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Time to grow

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Posts posted by Time to grow

  1. 5 minutes ago, Sean60 said:

    We need to reopen the borders.


    So you are advocating the borders be opened at the expense of all to protect those in the tourist industry?


    I think your argument is flawed and potentially self centered. Maybe the emphasis should be on a more sustainable employment than tourism. If you haven't figured it out, tourism is unlikely to return in any significant way. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, Virt said:


    Here is a well explained article about mRNA vaccines. 




    Yes, the sales brochures from big pharma paint the the mRNA vaccines in a glowing light. The technology behind mRNA looks very powerful and very promising. Never the less, there has been insufficient time for long term studies and the credibility of most all authorities involved has been significantly undermined.


    History teaches us that when we try to alter nature it often leads to devastating consequences. In my opinion, administering these vaccines to the human population on a large scale with inadequate testing is extremely risky, incredibly irresponsible of a medical establishment, and amounts to malpractice on a grand scale. I also understand that I am an outlier and the majority of the population continue to trust these sources.


    I believe individual people must be free to decide for themselves if the vaccines are safe. If someone concludes they are safe, or the inherent risks associated with accepting an experimental new technology outweigh the risks of COVID 19, and chooses to accept the vaccine, so be it. Until more data is available, I have yet to make that determination for myself. I also believe that I should be free to make this determination for myself but I fully expect to be forced into accepting a vaccine by the fascists' among us.


    Likewise, in a "somewhat related" topic, here is some food for thought: Genetic Mutation, A single base change can create a devastating genetic disorder or a beneficial adaptation, or it might have no effect. How do mutations happen, and how do they influence the future of a species?


  3. 10 hours ago, John Drake said:

    Thailand is not a poor country.


    Really?!?!...   In terms of GDP, Thailand ranks 71 out of 195 (GDP/PPP) by the IMF, World Economic Outlook October 2019. I suppose if you are from Cambodia, Thailand feels pretty wealthy. How can you look around with such egregious wealth disparity and tell me that Thailand as a nation is not poor? The fact that a hand full of crooks are doing quite well doesn't translate into a wealthy country. For Gods sake man, open your eyes!

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  4. 1 hour ago, fabruer said:
    3 hours ago, farang63 said:

    the biggest gene therapy scam, this is not a vaccine, but it is a gene therapy and quite another thing, the enrichment of the big pharmaceutical companies at the expense of people and injecting them with a gene therapy not a vaccine, without any security and without no liability in case of collateral damage, shame,


    What a load of absolute <deleted>.

    For your sake I do hope that you don't approach other issues in your live with this level of idiocy. I doubt it though.


    Now for those that read this gentleman's post and are not quite sure what to make of it and whether there isn't the slightest chance that this vaccine isn't in fact a gene therapy: 5 minutes of your time in as clear a language such a complex topic can be explained: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/mrna.html


    I don't know about gene therapy but in fact, there are significant risks associated with these new vaccines simply in the nature that they are new. These risks are greater with the experimental new mRNA vaccines such as Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna than with non-replicating viral vector vaccines such as Oxford-AstraZeneca and Sputnik V. In my opinion, to ignore such risks would be unwise. To take the drug companies that have been convicted of fraud on numerous occasions, are unaccountable, and have massive profits at stake, for their word would be ill-considered. To trust the governments who are desperate for a solution and not accountable would be naïve. To trust the media to present factual, well researched news and data would be delusional.


    Whether or not you believe there to be risks, their are inherent risks associated with all of these new vaccines. You may believe that the risks are inconsequential or negligible and that is your prerogative. From my perspective, I will wait and watch the data develop before making a decision.

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  5. 1 hour ago, rabas said:

    Can I ask what you paid if it came from a hospital?


    I should have mentioned, as an added bonus, the distributor included four Cialis tablets for free. I am not sure if they were implying I should go get <deleted>@ked or offering a backup plan in the event the Ivermectin doesn't work.

    • Haha 2
  6. 6 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

    But why spend so much time convincing other people to take it?


    Quite frankly you seem obsessed with foisting this unproven (it is a treament? is it a prohylaxis? it's two mints in one?) "medicine" on others? Why? 


    You have completely misconstrued this conversation. The conversation started off with me asking the OP if he/she knew where I could find Ivermectin for myself. As shown below:


    On 12/6/2020 at 3:59 PM, Time to grow said:

    Did you ever find it? I can only find veterinary products and the pharmacies wont order it.


    At that point in the conversation, several unqualified individuals, you being one of them, began to attack the veracity of the science, the validity of the data, and my personal choice with their own medical advice and bloviating nonsense. As demonstrated below:


    On 12/7/2020 at 1:21 AM, partington said:

    So: taking doses shown to be safe in humans would have no effect on the virus, and to reach blood concentrations that would have an effect on the virus would require taking doses that have never been shown to be safe in humans, and that current knowledge suggests could begin to affect biochemical processes essential for health.


    In fact, I clearly stated that I was interested in finding Ivermectin for "myself". Unfortunately, I fell victim to feel the need to defend my position. 


    On 12/7/2020 at 6:58 AM, Time to grow said:

    I am not here to sell Ivermectin but form my perspective, it is a clear choice "for me" over an unknown, revolutionary new technology in the form of mRNA vaccines. There are no peer reviewed studies on the safety of mRNA vaccines. Only sales brochures written by convicted fraudsters, lying politicians, and a dishonest media.


    Ivermectin is a well tolerated drug. It has a long history of data to prove efficacy and safety. It is inexpensive and widely available (except in Thailand).


    No one is recommending excessive dosing. These studies were conducted with the standard recommended dose.


    Again, I am not trying to convince you that Ivermectin is the preferred treatment for all. Simply to correct your assessment that there are no studies and if there were, they are recommending excessive dosing.


    As the previous posts demonstrate, this conversation is not about me trying to sell Ivermectin to anyone but if fact, about you and some others trying to discredit the drug, the scientists, the data, and me. Be my guest, it's not as if you have any credibility left in the face of such compelling evidence, bloviate to your hearts content.


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  7. 5 minutes ago, hottrader77 said:

    What im worried about as a farlang is that in thailand they are not starting vaccinations until May if you get it before then what you do


    If you're worried, you might look into the vast and compelling argument for the use of Ivermectin as either a prophylactic or a treatment.

  8. 10 hours ago, Patong2021 said:

    If Thailand is to  protect itself it will have to make vaccine free with no profit taking by hospitals. If hospitals use this to make money, the poor people will not be vaccinated. This means that no recovery for tourism, restaurants, factories, and agriculture.  


    3 hours ago, dcnx said:

    This is key. Tourism won’t recover unless there’s mass vaccinations in Thailand.


    I don't need the vaccine for my own health and I wont be paying for one. There is a valid argument that I should have the vaccine for the health of others, in particular, the tourist industry.

    It seems to me, the government should pick up the expense in the interest of protecting the health, welfare, and economy of it's citizens. But it's clear to me that my health and welfare are not a concern of the government.

    So, in the event that the government fails to take adequate responsibility, the tourist industry is the next most logical benefactor. If it's not in the tourist industry's best interest for me to have a vaccine then we are all in agreement, I don't need the vaccine for my own health.

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