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Boiled Frog

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Posts posted by Boiled Frog

  1. Just now, Rc2702 said:

    I get the impression you do not read the news much or have very bad visibility of current affairs in the UK and trending topics.. There is no lynch mob Frog it just looks that way as the majority is in agreement in many circles outside of TV. Not a keyboard warrior yourself then I see. Not anonymous yourself I see. You mentioned in a post previously how "all your time on TV" you'd never seen such vitriol? Strange comment to make given you are a new member so should I also assume that this anonymous identity is a new one? 


    That you do not see what is wrong in a picture so clear is very worrying and the vitriol as you put it, is as a result of the chaps actions and comments (post tragedy) being so shocking. 


    I don't hide behind my anonymity so that I can take cheap shots at a lad who is already on the back foot.


    My choice to not join a pack of screeching crows is a conscious one.


    I don't need to join a lynching mob to validate myself...I have a life...



  2. Just now, GuiseppeD said:


    Would getting on with his life involve getting a proper job rather than his daily online skanking routine and coffee enemas?



    Oh...so working online is not a proper job?


    Then how...pray tell...did I make my first million working in front of a computer?


    I know you love to be a hater, and being part of the anonymous lynch mob on this thread excites you to your very core, but you will have to do better than that...




  3. Just now, Rc2702 said:

    Given this chap has sought to profit from the tragedy I have took exception and made my own mind up from what I have seen and heard with my own eyes.


    Have you even watched the videos on YouTube and heard some of the comments this guy has made?  


    BTW Frog comments like mine and many others round the World are deafening because the vast majority of people feel the same way and whilst it is a tragic matter it is not bring treated as one and instead a blinking opportunity to increase exposure of ones career/income. 


    expat or not I stand on the side of the Moral it does not matter what or where you are from its a simple right and wrong decision and the chaps acted all wrong since the tragedy and that's shameful.


    But thanks for adding your own thoughts



    It's  okay.  I get it.  Some people, like yourself, are haters and get excited by joining a lynch mob. 


    I see the same behavior amongst hideous screeching crows when they gather together to peck at an injured sparrow.


    And just because a few other anonymous keyboard warriors such as youself join the lynch mob, does not, for a single moment, mean that your comments are deafening, nor that your outlook on life is correct, or morally superiour to anyone elses.


    You're just some anonymous nobody, with the same level of humanity as a crow.

  4. Just now, fruitman said:

    That's the whole problem, compaies like Dole can setup plantations but then the profit goes to them of course. Why can't the Thai setup a hitec banana plantation themselves and produce cheap banana's? Look here, this video i found in 10 seconds, in Belize they do have huge bananafarms.


    And for expensive machinery like a harvester wouldn't you agree that a machine like that belongs on a huge farm in it's own shed and not in rural places unprotected? They need huge ricefields so the machine can do what it's good at all day long. Only that way a harvester is helping reducing produce prices.


    On internet are nice video's about growing pistachenuts in california on huge scale..That's what the Thai need, automated farms and high volumes.





    Thai banana diffelent...

  5. Just now, Rc2702 said:

    Happens almost everywhere online via multiple websites and that's not even the point. A very small majority of persons have took exception to the comemts on Glass and after all this discussion were now quoting the law and it is the Law to ride a scooter in a responsible manner to prevent harm to yourself, your passengers and other road users.


    If Glass took his punishment like a man and admitted his actions contributed to the tragedy then I do not think anyone would be "hating" him.


    Just seems like you are just wishing to be on the other side of a discussion regardless of your own thoughts about the matter and this Frog guy seems to have done the same and both show no hint of a different perspective in this matter. 


    Even you Steven, watched 1 video and maybe have watched some since and possibbly changed your mind but yet you are here just sitting on the opposing side for what seems like no reason other than to be different or maybe you picked the wrong side of the fence in the first place and your too proud to admit it. Actually that's very disappointing and your new line of arguement is the pits. Defamation. Get a grip Steven you write with a sense of decency i've noted but here you have fell down a hole I am sorry to say.




    And where is your sense of decency or humility?


    A lad, and a fellow expat, is in serious trouble (not to mention that he has also lost his partner and unborn child) and you want to act as his judge and executioner. 


    Leave the poor kid alone to get on with his life as best he can.


    Why on earth do you find it so exciting to participate in the online lynch mob that has assembled here on this thread?


  6. The 10% tax on dividends is a witholding tax.  And so if you have elected to re-invest all of your distribution then you would receive shares to the value of 90% of your total dividend.


    If the dividend is paid to you first, it will be deposited into your nominated account (less the 10% witholding tax).


    If you are new to trading the SET make sure you educate yourself properly as the market, and its characteristics, are quite different from western markets.


    If buying shares online, take care to select the NVDR option otherwise you will not receive any dividends.


    Here is a link to a detailed article on this topic:


    What are NVDR, (F) shares, and (L) shares


    If you are starting out in the Thai Market, be aware that in addition to investing in individual stocks you can also easily diversify your portfolion by investing in Thai ETFs.  The (1DIV) high dividend yield ETF (listed by Kasikorn Bank) is one that you might find interesting.


    Here is a link to a detailed guide on Thai ETFs:


    A Guide to Exchange Traded Funds in Thailand


    And finally if you do go with investment via individual Thai securities, make sure you take care to protect your capital using a trailing stop:


    How to Use Trailing Stops in Thailand


    Send me a personal message if you require any further information.




  7. Just now, JamJar said:


    This will be my last reply to you, as I am not in the habit of responding to Trolls.

    I have many deep rooted contacts in Thailand. Not the kind of relationships that money can buy.

    If someone like Danny came up against me, it would only serve to shine a light on his activities in Thailand. He would need to raise a lot more cash to get out of the bind in which he would involve himself.

    Take heed. Your responses here are not helpful to him and if I chose to take them seriously, he would already be on his way home to Broadstairs.

    So best you rein your nonsense in.


    Yes.  Clearly...you are deeply rooted.

  8. Just now, JamJar said:


    If you feel that anything that I have posted is misleading, you are welcome to post your rebuttals alongside your evidence.



    I would happily discuss everything I have posted here with Danny personally.

    If he is not in jail when I'm next there, I can give him a call and arrange to meet and discuss.

    Everything I have posted here is backed up with video and analysis.

    If Danny wants to come up against me, I have no problem in raising funds and have good friends in the south.

    He would likely need a lot more cash to get out of the furore he would create with any kind of action against me or this website.

    If he wishes to discuss it further, he can send me a private message. Then we can and will really get to the crux of the matter.

    So far I have only taken a cursory interest in this matter. 



    It would seem you have never been to Thailand.


    You certainly do not understand how the laws of defamation work in this country.


    So go ahead, pass your details on to Mr Glass if you so chose.


    And best of luck defending against the pending defamation proceedings wherein Mr Glass would need only prove his reputation was damaged, regardless of the factual basis of any of your statements.

  9. Thailand has a debt register same as other western countries.


    If this is a valid debt, because it is some 14 years old your wifes name would already be on the register.


    So contact the debt register and check if you girls name is listed there as a bad debtor.


    If no, then someone is trying to scam you.


    If yes, then you need to decide if you will ever have to rely on the borrowing ability of you girl in the future.


    If yes, then you may seek to clear the debt via negoiation with the lender and upon the express terms in writing, that the strike against you girl in the debt register is removed.


    If you don't think you will need to rely on her borrowing ability in the future.  Do nothing.

  10. Just now, stevenl said:

    "Rather than arguing nonsensically, take it from someone with experience."

    I have been riding a bike, with license, for almost 40 years. So yes, I do have some experience.


    Your hatred for the guy is blinding you, which is why I'm not getting into this with you any further.

    This is the most vitriolic and manifestly defamatory thread that I think that I have ever seen here on TV. 


    The cowardice of some of the posters here is sickenening and pathetic.


    Anonymity creates such magnificent key board warriors.


    Due to the frankly defamatory content in this thread, and the fact it also contains so many misleading and prejudicial statements (about an expat who is facing a very serious charge), I am amazed that it has not been closed by the moderators.


    Perhaps the new owner's of Thai Visa are unafraid of a defamation lawsuit, or one seeking damages for the disclosure of prejudicial information.



  11. Ah... It's good to be back.


    Interesting that, as usual here on TV, when someone is discussing business or property ownership they always fail to include the opportunity cost upon the capital they have tied up in the business or real estate.


    In recent months I have seen some suckers trying to onsell their guest house leases in Patong for as low as 250, 000.  A few short years back they were selling for 2,500,000 or more (notice the extra zeros?).


    So whether or not someone can scrape by with 4 renters at 5,000 a room per month is only discussing part of the picture.  What about the loss of return on the tied up capital.


    And to continue on with the theme of the property crash, this week the flood of small land parcels for sale on Thai websites has intensified.   In all my years here I have never seen so many small parcels of land for sale.



  12. On 5/29/2017 at 9:25 AM, LivinginKata said:


    My understanding  is that it goes to Chalong. Might never happen and anyway I think this rail link will be a commercial disaster.  After a long flight you just want to jump in a taxi and be dropped of at the door of your hotel or home.  

    What an egotistical post.  Why would they be building this public transport infrastructure for the likes of you rich expats.  Surely they are targeting workaday Thais so that they have another option to commute to and from work other than risking their lives in the traffic of death island.

  13. Sigh....


    Three pages of bar stool advice and not a word of it is worth a damn.


    First, it is a 2 year lease so cannot be registered on the title of the property.


    Secondly, what is in the terms and conditions of the lease.  Many leases here have a clause stating that the agreement can be broken by either party after a specific period of notice.  Often it is one month, but I have also seen one week.


    Op, if you are serious about getting advice here on TV, why not post a copy of your lease.

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