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Everything posted by dallen52

  1. Revoke thier licence if they have one. Plus jail time for bringing disrespect to Thailand.
  2. Like many other things thai, it doesn't seem to apply to teens in the local villages. Openly vaping. Or the sales of the rubbish they happily inhale.
  3. Its not all milk and honeys.. There are quite a few warts and all out there.
  4. The promise is similar to thai lady repaying a loan. Takes years.
  5. Just look at the Money deposit boxes on the teachers desks and expectations that they will be used. If you want pass marks.
  6. Indeed it should. But something amiss. I did mine day 9. Approved day 10. I had to put the visa expires date. Currently day 27 July. The approval came back saying next report on day 27 July.
  7. Last report before the current issue I received two approvals. Both says different dates for the next report. Its 65km each way to immigration, so I just did both.
  8. I did my 90 days report day 11 on line. It was approved day 12 by email. But on it it says next report will be due on day 27. This month. Lol. Crazy stuff...
  9. We've had the odd cat disappear here in Issan. Seriously..
  10. So if the pension money is provided by your friendly immigration staff, is that acceptable? 555
  11. Suppose all the staple holes in the passport inflicted by Thai immigration don't count? When they affix receipts and proof of residency papers.
  12. 65km drive each way for me if this is the case in Buriram. Although on line has worked for me before. Same the TM30. Not required they say. Same address as before.
  13. They don't care. Nearly all are on the monthly collection book. Immunity from many indiscretions.
  14. Sadly there is a lot of mental health and illness concerns in Thailand. Minimum treatment and resources to help. Same autism diagnosis for younger people. My neighbours wife just says the kids retarded. (Husband found a mea noi ages ago)
  15. I know myself that they gave me a card and registration number for the hospital. I've noticed that several times there's a 50 baht farang charge. Plus medication or procedure. Its his choice what he does next. You have confirmed what I believed to be the case. Gold card was cancelled a few years ago. Just show id card now.
  16. I think he has realised that perhaps his contributions have been for several questionable items. Not just these, but other occasions as well. His choice what he does now.
  17. She arced up when he challenged her. "Saying what you know about this.." And her responses obviously will cause issues for him..lol.
  18. Yes Sheryl. I can't but help thinking that he probably received a good dose of extraction of the wallet. I mean, why do a root canal on milk teeth? Why wasn't the total extent of dental care picked up on the first visit.? And then the 350 request for a gold card.(no longer required). I've used the hospital several times and even farang charges are quite low. Its something he will have to sort out. But appreciate the confirmation that there is no 350 charge. Just show the id card.
  19. She took her child to the hospital. Root canal required in its first teeth. Next day the child was back and another one. 1600 baht. Two days later the girl took the child to the local welfare centre. 2100 baht. Three root canal in milk teeth. Her child is 5. Poor oral hygiene obviously. Anyway. Her next attempt to him was can he pay for a citizen gold card. 350 baht and then only 30 baht a visit. Local government hospital in Nangrong, Buriram province. I'm pretty sure that he's been suckered. But love can be blind..
  20. I have a question that needs farang comments. The gold card or 30 baht health system. My friends girl is saying that she has to pay 350 baht to get on the scheme and 30 baht for each visit afterwards. I'm pretty sure the scheme is free. Just show the thai ID card. I know it's only 350 baht. But pretty sure she's giving him a tug. She just had hospital dental care and it was 1600 each root canal. So she says. (Farang pays) I recently read that dental health is now included in the health care. Appreciate your feedback...
  21. My partners daughter got told that at Buriram university. If they didn't like the way the teacher taught, they can all leave. The same teacher who had them working in the family shop for free. To gain experience.
  22. He won't go without a fight. Last thing they want is him spilling the beans. Probably some other high ranking and lucrative position will be offered him. (To keep him quiet)
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