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About 0815

  • Birthday 01/02/1960

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  1. Dear mom. You and many other parents should see how your "lovely kids" behave when on party mode in Thailands Koh Phangan, Pai, or anywhere they think there are no laws and rules for them. You would probably be surprised ...
  2. Watch the clip from the beginning ...
  3. He should better stay on his rainy island !
  4. Reminds me to the 90s when lots of Russians migrated to Germany. "Some" of them seemed to come from a very strange culture ...
  5. https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/map/#d:24hrs;@99.1,18.9,7.0z Check on the link where most fires are ! Just for those who like bashing Chiang Mai farmers ... Air quality index was on 205 before the rain, in the last days around 90, today on 151.
  6. So that's why i meet so many Kazakhs everywhere. 🤣
  7. I wouldn't go there if you pay me 14000 Baht !
  8. Hope he has to wait for paying the bill. How did this moron come here before ?
  9. Better check the dirty airfilters and teach the ECU-Wizards how to write a proper program.
  10. And just because all the western backpackers look so grumpy.
  11. Night Safari is the topic, not the zoo !

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