe they are using fertilizers

    which you dont. so I guess there is some difference between your harvest value and theirs. just to be very sure,

    take it times 0.5 and there is still some nice money left.

    here is the link: http://www.touchwood.co.th/touchwood_onlin...od.asp?home.asp

    on the top is a button "products" there you press on mahagony and harvest returns.

    I was looking at the 40 trees figures and added 25 percent.

    good luck with your trees!!

  8. Right now the price is around 3 baht/kg.

    I'm staying in South.

    Palm here gets sold to the local "weight station" (Agricultural co-operative) that transports it to the factory for processing, and further refinement.

    Talking about timber, for fun, I planted a few mahogany trees a few years back.

    They grow very fast !

    Not sure if that's a good thing or not, but they grow allright.

    I got a few seedlings from a guy I know in the forrestry department, (King's project).

    Thais don't know much about mahogany as it's an imported species.

    Have no idea how many years it'll take before one can use the wood ?

    Their about 60 cm in circumference now, planted about 5 years ago

    (I think ?), 50 trees in all.

    Grown by the "Plant and forget" technique :o

    hi friend2,

    here are some information about your harvest value for your fifty trees of mahagony with 18 years maturity.

    You better take care, that noone is stealing your trees earlier.

    50 trees will give you more than 125.000 dollars harvest-value. the total investment until majurity should be at about 10.000 dollars.

  9. again some really interesting information for rubbertree friends:

    After year number:-----------1-----2------3------4------5------6------7------8-----9

    Rubber tree type: RRIT251 251.0 356.8 346.4 458.5 433.6 664.5 613.3 538.8 596.0------Average per Rai per Year: 473.2

    Rubber tree type: RRIM600 151.7 213.8 263.0 334.4 294.9 402.7 343.0 318.4 385.0-----Average per Rai per Year: 300.8

    Taping days per year:-------120----128---127---135---137---119---110---123---128----- Average per Rai per Year: 125.1

    This figure shows the yield per Rai per Year of the rubbertreetypes RRIT251(experimental) and the RRIM600

    at about 76trees per Rai.

    Found at: http://www.thailandrubber.thaigov.net/index_home.php

    This site is in Thai only, but my wife translated it for me. Ther are also some movies available on the right side of the page.

    This movies describe the use of fertilizer for the trees from planting to the first tap.

    They say again, that the right fertilizer is the most important for the trees. If you dont follow their informations, you wil have instad

    of tears of rubbermilk, tears in your eyes. Pretty funny, it is like they are teaching children. Of course I know why ;-)

  10. som interesting information.

    Chemical to raise rubber yield

    Our Bureau

    Kochi, Nov. 24

    Barath Agrotech has introduced Vitex, a product imported from Malaysia to prevent and cure dryness of the bark of rubber trees and to increase the yield. The company claimed that the application of Vitex would increase the production of latex by more than 50 per cent and is effectively used in countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. Priced at Rs 2,889 per kg, the product cures dryness of tapping panel (groove). About one gram of Vitex is to be applied on a tree in 10 days for three months. Vitex being a two-in-one formula helps to reduce labour charges, transport charges and chemical charges by 30 to 50 per cent. The product is launched in Kerala by MRP Agro Chemicals through Barath Agrotech.

  11. Thanks everyone.

    Some good informative posts and more homework for me to do. I was talking kg of rubber per day. My sister in law was bring in 18 per 21 mats per day for 7 rai. They said they were 1 kg mats. I will check on that when I go down next. The bother in law was bringing in 48 mats for 15 rai and said he didn't tap all the trees. I am not sure how much they fertilize and how often they tap. I thought it was 3 days then rest a day, but last time we were down they were talking about tapping one day in three which seemed light. Will find out more. The 3 kg per day per rai is a hard number and varies a bit. You are right Joe in the south there are a lot less tapping days and it may equal out over a year with Issan. There are ways of tapping in the rain, but people are not interested. Like the time off I think. They make good money as the land was not purchased, just use on some type of government deal.

    Hi Timber

    You're right about finding out the truth, i.e. what is the weight of the mats. It also brings up the question of how many trees per rai. We have now 100 trees per rai, although the "norm" is 528 trees per ha (16 rows x 33 trees) which is 84 trees per rai. Maybe we should just see what it brings :o

    abslolutly right sanukjoe and timber!

    there are too many factors in that productivity calculation. from fertilizers to pan-size, sheet-weight and number of trees per rai in different locations.

    as i see, timbers family isnt about that far from the numbers i heard.

    i try only to get about the right figures. but also in thailand when you ask someone about the yields. you are never geting the same answers.

    so this discussion is for me very interesting and full of information. and any help i can get out from this huge knowledgbase i am going to use. but my offer stands, timber. when i am there in thailand, we can meet. aslo to check out that woodproject in prachinburi if you want of course. here is also a website where i get a lot of informations from. with movies about the how to do things:


  12. I'm a bit confused here. Most of the people talk about getting a kilogram per rai per day in Issan and the people I know on the southern coast are getting between three and four rai per rai per day. Are you saying you should get five kg per day per rai in Issan or five kg per rai per week.

    not only you are cofused! Every time I read an article about rubbertrees there are different informations.

    I stood next to my friend and saw him making thos 20 pans of rubber. Next time timber, when I come to Thailand,

    you can come visit me, and I will bring you to that friend. If you want, we sure can watch them cutting the trees from the nighttime

    until making the sheets in the morning. so one time you can have correct information.

    But as my friend told me, there can be so many reasons, why your yield can be lower. the tappers ar not good enough. saving money and not

    using enough fertilizer. the story about the isaan-guy my wife was watching with me and translating. and the yield with 30 pans per 12 rai

    is about 3.5 kg per rai. so there is the question about the pan. is the size of a pan everywhere the same?

    the number for me sounds real as for sanukjoe.

    about the planting this april or may. yes sanukjoe you are right. usually you are planting the trees at the beginning of the rainingseason.

    but as you remember this year the season startet earlier. too early. we were buying the young trees in january and rose them in a kind of

    nursery under shadow. then my mother in law told us, i think it was may, that the rain starts already and everyone around there started to

    plant rubbertrees. usually that time it is to dry, to plant the young trees, they are drying out quickly. but everything went perfect, and our trees are doing very well.

    the idea with buying the sap is very good. i also thought already about this. in isaan, there are many people just starting with rubbertrees, and no rubbercompanies are around. so no trouble around. you can use this like a startup chance. paying people to work for you.

    for me it is to early to start with that. because right now my wife and me are still living here in germany. and we have to save some more money to move over to thailand.

  13. Today my wife and me watched on I-TV here in Germany (we receive it over satelite) about a Thai-Farmer around Udon.

    He was one of the first people in Isaan to try his luck with rubbertrees. He said, that it is very important for the yield, that you are puting enough fertilizer to your trees (50kg/rai two times a year) for the yield he is getting right now.

    He sais he gets about 30 to 38 Pan of liquid rubber per twelve rai of land. as i know of my friend in rayong, who also

    has got a rubberfarm, this is about the right number. my friend gets about 20 to 24 pan for his six rai of land. but the

    yield in isaan is lower than there. one pan rolled out and dried is goin to turn into a sheet of 1.4 kg of dried rubber.

    the price per kilogram of rubber today is 66 baht. the are tapping the rubber three days and giving it a one day rest.

    The wind does matter for the rubber plantation (if the wind is unusual constant). It is the same reason, why the tappers are

    cutting the trees in the evening. the sun is drying out the wound to quick. so in the evening the

    drying time is longer and the yield higher. the wind is having the dame effect. if it blows constantly it is drying out the fresh cut

    quicker as usual. your yield will be lower.

    the process of making sheets: yes it is a quite stinky work. my freind is from denmark and making his own sheets together with his

    thaiwife of course. the acid they are using can also harm you. but as i understood it is just a bit stronger as aminoacid (ant-acid)

    he is filling the liquid rubber into some pans made of aluminium (it looked like stainless steel but i dont believe it is). then he is adding

    that mix of chemicals (he showed me a canister full with "made in germany" on it) he said the quality and kind of it is very important.

    after about 15 to 25 minutes (i dont remember so exactly how much time passed by, we were talking to much) the rubber is becoming

    stronger. after that he rolls it out between some stainless rolls (it is a kind of machine, that he is controlling with his right foot.

    while he rolls it out from above some whater drops from above the machin on the rolls, but just drops.

    after that is done, he hangs the sheets up to dry out. and later he is bringing the sheets to a buyer. there are some huge rubberfactories

    around rayong, and they are buying milk or the ready sheets, at different prices of course.

    excuse me for the gramatically and written mistakes i made here, i am right now in a hurry (as allways)

    oh and by the way, we planted about 30 rai of rubbertrees between april an may in the isaan, the trees are doing to now perfect.

  14. That is true. The trees are a kind of retirement insurance. The price you get from furniture companies are right now between 100.000 to 150.000 Baht per Rai. It depends on how old the trees are and what size.

    I also think there is going to be a shortage of rubber the next twenty years, because India and China are just starting to grow. And their demand for rubber isnt there where it should be. Almost no one is driving a car there in this two countries. But half of the worlds population is living there.

    So in my mind the rubber price is going to increase steadily together with oilprice and demand.

    Anyone knows the profit of palm-oil per Rai and year? Because I am also interested in alternative incomes. I dont want to stand only on one leg ;-)

  15. I planted this year 20 Rai. And I am going to buy next your about 40 Rai ready to cut.

    Take care what kind of trees you buy. Dont look to much at the price. I payed about 17 Baht per

    tree but already 70cm high. By the way I am from Germany and Timber has to tell it by himself.

    My trees are about 2,50cm high right now with an extreme increase in size and only about ten of my 1800 trees died until now. It was worth to pay the better quality. There are many different kind of trees with a different productivity and resistance against different kind of deseases.

    I found a Internetadress with a lot of Information, listing all kinds of trees with numbers of productivity per tree per tap. Also showing the best way to plant them. If I find it on one of my computer, I am going to post it. Where in Thailand are you having your trees?


  16. Hi Sproket,

    here is a Site where you can check the Rubberprices.

    Actually it is at about 106 Baht/kg. Pretty high.

    I ve got a rubberfarm too. But not ready to harvest.

    A friend of mine from Denmark has got a Farm and he

    forecasted this price. And he says with china and india growing the

    price is going to be at about 200 B/kg in the next 5 to 10 years.

    So here is the site: http://www.irco.biz/s0107/index.php?pgid=0009

    regards also to timber. Back again Timber? Or still in your homecountry?

  17. Also this site shows at the bottom a reference on Dr. Robert Blanchette. Mybe it is worth to conect right to him.

    The Agarwood I will keep in mind, and do some more research on it. But always open for some other ideas too.

  18. Yes hansen,

    it is this one! Gridsanaah! is the name in Thai. The link you sent was also very helpfull, because I found there again an official webpage www.agarwoodthailand.com written in thai, but that is no problem because my wife is Thai.

  19. This site showsthe profits of Agarwood if you let this organisation take care of your farm. You can choos the product and the size of the farm. Then you have to do your investment and pay monthly or yearly expenses. After 6 years you will receive your profit of about 250 percent. If you manage to do your own farm, I guess it is very cheaper.

    In my mind, I would not trust such a organization so easy. I have to see that farm first with its trees.


    Best regards

  20. Jeah you are right,

    I love the internet. I dont know how I lived and had to find out things by using phonecalls without the internet some years ago.

    Your discription is perfect with the gutter. I went out with empty hands and came back with a full bag of informations.

    The agarwood comes pretty near to the few points I heard of my Thai-friend, but as long as I didn`t see the trees I cant be sure.

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