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Posts posted by yopf

  1. Hi Guys. Admittedly we are not presently residing in Thailand, but when we do in a couple of years time, we want a retreat in the Kingdom. No renting, no Condo, no Walking Street - a humble abode. We would be grateful for any advise on construction companies in the south. We have land and (hopefully!!) good connections in the local building department.

    Many thanks in advance!!

  2. On 2/18/2018 at 6:43 AM, topt said:

    If you do a search and read any of the wine threads you should be aware that the relatively high prices are (mainly) a function of the customs and import duties which I am sure the "merchant" blamed in his reply.

    If his reply is interesting why not post it or parts of it?

    Spot on topt! The merchant blamed the system and the reply was an interesting one. Enjoy!!


    The office has forwarded your message to me as I am based in Singapore and look after our customers in South East Asia.


    I contacted our Thai importer who notes that he does not have distribution in the area around Hatyai which, being close to the border, is full of smuggled wine so it is difficult to say from which market this product may have come.


    Thailand imposes the highest tax on imported wine in the world and my importer explains the maths:


    Vionta Albarino cost is 5 Euros ex works; the total import duties of 420 % bring the landed cost to 26 Euros; the standard wholesale price for this wine is therefore $30 and  retail price is around US$37/bottle.


    If you were able to purchase at $30 it seems likely that the wine originated in another market. I understand that this price seems exorbitant to you but we cannot control taxation.



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  3. 8 minutes ago, topt said:

    My reply was about the lack of "indigenous wine production" or similar. Most of the wine base for the above named "fruit wines" do not come from grapes grown in Thailand. 

    I would actually be interested to know what kind of grape varieties do they cultivate in Thailand. Surely the vine harvests more than once a year in the tropical climate of South East Asian. Traditional European varieties need the winter dormancy to bear fruit!!

  4. Hello Guys. I am new to the forum. In fact this is my first posting. I love reading all of your cutting-edge comments and have scuppered away from writing until todays entry. Please be gentle with me!! Below is a message which I recently wrote to an international wine merchant. if anyone is interested in reading the reply, ask me very nicely!!


    Just paid almost $30 (ca. 1000 BHT!!) for a bottle of your wine in Hatyai, Thailand. Absolutely scandalous. I will not be exploring your wine selection ever again.

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