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Posts posted by tryasimight

  1. 14 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Oh... it's alright then.

    Hopefully.  That is how dams are managed. If the water flowing is less than water flow out.... You have a dam.  When water flowing in is excess to the dam capacity or the drainage capacity.... Then you have a pipe and a good chance of a flood.


    Google Brisbane floods.... They really stuffed that up ( for political reasons IMO but blamed some low level engineer). The then State Premier categorically stated floods of Brisbane would never happen due to the Wivenhoe  Dam.

    Incompetence isn't restricted to Thailand I can assure you.

    See what happens in a week or so though. 

    • Like 1
  2. Government mandated official interest rates are becoming irrelevant as the actions by the Big 4 banks in Oz have shown. The official rate can be 1.5% but your mortgage can be 6%.....and all blamed on the cost to the banks on ' borrowing ' money.  And something like 40% plus of bank income  it is from account keeping fees and ATM charges.  Whatever happened to the bank manager being an astute financier who values your deposits that he could then lend at a mark up? 

    Now they charge you to keep your money in the bank and can charge you for withdrawing it!!! 

  3. 3 hours ago, attrayant said:

    I’m way behind on this story, apparently. Can somebody tell me why these boys don’t have citizenship? Are they not Thai? Were they not born in Thailand?

    Some were born in Myanmar but were brought /sent Thailand across the border illegally.  They have Burmese citizenship, in theory  but it gets very murky with the so called hill tribes.

  4. 12 hours ago, Esso49 said:

    Understand your sentiment and that is irrespective of the fact that many of us bring millions of hard currency into the Thai economy. But hey this is not what the thread is about. In fact Thai looks like it has missed a chance of being another hub of something or other,   the hub of paper folding.

    How many millions did you bring in last year

    ...dollars.... Not baht.




    Yeah I thought so. 

  5. 11 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    I did the 100'000 km on Thai roads yesterday on one of my cars (can't count the rest since the 80s in Europe).

    Again: motorway 7 is not a race track.

    You defend nidicolous driving like this and I am afraid you have a license too. Are you Thai?

    Let me try and understand what you are saying.  You drove 100,000km on Thai roads yesterday?  Is that correct? 

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 8 hours ago, catman20 said:

    plenty of bargain price condos about i would think just look around theirs 1000s of them

    Where? Most seem to be overpriced by farang owners trying to claw their money back from currency crashes due to the strong baht.

    I've been offered one for 3 million baht that cost 1million baht ten years ago. Real estate can appreciate but not at three hundred percent over that time frame and certainly not a condo. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 8 hours ago, saminoz said:

    Yes Sir!  Very efficient, polite and worthwhile service.

    They tend to use the diplomatic lanes.

    Transiting through Nairobi, I had to go back and get a Port health stamp, but all was done very easily.

    By the time I arrived at the baggage belt, my suitaces were already on a trolley ready to be escorted through Customs.

    Well worth the minimal costs after a couple of long haul flights, IMHO.

    Must have been quite slow in the diplomatic lane.  I have used the priority immigration line when travelling business class.  Then have to wait for my bag to appear on the carousel...... 

    Sometimes I use the normal lane as many times there are only three people in front of me and I save the priority card for when I've flown economy and the lines are full.  When they actually put the date and flight number on the card that cunning plan will be stuffed. 

    • Like 1
  8. 21 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

    Good post. Something to think about. I do feel less stressed knowing I'm in the hands of competent doctors in Canada instead of rather poor experience I had in Thai (private) hospitals.


    Maybe also the fact the wife is 13,000 km away ?

    Is she sending you money for the sick Moose? 

  9. 14 hours ago, Tradewind777 said:

    The redneck Harley riders now conflicted are going to be facing a big decision. Their hero clown in Washington is now telling them to boycott Harley. Which if his argument is to hold out, they must stop riding bikes and buy American cars instead because he forgot one small point in one of his regular moments of lunacy: Harley Davidson has no American competitors! So if they want to follow his line (and keep riding bikes), maybe they will buy a Honda Gold Wing instead. Is this buffoon all America can produce as a “leader”?

    Where are the Indian and Victory motorcycles manufactured? 

    • Like 1
  10. 13 hours ago, Tug said:

    Sanemax i mean really pay attention and learn we aren’t going to tolerate your bs

    Ah.... The intolerant liberal response.

    Not untypical. 

    He has every right to state his opinion and you should be supporting that even if you do not agree. 

    Who was it who said ' I don't agree with what you say,  but will fight to the death for your right to say it'?

    Or words to that effect. 

    What ever has happened in the Land Of The Free? It appears free speech has been engineered out of the society. 

    • Like 1
  11. 13 hours ago, Cabradelmar said:

    You are out of touch. Elephants do not naturally live or belong on a sidewalk in Bangkok. Surprised I have to explain that to you. And there is clear evidence that many of these elephans are in fact abused for the shear entertainment of others (ie. Paid rides). It's wrong. Someone should put a leash on you and let others ride your back for 100 baht.

    Apparently some people pay a lot more than that for that pleasure. Quite common in the SM fraternity so I understand. 

  12. 52 minutes ago, stud858 said:

    If you know the basics of electrical hardware, theory and wiring it's a no brainer. Go solar. If you can understand the YouTube videos on the matter,  the prices work out to make it worthwhile even if just using a supplemental system. Go solar. Don't wait.  Do it now.  It's dumb not to do solar and dismiss it. 

    Yeah really? 

    It now costs me money to own solar.  The generous buy in scheme provided by the green zealots to encourage solar died in the bum when faced with real world economic realities. 

    Don't want to use the poles and power lines running past your house? Dream on.  I make a little but of income from my modest 1.5 kw installation.  About 150 per month when the house is empty.... One fridge running.

    The state governments charges me a 100 dollar service fee.

    Governments HATE  any system when the tree is no taxable income. 

    The wires running past your house will eventually be a tax whether you use them or not. 


    Go off grid of you can... 

    No problem.. Unless there is a service you choose not to partake og

     You will still pay. 


    Another state in oz wanted to eat anyone who has a bore for water!!  A tax on rainfall effectively. 


    I'll shut up now... 




  13. I fully support recycling.  I recycle dinosaur and prehistoric tree products on a daily basis. 

    Can't get more green than that,  can you? 


    Doing my bit for the environment. 


    The earth is actually greener now due to elevated co2 ....plant food than it was in the 1970's. That's a very inconvenient truth!! 


    In the 1970's it was called greenhouse gases.  That didn't work out for the funding .  Then it was called Global warming..... Whoops..that didn't work so good either based on the science. Let's call it an unarguable term like climate change.  That'll work. 

    And it has. 

    Keep funding me and I'll keep providing the results you pay for.

    It's the way scientists and university have performed for a very very long time. 

    I work in what some may call high tech solutions for manufacturing and believe me the funding request for ' research ' are very frequent. 



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