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About skytrooper70

  • Birthday 09/20/1946

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  1. This isn't about the American Revolution. If you want Thai representation, become a citizen and you'll get to vote. Otherwise, remain a visitor and follow the rules, including paying taxes, just as Green Card Holders must do, in the US.
  2. Great, instead of communism, we'll get fascism. At best, an oligarchy with elon, thiel, kochs, sinclairs, et al, all controlling the wealth and the country.
  3. I'm with you except, unlike you, I don't have the wherewithal to survive the destruction that trump will rain down upon the country, if he wins the election. He benefitted from inheriting an accelerating Obama economic recovery but COVID cut it short and Biden had to begin another economic recovery. Although trump would benefit from that, in the short-term, his taxation, tariff and deportation policies will crater the economy and result in a recession. His followers may, at that point, realize that the Emperor, indeed, has no clothes (and, in reality, never did). The old saying applies, "fool us once, shame on trump; fool us twice, shame on us.
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