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Posts posted by datom1962

  1. Whoever was driving the truck could clearly see the dog.they have a horn,they could of stopped. If they could not see the dog they should not be driving.

    This is just typical of many Thai drivers. 

    There is no condoning the drivers actions. Dogs sit in the road all over the world, everyone knows this. Yes the owner of the dog is at fault.assuming it's not a stray but that driver is 100 per cent to blame.I feel sickened that it happened and i can understand many complaining on the net. The way these people drive is being shown more and more now with cameras. How can any so called Buddhist do this to an animal.

    This disgusting excuse for a human didn't even stop. He could have put the dog out of its's misery but he just clearly didn't care.

    Anyone who feels it's ok to make a pun or call it trivial is no better than the driver.



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