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Posts posted by mikeriza

  1. Dear All

    Please forgive me for being the bearer of bad news but I have been told the Steve Blumenthal of TQ2 has passed away today. I have also been told that there is a 'get together' tonight in TQ2 for all his friends to pay respects.

    I checked back a few hours to see if this news is already posted and found nothing but I apologise if already in the forum.

  2. Just a little addition to the thread regarding iPstar. We had it installed for our business and had a few problems to say the least but at other times the download speed went off the rails.. 350Kb/sec recorded at one time.

    I found that because it was a business registered installation that when we went from 'business hours' to 'social hours' the speed fell through the floor.

    It appears that the service is graded to your anticipated usage and the bandwidth 'could' be trimmed when they think you are not using it. Unfortunately in my case I work 7 days a week and really suffered on the weekends.

    If the installation is put in correctly and setup correctly it is superbly fast. But be prepared for little hiccups like the service getting cut when the country had its recent 'change of government’ because we 'lost' the service for 3 days.

    Now we have had telephone lines installed and one is dedicated to ADSL and our problems seem over.

    To simply put it forward, satellite CAN be stunningly fast but it does still get its occasional glitches.

    I cannot qualify this next statement but I was told Loxinfo and True buy their access from TOT and charge you not only their own fee but also the fee you would pay going to TOT direct. So why pay extra for a 'rented' service, go direct.

  3. Hi Malcolm

    I would also like to register.

    I am a UK ex-pat working in Thailnd 57yo with Philipina wife and I smoke anything between 20-40 per day, stress related plus lack of will-power. I really need/want to give up smoking and did once 15 years ago and know the benefits. It was easy then but much harder now. After three years I started again (stress/bereavement/peer pressure) and regret it very much as harder to beat the second time around.

    Warm regards


  4. I noted the excellent advice from Sunbelt and would appreciate advice also.

    Will a marriage certificate, as-is, from the Philippines for a UK national (Me) and a Philipina wife be eligable for my wife to be covered for a spouse visa or will it have to be notarised by either or both Embassies/consulates for it to be valid for application.

  5. Hey Guy's I have a guest from Australia here on business need accomodation in central Pattaya for 3 weeks in comfortable hotel at around Baht 1000 - Baht 1500 per night. Areca Full, LK Metro full. Any suggestions. I heard the forum is involved in hotel, can anyone help. Booking from tonight onwards. You can even call me on 09 246 7866

  6. I worked (with work permit) in Penang and nearby Butterworth for 2 years and it was a very pleasant experience. The locals are very friendly and the food (if you go to the right places) is excellent. Accomodation is (was) reasonable, I paid RM600 a month for a nice (family size, 3 bed) apartment on the bridge side of Penang. Being on the 17th floor I never needed air-con as the breeze off the sea was so cool and mosquitos never seemed to fly that high! If you go for it I think (and hope) you will enjoy it.

  7. I am a Thailand Work Permit holder and I have been advised that although it is better to be a holder of a marriage certificate Thailand Law recognises "common law marriages".

    My "Wife" is Filipina and we have been together for 3 years living as Man & Wife. Tying the knot legally is going to be delayed for Philippine documentation permitting her to have her annulment recognised (for me is no problem) and we wish to avoid the trips out of the country on a two monthly basis to get her visa renewed.

    Can anyone advise the legality and process to resolve this matter?

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