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Posts posted by neupaneaj

  1. I have lived in BKK for 10 years and taxi is my main mode of transportation - I pay meter 9 out of 10 times - if the first one refuses second or third or fourth will eventually go on meter - and that’s true going from anywhere to anywhere in BKK - mo chit to muang thong included even with them lined up Taxis by the stations.

    Rule of thumb is always flag a moving taxi and not a parked one (those usually one or two on front of the hotel or tourist spots). But if they are parked (several in a row) at the BTS - they are simply waiting for passengers.

    Yes there are some bad apples out there but there such a huge supply of taxis in BKK you will always find someone willing to go on meter.

    When I don’t pay meter you ask ? When the distant is too short combined with heavy traffic - then I round off to nearest 20 or 40 bhat extra. Taxi is cheap on BKK - for real!!

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  2. I'm trying to find any informal groups of old expats who get together for lunch and conversation.  Other old, fat, bald, curmudgeons like myself, who've been in Thailand enough years so that “rose colored glasses” are long gone.  Get together to talk about life here and maybe can help each other about the inevitable problems that come up.  Anything like that around Bangkok??
    But daytime only, because thoughtful conversation impossible if “meet for a beer” in a bar with loud noise, pestering women, etc.
    As for that web site “Meetups”, I've tried a couple of those already:  Waste of time.
    When I've mentioned this other other expats, all say, “Great idea!”  But when I then say, “How about Wednesday, the 15th, at Bourbon Street restaurant,” then the excuses start:   “Can't. I play golf on Wednesdays.”  “Can't. The wife goes to Big-C on Wednesdays, and I have to help her carry the bags”. Etc.
    Years ago (I've been here 15 years) old expats used to say hello to each other, strike up conversations, sometimes continue over lunch or just coffee.  Had many pleasant and worthwhile conversations like that.  These days, not at all -- in my experience.  Is there any way to find pleasant conversations like that among old expats here?

    Op - you say “meet up” is waste of time - I may disagree - it’s for the very purpose of meeting new people - but it comes with one caveat - you need to find certain activity/traits/crafts/skils besides meeting let’s say just for chitchat - Hope I don’t sound too condescending.
    Last week I was at a photography enthusiasts meet up called “ Bangkok photographers” and met with close to 30 decent expats. Then there is excite tribe -again full of ex-pats with lively decent conversations that doesn’t involve bashing Thailand on how things are not same as their home country or hinting where the next sleazy night life can be had.
    I have lived here for 10 years and I have found good expats when wanted to socialize.
    Ignore some of the sneering trolls with no good advice!!

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  3. Have lived here for 10 years - every once in a while I am jonesing for “Old Chicago” type of joint but haven’t found any. Only thing closest to deep dish/pan pizza that can be had is at Pizza Company but ambiance (cafeteria feel on some pimpy mall) and beer selection simply leaves something else to be desired. Read abt Bangkok Betty - but seems it has been closed for a while. Walked to a place called Pizza Mania near Asok area - but turns out to be delivery joint only on a dark alley. (Hmmmmm.... thinking if they could throw in a stool in front with some import draught minus annoying live music I am so there !!!! ) What else otherwise??



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  4. Or go to Chinatown- that’s where I bought mine - rated @ 1000 watts - in order to use my gadgets and small appliances from the US that is - be ready to dole out about 3-4KTHB at the minimum depending on your bargaining skills.

    (The first one I bought rated at 500 watts was in Pantip plaza back in 2010 - back then it used to be THE place for people to hang out and buy anything and everything - with Online stores like Alibaba, Shoppe, Lazada - this place has become a ghost of former self)

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  5. After hearing alarming number of fatalities during the New Years holiday another terrible tragedy in the roads of Thailand!!! This time involving a motorbike and van collision as I was walking back to my condominium after dinner.


    It appeared that the a Toyota (HiAce) commuter van was trying to make a left to turn in to Rajadamri Soi 2 from the main Rajadamri Road (that runs along BTS line) as it got T-boned by a rather big bike (driven by a foreigner - a Caucasian male) darting down from Ratchaprasong intersection towards Silom. The impact was so severe that the van had flipped with its body crushed all the way in (see pic below). A guy at the scene told me that he heard the impact from his condominium in Hansar which is a good 100 yards from the intersection.


    Paramedic and rescue people were busy trying to pry out trapped people inside of the flipped van. Motor bike was in pieces. In a stretcher lay a body on the street - not sure if it was the van passenger or the person on the bike. What was shocking was that the paramedics did not attempt to resuscitate the laying victim right away but rather several minutes later. Shouldn't that have been the first priority? Secondly, they were just pumping the chest and not doing mouth to mouth CPR. I am not a health expert by any means but years ago on my CPR training I was taught to do both - one in succession of another. With all the cops and paramedics I dare not enter the scene but a valuable time was wasted I thought.


    Ten minutes later when I return to the scene, they were busy taking picture of a person that had passed away from what appeared to be from chest and neck injury. This I learned was the person on the bike although not sure it was same persons they were doing CPR on earlier. They went through his wallet and bags and took pictures of all his belongings. The laxed attitude of the paramedics and cop was rather strange but then I am sure they deal with this on daily basis given theseIMG_1006.JPG dangerous roads of Thailand.


    I make a U-turn at the same place every evening to get to my condominium and realistically speaking you can't see oncoming traffic until you turn so far in that you are blocking the lane (due to them big pillars below the BTS line obstructing the view). Driving is very precarious here.


    Does anyone know who and how many died at the scene?


    Not sure if you have noticed or care but it was rather relief to eye sore - all the over hanging wires, cables,and power lines have disappeared for good between Phloen Chit and Asok on Sukhumvit Road - part of Bangkok Metros effort to beautify the city for what it’s worth. Even though they ignored to put a new surface after they kicked up these sidewalks to bury the cable and are now more uneven and tricky to negotiate specially at night half drunk trying to get to BTS but hey who is complaining haha ...



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  7. This guy is just in it for the publicity. I was looking at this ridiculous plan and have the following questions for him.
    1. Has he ever tried to submerge a balloon underwater?
    2. Will his escape tube hold its shape while underwater?
    3. When fully inflated the tube will be bouyant and rise to the roof of the cave. Will that not cause some difficulties for the exiting kids?
    4. Is the material of the tube sturdy enough so as not to rip and tear?
    5. How is he going to make sure the internal pressure on the tube remains constant and does not collapse?
    6. What if kinks form on the tube - like a garden hose that folds?

    Needless to say some one needs to find such inflatable sturdy fabric a few square km worth in a hurry, roll it up into a tube shape and then stitch it up them tubes so that it’s a few kilometers long - that alone should take several months complete I am sure.

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  8. I don’t get all the negativity here. As an expat I have lived in Bangkok for almost a decade and have celebrated Songkran for the last 5 years and had a blast each time. I too was advised by my “I am too good for this” foreigner friends that oh Songkran is soo this n’ that. On quite the contrary it’s a great way experience one of Asia’s most amazing festival. It’s a pity that it’s portrayed with such a negativity by an opinionated few.

    Fun part of the festival is about going out on the street with water guns and having an all out water fight with strangers - I mean how bad can it be - getting splashed with water on hot and humid day that is - grow and live a live a little people!!! And besides most of the Thais are very courteous and friendly in this regards - on these water fights I have never seen any real fights break out.
    And believe me if they see you with a small kid they are for the most part courteous and careful. Local Thais too go out on the streets with their little kids to partake on this festival you know!!

    Even at bars in Pattaya and Silom that they speak of the worst that happens is a usual bar scene with drunk foreigners - just be prepared for some extra loud music and getting throughly wet. Big deal!!!

    Don’t get me wrong - Thai roads are dangerous and death toll go up specially in Songkran and there are always some people who take it a little too far - and that one should always err on the side of safety - for the most part this festival is a ton of fun.

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  9. An expat living here in Bangkok for 8 years. Looking for someone to play tennis with at least twice a week in my condominium in the evenings. I live 80 yards from the Rajadamri BTS station in downtown Bangkok. Tennis court is in my condominium. No fees. Not a beginner – someone with at least intermediate skills and someone who is based here like me. Tired of paying  the “knokcers” to play each time and most of my colleagues are Thais who live in boondocks and can never make it to downtown to play…hence posting here!!! Pls send me a message if interested.

  10. While Uber is a bit expensive they sure are reliable, friendlier, and safer compared to taxis. It has been a life saver for me doing longer trips in otherwise the land of pretty erratic taxi drivers.  


    I go with credit card pay option which means the accepting driver is educated/sophisticated enough for such set up - which usually equates to better car,  probably a full time office worker with half way decent English and driving is not crazy either.


    You have the GrabCar option also.

  11. You can also check out  The Roof @38th bar at Mode Sathorn Hotel - view of the river. Not too big place but decent.

    Also Above 11 would be a good choice but that dang place is starting to profile people it seems and is always crazy busy.

  12. Finally it's operational- I took it last weekend - the connection walk between two trains is shorter than any exiting connections - just up the escalator that is!! Purple line train has very large widows - ride is pleasant - same token works for both the trains and fares are reasonable - a win win in all accounts - people from nonthaburi now can come down to Sukhumvit to party in evenings without much hassle - for me it saves tollway of 200 bhat a day and then some - as I work in bangkadi industrial area.

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  13. have lived here for 8 years and haven't found any like Denny's or Waffle House - no frills breakfast joints

    if you dole out 500 bhat or more you can pig out at any of the hotel breakfast buffets

    they have so many damn items I am sure everyone will find something to their liking

    but that's not what I am after budget wise :o]

    The Coffee Club chain comes closest - but still a bit pricey and wish they served hash browns, muffins, and a few more American items

    Paul in central embassy mall is decent - but again pricey!!

    heard though that Waffle House was opening soon in bkk somewhere

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