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Posts posted by chris455

  1. 2 hours ago, JamJar said:



    No, you cut and paste something from a Xpat forum regarding the weather and Brown1950 did not agree.


    In fact he wrote;



    It seems that you get confused rather easily.


    As to school holidays, CNXBKKMAN told you about that in post # 45 and I reiterated that in post #60, that prices from the UK were broadly in line with the long holidays.


    Now you are all of a sudden you are accepting Brown1950's explanation of school holidays in your reply. :smile:


    Let us look at what you wrote in post #46 after CNXBKKMAN wrote about parents booking up seats for the long holidays in post #45




    You don't agree, but I posted the graph of prices from Momondo and I showed you arrival figures from official sources.


    Somehow in your mind all of these entities are colluding against you.


    In your mind, the low arrivals of June and October and the correspondingly low prices are just a trick, perpetrated by Momondo and the Department of Tourism in Thailand.


    You asserted that there were no cheap prices in June and I responded by posting a raft of cheap prices available both last minute and a month before for June.


    So in the face of this overwhelming evidence, you produce 'proof' from Xpat website that May to October is low season. :smile: :smile: :stoner:


    If that were the case then why aren't the prices from May to October uniformly expensive? Why no cheap prices in July and August?






    Brown said July/Aug was low season in Thailand, but you insist it's high season in Thailand.


    I can go on but i wont bother, this is getting tedious.


    BTW, i haven't discounted schooh holidays are a factor, but your theories are extremely narrow minded, and based upon selective ignorance.


    Goodbye ;)

  2. 53 minutes ago, JamJar said:


    Perhaps you can underline any reference to a personal attack in the post of mine that you quoted.


    No I didn't read the article, because I already know how it works, which is why I rarely pay more than £300 for a return flight to Thailand.


    It is chris455 who needs to read the articles, so direct him to them, instead writing nonsense to me about personal attacks. I take umbrage at your remarks.

    I genuinely believe that there is something not quite right about chris455's choice to completely ignore the official figures presented to him. Not only that, but arguing with about everyone here when they tell him that he is wrong.


    So unless you are agreeing with his assertion, direct your quotes to him, not to me.


    You can see that only he is thanking your posts, as he clearly thinks that you are on his side. Which encourages him to think that he is right.

    So perhaps you should think about how you present what you are posting.

    I am concerned as to your need to use 3 posts to respond to one. I'm even concerned you come across as a rude bully, with your angry and domineering responses, including this one to Craig. Try and show some politeness and courtesy in your posting manner. I won't accept rude or agressive posts.


    JAMJAR: @ In the face of overwhelming evidence of official figures showing that arrivals increase in July and August, he prefers imagination as opposed to fact. @


    I have already given proof that July/August is low season in Thailand, and even Brown agrees about that. You need to have a serious look at that graph of yours, i don't think it's a good one. If july/August was a busy part of the year, then it would be mentioned, but it belongs to the LOW season. If it was busy, it would be called the high season, but it isn't. Is this any clearer, JAMJAR/BROWN?


    Regarding Browns theory, that is all that it is, a THEORY. I have my own theory, and there's no doubt that this has far less to do with school holidays as you seem to think. What gives you the idea that cash strapped Brits are gonna travel all the way to far to far flung destinations like Latin America, or Thailand, when it's the low season, and weather's rubbish and unpredictable? There is a reason why jan, feb, march, is peak season, because it's the only time the weather is just about 'bearable' for most Brits.


    At worse you haven't explained yourself correctly, or just been trolling. Yet you accuse me of trolling? Brown at least says something i can understand which is the UK Outward airlines taking advantage of the School Holidays 'predicament'. However i still disagree  that it is the whole reason, because as i have said if july/August were busy, the prices would be cheaper (like at other peak times). See,  am i making logical sense now?? I don't care if i'm disagreeing with everyone else. Who say's they are right?? Blind following the blind? I'm not some drunken publican group mentality fool, i can tell you.



    This isn't about who's right or wrong, but this is about facts dispelling myths. I've already said price rises are a combination of School Holidays, and Season, but you stubbornly will not agree.


    Seriously, i'm using logic to prove mt point. I do not care if you do not agree, or anyone else;  So why do you need to respond with several posts, and then accuse ME, of trolling?

  3. 49 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

    They don't 'need' to work there. They choose to. Out of greed and laziness. You'll find better girls working at 7! Don't feel sorry for them. They got themselves into it. They weren't coerced or trafficked for the most part. They know exactly what they are doing. Their choice 


    To be honest, i was aware since about 12 years ago in Thailand that there were quite a lot of dark coloured people being booted out of Thailand for one reason or another. They usually end up in Cambodia, and lots are in the news there because of Drugs or some sort of Black Money scam, etc. I guess the Thai police are well aware of all of this and just waiting for them to screw up so it makes it a lot easier to kick these types out of their country.

    • Like 1
  4. In addition:


    If you were right about July/August being the high season, then airline's would be competing and prices would be reduced. This is not the case because it is the low season in Thailand.  I have already given proof.


    Craig has also suggested that low season=low demand, and higher airfares.


    That i can understand perfectly. I am a World Traveller, and have been backpacking since my 20's and now in my late 40's. I do know what i am talking about.


    I have also said that the price hikes are probably a combination of 'seasonality '(like Craig also has), and probably 'school holidays'


    Butt am more weighted towards 'seasonality'. Let me explain why, because if you look at flights to Latin American destinations you will see them similarly affected price wise like Thailands. Latin America isn't a 'bring the kids' type of destination like Thailand is, but does have similar weather 'seasons', like Thailand does.


    I rest my case!

  5. 11 minutes ago, CNXBKKMAN said:

     Chris455 sincerely believes the opposite. Ticket prices are higher in the low season (which has less seats and numbers of flights available) and ticket prices are lower in the peak high season ( when number of flights increase and more seats are available) . Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I am not sure anybody yet agrees with Chris455 unique belief. 

    do you read my posts?


    I have said ticket prices are higher in low season, and provided PROOF that it includes July/August.


    I have also said during peak season or high season, jan, feb, march, prices are lower due to increased competition.


    Yes i have said that, and know it to be true year upon year. I have never seen cheap flights july and august, and have never expected to either. This relates to flights from the UK.


    That graph is nonsense.


    Relating to Ko Samui:  Although the weather may be OK ish in Samui, it cannot accomodate the levels of people that the rest of Thailand can. (Apologises to captain obvious.)

  6. 41 minutes ago, JamJar said:

    The graph that I showed you shows increased arrivals to Thailand in July and August. So how does that tally with your "Low demand= Higher prices, due to lack of competition" statement, when it is clearly a period of high demand?

    phoney graph?


    @Low Season Cons : In the rainy season, there is risk you will be rained on every day. However, it is usually a short, sharp downpour and is quickly over and the sunshine returns. Broadly speaking, the rainy season is from May to October, with regional variations@


    SOURCE: https://xpat.life/thailand/low-season


    Facts back up my theory: July/August is the LOW season.


  7. 3 hours ago, JamJar said:

    It's not as if scheduled airlines cancel their flights from London to Bangkok in July and August and then reinstate them when the weather improves later in the year, as chris455 is suggesting. 

    Never have i read so much rubbish and spindoctoring!


    Stop twisting what i say.  Since when have i even suggested that airlines cancel flights as you suggested, then reinstate them later??


    Your reasoning is making me (and others) wonder. It is damned OBVIOUS to anyone that low demand means higher prices. Let me use other examples to illustrate what i have rightly suggested before, so you can re educate yourself:


    Low season in Thailand, Latin America= July , August. Why?? Shitty weather. Low demand= Higher prices, due to lack of competition.


    Also: July, August in Europe= High season. Why?? Great weather!. Higher demand= Cheap flights, due to more competition.


    July and August is NOT the busiest time in Thailand. The high season in Thailand is Jan-March. It's known as the super high season.



  8. Luckily Pattaya does not represent all of Thailand.


    But there's no doubt that you will encounter some element of Sleaze in Pattaya, and it does not surprise me that Black ladies have tried this on. Probably because they were not stopped before. I guess now the Police are acting on it, they will first clamp down on Foreigners doing illegal work in the country.


    Seems fair enough, after all Thailand is first and foremost, for the Thai people.



  9. 51 minutes ago, JamJar said:

    Seriously chris455, you are making yourself like silly with this. You should stop digging, before you become completely submerged. You already appear woefully out of your depth.


    If you can back up your assertion that low demand means higher flight prices, I am sure that we would all like to see it.

    No, i won't have you trying to muddy the water of what i have repeatedly said. My opinions are mine, you can have yours.


    I've said that school holidays may have driven up the prices, AS WELL AS low season, yet you've argued that it's only school holidays.


    Now you seem to be thrashing about and adding stuff to your argument and misquoting a Cancun airfare??


    Ahem...I'm using simple examples that Latin America's weather seasons are similar as Thailand's. July/August, like Thailand(for the most part) are crappy travel times. Therefore less travelled as well. Therefore flight prices rise.


    In contrast, Europe is good weather, and therefore high season during this time, so is travelled more. Therefore flight prices are cheap.


    As Craig (above) has just said: " Prices are also impacted by the scheduled flights.  Take a few out of the equation due to low demand, and prices for the remaining will spike."


    >Now, maybe i have explained to the o/p why they can't get cheap last minute flights at this time. Simply put, there aren't any.

    I can only suggest flying when the weather picks up, and more people decide they would rather travel when humidity is down, rainfall has gone, and the sun is shining.

    That kinda makes sense, doesn't it?

  10. @ The arrivals graph here shows that the lowest amount of arrivals(lowest demand) correspond to the lowest fares and the highest amount of arrivals corresponds to the highest fares.  @



    What are we using as examples for your Theory? Thailand flights only, or flights to various destinations, to make a fair comparison??


    I have already showed that your theory doesn't hold up to scrutiny, and have given Latin America as a similar example to express my 'low demand theory', because the travel seasons are similar to Thailand. Also, it's high season for Europe, yet flights there are still cheap as chips.


    Whilst there may be some truth with 'school holidays' theory, i certainly believe low demand can push up fares. It's obvious really isn't it? It's called 'competition'.


    I'll stand by my theories thank you. You can have yours.

  11. 9 hours ago, JamJar said:

    Public holidays are priced accordingly. Nothing to do with the weather in Thailand. Airlines don't lay off their schedules in July and August and then reinstate them from September onwards.

    You're completely missing my point. My point is that there is very LITTLE demand during July and August, why? Well because those are the WORSE months to be in Thailand. Simply put you'll find the same applies to Latin America. Think awful humidity and rains.... Demand goes down, and airline prices rise: It aint a popular time to fly there, so prices rise due to lack of demand.


    In contrast, right now you'll find flight prices to Europe are still cheap as chips, and have not risen because of School Holidays, so this disproves that theory of yours, as far as i'm concerned. It is also the best time to visit Europe, weather wise. Now isn't THAT interesting?!


    Also, Yes, back to Thailand/Latin America; you can find cheap flights June: They are selling them off as quick as they can before July hits. However the normal(although not golden)rule, is book 2-3+ months in advance to score cheapest deals. The o/p was talking about finding cheap deals 'days before' departure dates, rather than say 3-4 weeks, saying he used to have success with that!


    Well, i even found a super cheap flight to Cancun, so there are no hard and fast rules, and maybe prices are ALSO pumped up because of School Holidays. Notice i say 'MAYBE'!


    In fact you may well be the 'wrongest' to assume you are 'right', because you fail to consider the various factors at work here;that being shitty weather in Thailand, low demand, and possibly the school holiday price hike combined into one!


    Unless you work in the Airline business, you are guessing, just like i am.....You therefore cannot say you are definately right here. It would be nice to hear from a 'real' expert in the travel business, or Airline boss.

  12. 6 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    There are lots of differences between someone looking as the place as a tourist vs someone looking at the place as a home.


    Tourists look at hotel prices, restaurant prices more than groceries, ease and cost of local travel, etc.


    Residents look at rent, utilities, grocery store prices, banking, medical care and cost, insurance, etc.


    The expense outlook depends in part on which of the two scenarios one is considering.

    I already hinted to that earlier.


    Thailand has the edge for long term living, but Cambodia always wins for short term trips.

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  13. 3 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    One thing that I find rather stupid is asking guys  here what they like about Cambodia.  I get so many immediate responses: Its great, the beers are 50 cents!

    Sounds like a really stupid reason to travel there just to save a buck on a beer.


    I'm sure they mean that it's one good reason, amongst the many others, to be in Cambodia. Look at the prices of beer in Thailand! If you like to socialise and drink lots of beer, it can get very expensive in Thailand. No wonder their eyes light up when they see Cambodian prices, and find the beer tastes better!

  14. 10 hours ago, JamJar said:



    I have no idea, as it was months ago. Either way, there was a lot of cheap flights for June from Europe. Cheap flights July and August from the UK and Europe are more difficult to find.


    yea, just to refresh, we're talking about last minute cheapies. Yes we all know you can get cheap flights in june, in advance.

  15. 38 minutes ago, CNXBKKMAN said:


    Just about everything you say is completely wrong. From the UK the lowest airfares(of the year) and best time to be booking late is May June Sept and Oct. Demand is lower and the weather is the hot season or the rainy season. With the lower demand at these times, with your logic you say you have to pay a higher price because you are travelling in the "wrong" season but the reality is the the prices are lower.

            When you get to July and August this is the peak travel time at UK, European and USA airports. The busiest time of the year for passenger numbers. The most take offs and landings in one day will happen on some weekend dates in this period. Records may be broken. It's still the rainy season in Thailand but the airfares are higher in this period and many Brits and Europeans will take holiday in Thailand because that's the only period they can get sufficient time off work. It will cause a jump in demand. 

    There were no cheap flights to Thailand June., and you'll find plenty cheap flights oct nov dev jan feb march, if u book in advance.


    I stand by my words.

  16. 33 minutes ago, CNXBKKMAN said:

    Waiting for a bargain flight or even a reasonable priced flight at the last minute for this period is gamble you will nearly always lose. 



    I don't agree with people who say that high season in the UK means that flights to places like Thailand will be high because of that!


    I believe that prices rise at these times because there is much LESS demand to travel to Thailand during it's worse weather season. Most people use Thailand as a 'winter sun' destination, and travel mostly January to March. That's when flights are cheapest due to competition.


    Basically if you travel in the wrong season you will be punished with higher fares, for doing so. That is because there is very little demand, compared to the peak months of Jan to March, therefore prices rise.


    Whilst you can take chances with late bookings Jan to March, due to the fierce competition, you will still need to book no later than 3 weeks in advance to secure still cheap flights. However, during July/August, your chances have greatly diminished amongst the poor selection of much higher fares. Therefore unless you are happy to miss travelling at that time, get whichever fare you can afford, lest the next fare is even worse!

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