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Everything posted by WinterGael

  1. Just another attempt to sanitise the beach for foreign tourists. From what I see elsewhere, Thais expect and want the street food vendors.
  2. Smoking it is still illegal, especially for foreigners. This is something that most countries have now warned their citizens coming to Thailand to be aware of.
  3. Not brainwashed. Go back to other countries. Face mandates dropped but their continued use still VERY MUCH recommended by medical establishment. So even back home, many still are wearing them. Last months the majority of Thais polled did not want the government to drop the mandates. But they did because they want to appease Western tourists, not their own people.
  4. Yeah... only for tourists, not for general public.
  5. Because Thai friends not like partying and drinking farangs having sex with Thai women... to quote them, "Not good." I know it may seem a little cynical, knowing some of my Thai friends, but they are Thai and we are not, and as many on ASEAN Today have commented on, Westerners aren't really wanted here.
  6. From the Washington Post, BBC, and other Western news, the overall feeling is that the legalisation of cannabis in Thailand is for medicinal purposes, and re recreational use may still get you in trouble with the law, especially smoking. There is a gray area around consumables. There is also the suggestion that legalisationY not include foreigners. So beware...
  7. why do you assume everyone is here for sex, booze, and partying. Some of us actually like Thauland without acting like "disgraceful farang." Yes, from what I can tell, you either need up to date vaccinations and/or a negative test within 72 hours of travelling.
  8. Yes, from what I can tell, you either need up to date vaccinations and/or a negative test within 72 hours of travelling.
  9. In the so called civilised world masks are still being advised and still being worn.
  10. The deaths were deemed cannibas related because on autopsy, no other cause could be determined. One may have had an undiagnosed heart condition; however, as such, and with no previous issue causing him to seek medical attention, the cause of death being inhalation of excessive amounts of THC was listed as causing cardiac arrest. But it doesn't matter, previous health aside, if someone Ingests or inhales something, bringing about death, the cause of death still is the ingestion or inhalation of said substance. Having worked in an Emergency Room, I know that as much as people love to argue that cannibas is harmless, the medical evidence does not back it up. I've seen people in restraints from cannibas-use induced paranoi and psychosis. I personally know a friend who after smoking a high quality strain of Kush, got severe paranoia and ran out into traffic in fear of the "things chasing him. Luckily he did not die. And no other substances were found on his tox screen.
  11. I've yet to see Thais drinking wine except when a woman or two may see it as "fashionable." Beer and whiskey (excuse me, rum) are the go to.
  12. Actually, there are autopsy proven cases where at least two people have died of cardiac arrest from smoking pot. As with any drug, there are risks to one's health.
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