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Zorro 69

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Posts posted by Zorro 69

  1. Yes, the two threads should probably be merged.

    I am, however, wondering why so many fugitives end up in Thailand. Is it because fugitives just navigate in this direction or is it because Thailand does such a good job of catching them?

    many of these fugitives are paedophiles or other sex-criminals...and yes, it is good to see that lately there have been several significant arrests. Thailand and Sri Lanka are both targeting paedophiles with good results. I suspect, however, that the number of arrests represents only the tip of a particularly ugly iceberg.

    He looks a right weirdo. The DNA results will be interesting to say the least. Most victims know their killer allegedly.

    I wish Thailand would tighten up their act on some of the people visiting and living there.

    Some running from the police in their own country etc. The rogues from the Costa del Crime

    have found Thailand a convenient haven. Plus all the perves on the run.

    Thailand has a reputation it needs to change. I've seen some right criminals and ex-cons masquerading as decent citizens.

    Clearing them out would make it better for everybody else who haven't got form. :o

  2. Just another diversary ( diversion ) tactic, add it to the growing list..........................................

    Do the honourable thing Toxin in the interest of unity and the democratic society you reckon you are fighting for.

    You never know it may backfire on him and give someone an idea to actually attempt it..............

    Be careful what you set yourself up for Mr Toxin



  3. Hello, Zorro 69.

    Surely you cannot be asking about the availability of humans for hire for sex; that's against forum rules.

    Of course you are correct but I have a particularly nice stamp collection which I like to show people. :D

    I also give free Tango lessons and other Latin studies. :D

    Pay for sex ! :D Sir I bite my thumb at you !

    Such talk indicates a duel ! Wet fish at ten paces ! :o

  4. A friend has been complaining that he cannot

    find a 'Girl Friendly' hotel in Hua Hin !

    I think he has just been trying the four star places.

    Shouldn't he just ask a taxi driver ?

    Any recommendations ?

    Many thanks... :o

    "A horse, a horse, my Kingdom for a horse !"

    -Richard III with a large appetite.

  5. Banharn is opposition weakest link, true, but if he decides to take PMship on behalf of TRT he'll face possible wrath of PAD and street protests and I don't think he's ready for this shit at his age.

    TRT is sinking, and sinking fast. With Thaksin's out of the picture and the lastest bribery allegations confirmed it has lost ALL credibility and clutching at last straws.

    People have been deserting it for a while now, why would Banharn go against the flow and prop them up?

    Not impossible, just very unlikely, IMO.

    Banharn ? Banharn ? - surely you mean BARNUM ?


  6. I'm so tired of the OMG... Global Warming Nonsense. I wish they would just publish all of the statistics that everyone has gathered and not just the one's that champion their own cause. Has anyone ever bothered to actually check their stats or look at some of the lesser known studies? Less than 4% of our Glaciers are melting world wide, most are actually growing. The water level world wide hasn't increased by more than 1/4" on a worldwide average in 100 years. Global temperature rise, some places are warming and some are cooling and not by strictly north and south regions. Most of this is cyclical for our world.

    Has anyone noticed that this Global Warming Terror only started after the fall of the Berlin Wall? The world has to have a world threat to keep the masses in check... they have to divert our attention away from what the world governors are doing and focus it on a world threat. Well the cold war is past... Now we have to worry about either drowning, freezing to death or winding up on a planet that is total sahara. The Global Warming Guru's can't even agree on what will happen. Except that we'll all die and we'd better be very afraid. I'm afraid of them...

    Just finished read Michael Crichton's "State of Fear" in which he pretty much says the same thing, even the bit about the rise of Global Warming as a global threat after the fall of Soviet communism.

    I know its a science fiction novel but he quotes actual scientific publications and reports. Interesting point of view, goes against everything we are led to believe in the modern media, but I trust them less and less each day anyway.


    Some say the 'Illuminati'are behind this ?

    The Illuminati who are they, do they exist? How do you see the back end of a foggy cloud?

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