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Posts posted by ababidoo

  1. From my experience


    When I decided to buy a condo, I transferred a sum of money to my bank account in Thailand, and later I found a better and more expensive apartment, so I made a second transfer, and what I think is important is that the bank to which I transferred the money will send you a form to explain the reason for the transfer and it must be the reason for the transfer (to buy a property)

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  2. 22 hours ago, Nick ZepTepi said:

    Gosh. So many there most be direction from higher up.
    I think the 3 recent ones are 35 or less and could be viewed as likely to be earning money here.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk

    Anybody agree with age matter !!!  and would that be one of the IO concerns ???

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  3. On 2017-6-23 at 6:34 AM, scorecard said:


    Agree, I check everything carefully. My Thai adult son also, and he's had nasty comments from the bank staff.


    One time I was with him, he deposited cash and didn't receive a stamped signed deposit receipt, bank teller girl insisted the bank does not issue such documents. I countered by showing the signed stamped deposit slip I has just received from the next teller just 3 minutes beforehand for a different transaction.


    Son insisted on talking to the manager. Several tellers tried to divert my son's request with comments like 'never mind it will be OK next time'. I have the bank HO number for internet banking on speed dial, I called and they quickly transferred me to the appropriate dept., and I told the HO bank guy what was happening, and he tried the same line 'never mind...'  etc.,  I insisted on speaking to a senior person and a lady came on the line, she listened carefully, perfect English and asked me to put the teller on the line.


    Teller was told to put son's phone on speaker phone and she was obviously getting an ear full. Then teller was told to bring the manager to the phone and was told to keep the phone where it is so the customer (my Thai son) can hear the conversation.


    Manager then sat at the desk and quickly made a copy of the deposit slip and in fear gave it to my son, then told the teller to collect her bag etc., and leave the office. Teller never seen again (at that branch). During all of this my son was using his smartphone to take photos of the staff involved.


    I told the HO lady that son had photos, she instantly gave me her personal mobile number and said 'yes please, please send me the photos' and she sent a thank you response to my son.


    For the next several months, every time my son or myself went into that branch the tellers quickly called the manager who came and personally sat at the tellers desk and sheepishly did the transaction.


    My lawyer and accountant (my ex MBA student) operates a now quite large business consultancy, most of her customers are new / recent / old off shore companies, and she continuously gets new customers from good recommendations, she can tell you dozens of negative / shocking stories about unethical incidents at Thai banks.


    On a couple of occasions she had personally taken new start up clients to a Thai bank and after 5 minutes of lack of focused service, lots of bullshxx ('it's now Bank of Thailand policy that all new accounts must have an ATM card', which is not true), insistence that customer has to sign blank forms etc., she has quickly grabbed all the forms and ripped them up and taken the client to another bank. She's a very professional and polite lady but she take no bullshxx.


    Her advice with cash deposits is to complete the deposit slip yourself and ensure the deposit amount is written in numbers and characters, and read it to the teller when you give the teller the deposit slip and the cash.  


    On a personal basis she does the same thing for her own deposits and also tells the teller to keep all the cash on the desk until it's all agreed by both the teller and herself. 

    I Recently opened an account with this bank , BY advice of A Farang friend, butt I always got bad treatment and nasty comments of some staff off course in their language which I do not understand it , and for this I will be very grateful to you if you can provide me with the Head Office number where  I can make complain if I mistreated again ...

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