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Everything posted by dallen52

  1. Virtually every business is in the book. Monthly payment. Taxis, bike taxis, street sellers, bars, gold shops... The list goes on.
  2. Wot? Another one. Falls, jumps, pushed. Ground floor for me thanks.
  3. What would be the storyline if one of the ladies of ill repute had grabbed the chap. As they often do!! Come on.. 3am walking street pattaya. Maybe a genuine mistake? But...TIT $$$
  4. What would be the storyline if one of the ladies of ill repute had grabbed the chap. As they often do!! Come on.. 3am walking street pattaya. Maybe a genuine mistake? But...TIT
  5. 15 seems to be the age and under 110cc for bikes. 3 on a bike is still a no no. Same as no helmets or license. But all that will be ignored. Just focus on the farang (again) who unfortunately was involved in this accident.
  6. Have pics of the local ones on the mobile phone and having the odd smoke. They need some physical activity... They get driven everywhere and food for free.
  7. And up to 4 on a bike. Locals say ok. I find it hard to believe.
  8. They need to put down thier phones. Stop playing games. Get off their backsides and enforce the law. Actually do a refresher course on what's breaking the law might be the first step.
  9. Several of the agents are basically government verified and work in with immigration. What you get stamped in the passport is legitimate. You just don't stand in line like other do. 15k baht upwards. I know several people who use reputable agents.
  10. Once again Australia is different. You can get 90 days non 0 over 50 age. No need to be married etc. (SYDNEY IS DIFFERENT FROM CANBERRA). Its time to standardise the requirements at all thai embassies. https://canberra.thaiembassy.org/non-immigrant-visa-category-o-for-retirement-valid-for-90-days/
  11. The man needs to be out. Time for a fresh non military start.
  12. Zones are entry gate areas. 1 to 8 i recall. Check in desks start at A . Entry point one. The automatic self Check in terminals are already in use. Scan passport. And print your own tickets etc. Put your own bag on the conveyer. Heaps of assistance standing around. Word of warning. If 20kg baggage you will get 0.5kg over allow. If more. Repack or go to a manual check in for assistance and probably get charged excess baggage. * You can drop and check in any time. I was 6 hours before the flight last week.
  13. That could be one days take at any local market. Seriously pushed to see anything genuine even if showing reputable brand names.
  14. I'm not being cynical. Just pointing out the reality that exists in LOS. Its a PAYG country. Pay As You Go. Pay the cops. Pay immigration. DLT licences. Even teachers and education. Well known around the villages that teacher heads take payment to improve marks. Well known that low achieving students can get into university with parental help and folding stuff. I truly hope this young lady sees at least some things change from the million baht plus donations. But she has no access to it. No card. Etc. Who is going to say what's required for her development? Once trustees (odd word in Thailand 555) and administrators are set up usually administration fees start to appear. I have a daughter at Buriram university 1st year. Its hard. Financially too. I hope Buddha's looking out for her
  15. It could be said that tourists want trustworthy RTP. Not a corrupt mob on the take ans constantly chasing tea money. Foot in mouth before brain in gear again.
  16. 25000 daily Hundreds of deaths But the country was closed to the world in 2020 with 59 cases. And no hopes of control. Still many positive who don't report. Still several locals who don't get vaxed or report positive results
  17. That's for charging the lady drinks. Many are free lance now and work for the drinks. Plus if they get lucky they have a decent bed for the night.
  18. I think we all know the bottom line. A few friends have had good fortune to meet women who have government jobs. And obviously a better family and status. I worked here several years and was fortunate enough to have time doing volunteer work. One organisation was involved with victims of abuse, trafficking and prostitution, etc. Interest waned when the family sells the rights to the girl to others. Maybe as young as 14. Or expectations are the girl goes away and pedals her wares to send the family money. A lot of farang say they don't give. Maybe not, but the lady takes anyway.. Cynical? No.. Reality. Three saying I've come across. Farang has, thai has not. Ok to take. Its just a <deleted> for money. Not mean anything. The speech a mother gave her daughter on the wedding day still rings true. It doesn't matter what we do as long as we do for money.. Bottom line is. Get your kit off and stand in front of the mirror. Then ask yourself what your 25 year old sees in you? I've had one partner in 9 years. Poor Issan family. She had 2 kids. Usual story. Ones a boy. 24. With all the thai male problems. But it's her son. From a thai man who found a different model. Living the dream.!!!
  19. I think we all know the bottom line. A few friends have had good fortune to meet women who have government jobs. And obviously a better family and status. I worked here several years and was fortunate enough to have time doing volunteer work. One organisation was involved with victims of abuse, trafficking and prostitution, etc. Interest waned when the family sells the rights to the girl to others. Maybe as young as 14. Or expectations are the girl goes away and pedals her wares to send the family money. A lot of farang say they don't give. Maybe not, but the lady takes anyway.. Cynical? No.. Reality. Three saying I've come across. Farang has, thai has not. Ok to take. Its just a <deleted> for money. Not mean anything. The speech a mother gave her daughter on the wedding day still rings true. It doesn't matter what we do as long as we do for money.. Bottom line is. Get your kit off and stand in front of the mirror. Then ask yourself what your 25 year old sees in you? I've had one partner in 9 years. Poor Issan family. She had 2 kids. Usual story. Ones a boy. 24. With all the thai male problems. But it's her son. From a thai man who found a different model. Living the dream.!!!
  20. I think we all know the bottom line. A few friends have had good fortune to meet women who have government jobs. And obviously a better family and status. I worked here several years and was fortunate enough to have time doing volunteer work. One organisation was involved with victims of abuse, trafficking and prostitution, etc. Interest waned when the family sells the rights to the girl to others. Maybe as young as 14. Or expectations are the girl goes away and pedals her wares to send the family money. A lot of farang say they don't give. Maybe not, but the lady takes anyway.. Cynical? No.. Reality. Three saying I've come across. Farang has, thai has not. Ok to take. Its just a <deleted> for money. Not mean anything. The speech a mother gave her daughter on the wedding day still rings true. It doesn't matter what we do as long as we do for money.. Bottom line is. Get your kit off and stand in front of the mirror. Then ask yourself what your 25 year old sees in you? I've had one partner in 9 years. Poor Issan family. She had 2 kids. Usual story. Ones a boy. 24. With all the thai male problems. But it's her son. From a thai man who found a different model. Living the dream.!!!
  21. Or in the case of side car cages on bikes. The plastic seat that grandmother sits on...
  22. Two things. The RTP don't understand law enforcement. And the second is they are predominantly lazy unless there's cash in it for them.
  23. Add to that not wearing a bike helmet. Using mobiles when driving. Delivery bikes have two.. Oh the special registration for delivery bikes... Unroadworthy vehicles. Let's not forget actually having a driver's licence...
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