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Everything posted by ColeBOzbourne

  1. This is a free-for-all forum used for banter and the tossing about of opinions. No good faith justifications or ethical duties apply. You are free to just put any garbage out there that you wish. So far you have been doing a good job of it.
  2. As stated above, it's 'the impression I get' based on personal observation. Basically the same as saying 'in my opinion'. I am entitled to my personal impressions and opinions without providing evidence to you or anyone else. Do you have evidence to the contrary? I'm not here to argue. Obviously your opinions are different than mine and we can leave it at that.
  3. Sorry, but that's not the impression I often get from the woke crowd, who are usually also the loudest. The woke often seem to fight for every victim's claims to be unquestionably believed and honored while the perp is automatically guilty.
  4. Fair enough. Yet I feel society should determine what is racist/offensive, rather than each individual 'victim' making that decision.
  5. Yes, because no victim has ever lied, exaggerated, or made ridiculous claims with ulterior motives. Isn't the 'perp' innocent until proven guilty like everyone else? Some people wake up angry every morning and go looking for reasons to claim they are victims or are offended. The name Jussie Smollett comes to mind...good thing somebody doubted his sad story.
  6. Because Reticulated Pythons, native to Thailand, are generally under 10 meters in length. How long would you estimate the snake in the photo is? Here's one that's more realistic:
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