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Posts posted by Amazed

  1. You are;

    1) Wrong. The application forms for Business visas make it clear what you are able to do. That is the law. You are used to dealing with guys that want to work for dive ops and bars here. I suggest you go get a copy and look at it rather than repeat what some person, wanting to make a buck wherever they can, told you.

    2) Dumb. By your reckoning, if Microsoft had no business interests in Thailand whatsoever, and their CEO wanted to come to Thailand to look around and see if there were any investment opportunities, he would need to either;

    a) Get a job offer in Thailand first, or

    :o Not speak nor write nor communicate with his office in the USA at all while he was here.

    3) Classless and sadly / badly informed. When you have some idiot calling himself Dr Pat Pong as a moderator, professing that he is an authority on the law, you just show yourselves for the joke you are.

    A business visa is a business visa. It allows you (a foreign national) to come here and do business for your foreign company. As for the crap about not entitling you to "live here and conduct", just goes to show how little you know. If you, a foreigner with a B visa, can buy a car in Thailand with a letter of authorization from the immigration department. (which requires the signature of the house owner where you are renting from and a copy of his land ownership papers). What does that tell you?

    I suggest you keep to giving bar boys advice on how to pick the best bar hoes. I am sure this is your area of expertise.

  2. dr_Pat_Pong

    Funny (in a dummies sense). Please tell me why;

    1) It does not stipulate this on the visa application form. In fact, why it asks you for details of what you are doing for your overseas company whilst in Thailand?

    2) Why it is not called a work permit application visa?

    3) Why they give you multi-entry. Is that in case you need to come back for a second interview?

    4) Why no-one has ever been deported for doing as I outlined (and please, don't ridicule people with generic "I know a case", please state case number, deportee and reason given for deportation).

    5) Why no-one has ever sued the Thai government for breach of contract.

    6) Why no foreign government has never made formal complaints (nor gives formal warnings regarding these issues on their web sites) to the Thai Government for changing the rules regarding Business Visas.

    You reply with generic contempt. Yet, as is always the way, it is the people that do this that suffer from what the accuse others. What is sad (and illegal) is that you are giving false advice and properly are not even qualified to do so under Thai law. I suspect you must have an ulterior motive (like making some $ off some poor schlep that listens to you). Or that your source of information is the cleaner at the Patong Immigration office.

    You need a business visa to get a work permit yes. But that does not mean you need a work permit to work for a foreign company. Where, no doubt, your simple (and laughable) logic comes from, is IF that foreign company has an office in Thailand. Then sure, you need a work permit to work for that company. But if they have no office in Thailand, and you restrict yourself to work duties for that company, you are fine.

    Get a clue and stop publishing false information on the Internet.

  3. Talk about the blind leading the blind.

    A business visa, if issued, allows a foriegn national to do business within Thailand and within the scope of the declaration on the visa application itself.

    Such would allow conducting normal business with their company oveseas, as you would expect, including but not limited to having phone conversations, sending emails, writing reports, exchanging data online, etc., etc with them. The emphysis being on "between the visa holder and the foriegn company they work for, overseas". Plus, they are able to solicit co-operation with Thai companies for their employer.

    If the last poster was correct, no-one could, nor ever would invest in Thailand. As no-one would be legally allowed to enter the kingdom to discuss the issue in the first place.

    The common mistatement that a business visa only gives you a right to apply for a work permit is without foundation. Given you can not get a work permit when the company has no office in Thailand. This shows the foolishness of the other reply.

    If you are applying for a job in Thailand, and therefore get a business visa to attend an interview, that is one thing. But to misquote the law in such a way is not very professional.

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