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  1. As "not having a work permit", you have a very big mouth in "representing" (?) AN. If you just "quoting" their policies, it should be recognizable. Otherwise, "cutting their lawn", even as a "lackey", or a "moderator", you'd have a WP. Just in context to your own interpretation of the law.
  2. In context to repeatedly implementing "half-cooked" laws, flip-flopping, insisting on outdated "stupid" laws, if considering the economic outlook and demands, it's a basic question. Because it reveals the deficits (Korean language excluded ;-). Especially in those petty "Win-Win" examples within student circles. A lot of empty talk about "hubs" and "boosting"... In the end, the crash into the same car is obligatory. My interest in the foreigner-run programs was serious because my daughter is heading to university in two years. But your description of the situation is not very surprising to me. The "surprise" to me is its (still) existence. The BKK area, on average, is the most developed innovative and intellectual "modern" part of TiT society. The rest is at least 30 years behind. With, or without tourism and it's attached Photocopy-, and Visa-"Industry". Exceptions confirm the rule.
  3. "Officers will coordinate with the Phuket Provincial Employment Office to clarify the scope of work for the foreign workers involved. If any violations are found, legal action will be taken.” It seems to be more smoke than fire! But, if there is a need to find something, it will be found. Digging deep enough into small details to find anything petty, which partly confirms the allegations. After another artificial blown-up "outrage" about an incident with foreigners involved, this is mandatory for not losing face. If the suspects are Russian, is quite secondary. This is only an important detail for "foreign" Russian haters. Just another day in paradise.
  4. About the students: As long as they didn't run a kind of "Language School" enterprise, it's just the typical overreaction. Still, I don't think, they've been deported in cages and put on a "naughty list". The basic question is, how many locals can teach the Korean language or even halfway decent English? Foreign "NES" tourists, who finished a TEFL-crash course in Phuket are not a solution. When I determine "stupid laws" in my personal view, it doesn't mean it's the correct choice to ignore or break the law. Those young students surely got somehow along with the consequences. But details help to clarify. You didn't mention, that the student was attending a "degree in Thai language". But, I ask myself, what is the degree? Master in translation? Master in Thai language history, the development of different dialects...Is it a master's or bachelor's "degree" course? As long as dinosaurs are in charge, it continues with the one-step up, two-step back syndrome. So, as you're partly agreeing about the average university degrees, I'm curious about those completely "foreign-run" programs in the "mid-tier" universities. The acceptance and efficiency within an ancient, traditional education-, bureaucracy-system, and the corresponding society are mediocre at most. Despite all mantras. BKK is in Thailand, but Thailand is not only BKK.
  5. So, I guess those students had still a good time. Stupid laws, stupid prizes. Move on! Teaching the Korean language seems also to be reserved to Thais only. Lol. I guess, to be on a "naughty list" is more the nightmare of the Farang apologists and "wannabe-assimilated" old farts, calling themselfes "Expats". But crying for deportation and decade long bans of their fellow "aliens"! Btw, outside this self imagined "center of the world", you can wipe your axxe with a TiT, 3rd class university degree. Even in Korea!
  6. Most of those "Tour Guides" are obsolete anyway. There is nothing to "guide" here anymore, what every idiot couldn't find out by himself without being ripped off. Just by staring at his phone. Even better translated.
  7. The agencies just trying to take care of those stupids waking up every morning. Helping them to feel "smart" is very honourable, isn't it? TiT-style "social work" for foreigners. The only problem is that there are not enough stupids waking up every day to cater to all those new agencies offering the "unique" service. The same inflationary market extortion, like 33 weed shops and 77 Restaurants in every block.
  8. Another "ban". Lol. The common, clueless reflex to disaster. The most feared effect might be any harm to the self-imaged reputation as a "first-class" tourist destination.
  9. Unrighteousness pops up frequently. Even if it's not "new". "New" is the coming change of taxing rules for foreign residents in Thailand (state revenue), and a lot of whining about it. All the (obviously) so "well-off" Ex-pats here, mocking their pension-dependent fellows, could also have considered any change of tax rules before. Personally, I think the taxing of foreign residents is well justified. 😂
  10. Good question. There might be some context to the Globalist-, and WEF-agenda. These are the masters of the hypocrite "Leftists" in power. These democracy "safeguards" get a kind of "brown envelopes" from there. Same, same (corruption), but different. At a higher level. The water-carrying, ideological idiots are the fewer. Useful at the moment, like the brainwashed voting sheep. Later, "deplorable"?
  11. The cluster fxck reaction to those So-called "traitors" daring to leave their European home SH, by moving to another country to spend their own earned pension. Instead of spending it into the "woke", corrupt, but bankrupt eco-system. Aka, not supporting the globalist population exchange program, mostly with antisemitic low-live cavemen, of incompatible "cultures".
  12. "Tight-lipped". Too many, or too few winners in the urine contest? Both ways are not boosting tourism. The hub of self-shot feet.
  13. So, now they could realize the content by themselves?
  14. Every TiT parking lot guard feels "superior", and like a "General", just because of wearing a fancy "clown"- uniform.
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