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Posts posted by tbryant15

  1. Incredible. In the other thread, I said I don't believe in plastering her face and humiliating her. Let's just educate and move on. After this article of her not admitting guilt but deflecting about "not having a big sign". I hope the Thais do humiliate and embarrass her.


    To anyone defending the "not having clear signs" part.. Yellowstone is in Wyoming. It is not near huge tourist spots in the USA most would visit. I'm talking about not being near Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Boston.. You have to arrange pretty concrete plans in going to this National Park as it is very out of the way. In doing that, you must have researched and known about the dangers of this park.. including the thermal areas/geysers. For one to act completely oblivious and not admit guilt is just completely ignorant. 


    The mentality of Thais continue to baffle me. I get scolded often by my GF and her family for being a "defensive driver" in Bangkok and allowing some cars to get in front of me and not driving illegally on the shoulder just to pass a few cars. I am just not comfortable with it.

    Like someone said, do they need to place a fence around every bear/animal in the park?? Danger is danger.. The idiotic thing is that if something were to happen, the uproar from the Thais would be resounding. "Americans fault for not blockading natural geysers and its beauty".

  2. 7 minutes ago, Thian said:

    How should they know there's no trespassing? I don't see a fence or anything, yeah a small log with a tiny sign...but i guess they missed that, not strange with such a minisign.


    Also i think it's not fair to put their faces on youtube for this "huge" offence. If this hole in the ground is the holy grail for the USA they should place bigger signs and a real fence or at least a rope.


    When you visit Yellowstone, you are made aware to remain on the footpaths and not wander about. You must be aware of "danger signs". They don't want to place a fence over every geyser at the park because it takes away the natural beauty of it.. there are hundreds. 

    I do agree with not putting their faces on youtube for anything because I don't care about that. Would rather prefer to blur their faces out but educate people on visiting national parks.

  3. Glad the guide posted this to hopefully educate not just Thais but other tourists. Yellowstone has those danger signs for a reason. People have died from falling into the geysers at Yellowstone. Imagine if a Thai fell into it. They'd be crying for Americans to go retrieve the "body". And then someone on this forum would agree with how "incompetent American rescue missions are".

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

  4. Well really,  is it so damn hard to fly a chopper their and hook the car on and retrieve it all in one move  ?    don't seem like rocket science to me.

    With your grammatical errors in your post, I'm not surprised you don't understand why they are hesitant on retrieving the car and bodies..

    If the two were alive, I can see the rescue teams more proactive in this situation. But they aren't. Glad to know the Thais are eager to risk lives of other people's children to recover already dead bodies of their children. The group is only going to retrieve it when they are 100 percent sure it is risk free.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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  5. 6 hours ago, cnx355 said:

    If you have time go to Promenada at Chiangmai Immigration . I was there Yesterday around 10 am and there was no large queue.  Re-entry desk should not take much time waiting. Photocopies and photo available in the same area.


    For peace of mind I would  get my re-entry permit before the flight .

    Cheers! Thanks. Will most likely take this route. I won't be in Chiang Mai for another week but I really don't want to go to Chaeng immigration again as I was just there last week for longer than expected.

  6. 13 hours ago, BritTim said:

    I do not think the time to get the re-entry permit is what should worry you most, to be honest. Apart from concerns about when your Air Asia domestic flight will actually arrive, my concern would be

    • The queue to check bags for your flight to Cambodia. Unless you have experienced it, you have no conception of the madhouse you can be faced with at Air Asia international check in. It is totally unpredictable: sometimes OK, but potentially chaos. The good news is that noon is not the worst time.
    • Thai immigration queue, though my own experience is that outbound this never takes as much as an hour.
    • Security, which sometimes can be 30 minutes or so.

    Agreed. I was already worried with the time. Like I said earlier, I had called Air Asia about some way to expedite me transferring from domestic to international since I did book it as "one ticket" rather than "two separate tickets". They just told me not to worry.. and just contact staff when I get there. "mai bpen rai" right.. The next flight to siem reap from DMK through Air asia isn't until like 20:00 so if I miss my flight.. I'll be pretty upset.

  7. 6 hours ago, THAILIBAN said:

    Keep in mind the waiting time at the DMK immigration desk (outbound as well as inbound) can be easily an hour or even A LOT more.

    VERY risky schedule, yours.....

    Definitely worried about this. Was hoping it was more of an inbound issue though. I have flown internationally from both DMK and BKK numerous times.. never had to wait very long. 

    Now I'm just thinking of going to immigration and just doing it there, I can do it now at Chaeng or since I'll be in Chiang Mai for a few days before I leave the country I can try to get one at their immigration?.. Currently reading up on Promenada Immigration

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  8. I just did one by myself for the first time a couple of months ago.

    To reiterate what everyone has said already.. Pros by using the service is that it should be smooth and you don't have to worry about anything. Literally just show up and leave and enter the country from what I have read about it.

    I personally hate those vans and the drivers in it. The thought of me being in one that takes me all the way to Nongkhai makes me uneasy. Instead, I flew to Udon thani, took a comfortable ride to the border, and grabbed a tuk tuk once I entered Laos. I had already been to Vientiane before so I wasn't trying to make a "trip" out of it really but I enjoyed being on my own time frame. After picking up my passport from the consulate, I grabbed a van right outside of it and proceeded back to Nongkhai to catch an evening flight from Udon Thani back to Bangkok. 

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  9. Thank you both for being helpful as usual. I'm flying with Air Asia. I am "scheduled" to arrive at DMK from CNX at 11:20. I am then "scheduled" to fly to Siem Reap at 13:30.


    I will definitely have all my papers ready beforehand. We must check in bags because we will be in the middle of a 3 week trip. I had even called Air Asia's guest services hot line because I was worried about what would happen if the plane was delayed and I missed the flight to Cambodia. They basically just told me not to worry about it and to contact staff if the problem did arise..


    Just wondering if there is a long queue at all, or if its just a quick in and out of the "re-entry" office if I have everything prepped.

  10. Hey all, after reading a bit into it on other topics, anyone know how long the process is to get a re entry permit at dmk? I'll be flying to siem reap from chiang Mai and have a lay over at dmk for only 2 hours.. If the flight is on time of course.


    Basically, do I have enough time to get a re entry permit at dmk while taking into account; grabbing bags from domestic arrivals and then heading to international departures and catching my flight in time.





    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  11. 6 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    Since you will flying in a week before you flight out and will have a ticket to prove that I don't think you should have a problem entering on a visa exempt entry. Just have the equivalent of 20k baht to show if asked.

    Your history apparently would indicate that you are not trying to live here on visa exempt entries.


    Have you or anyone else seen or heard of struggle entering through Phuket international? Since I still have yet to book the flight from Indonesia and was planning on going to the islands first before BKK. Was wondering if they were more lax at that immigration than DMK and BKK?

  12. 37 minutes ago, marke985 said:

    I believe it was my 6th exempt entry when I was pulled aside back in 2015.  I was told next time I needed a visa to enter.  After a few questions the IO stated the 180 days in a 6 month period for the computer flagging me.  Since I have been getting SETVs from various counsels.  I plan to return tomorrow via DMK without a visa due to an issue at the Manilla embassy.  Will report back on TV is any issues arise.

    I am just worried now because of how much more strict its gotten at immigration. With these reports of people being brought straight to detention at the airport even with funds and proof.. etc. 

    Thank you all for your input. 

    Can't do transit because I plan on coming back a few days before my flight with a buddy and plan on showing him around Thailand before we both head back to the States. This will actually be my last time in Thailand for a long time as I do not see myself coming back for years.

  13. 5 minutes ago, lkv said:

    So yeah, no problems whatsoever on reentry permit attached to TR visa.


    However, you do qualify for visa exempt. It's sort of wasting time and money (2,900 baht).


    This is a tough one to answer, but i would risk it on a 4th visa exempt, and carry proof you will be leaving in September, therefore it would be a short stay.


    Are the other visa exempts stretched to the max?

    Definitely tough, because the 2,900 baht would be for about 7 days in the Kingdom, but if a re-entry lessens the chance of encountering trouble at immigration by a long measure.. I may just put up with the price. I believe the exempts are pretty much stretched to the max give or take a few days. Ideally I would love to just fly out and back in after a couple of weeks with no re-entry and no problems of course.

    Once again thanks for your opinion and insight.

  14. 1 hour ago, lkv said:

    Yes you can. One can get a reentry permit either on the original stay of 60 days, or on the extension. 


    Also it should be noted that in BKK, they would extend an SETV 30 days before it expires, so starting half way through it.


    Got a reentry permit on both the original permission of stay and while extended, but got them in the airport. One in Suvarnabhumi and one in DMK.


    Im assuming you would have to queue up again at a different counter in CW, but yes it can be done.

    Thanks for the info. I will proceed with this safer route. I guess I was just hesitant because the 60 days expires at Aug 20 and I'd be out of Thailand heading back to the States by Sep 10. The fees paid for the 30 day extension were unideal since I'd be spending the majority of that in a neighbouring country. 

    Has anyone ever had trouble entering Thailand with a re-entry permit attached to a tourist visa? With all this chatter about denial even with a tourist visa.. i'm still a bit worried.

  15. First post but I frequent here often.

    Will try and summarize my situation. I hold a passport from the USA and arrived in Thailand April 2016 on a Non-B ME visa. I taught from May 2016 to March 2017 and contemplated heading back home but wanted to travel a bit before I went back to the States. I flew in from HCMC, in March to my first visa exempt as my non-b had finally expired. I flew in from Hong Kong on my second visa exempt in April and flew in from HCMC again in may for my third visa exempt. I then decided to stay a bit longer and eventually got a SETV from Vientiane.

    1st visa exempt, I got asked questions regarding how much longer I was staying. The 2nd and third, no questions asked. Came through BKK for the first one and DMK for the 2nd and 3rd. I came through the friendship bridge in Nong Khai on my SETV with no problems. 

    A few weeks ago I finally booked my flight back home for early September and if I were to not extend my SETV, it would expire mid August. Right before it expires, I plan on visiting Cambodia and Indonesia, but plan on flying back to Thailand a week before my flight home out of BKK. 

    Yes I know to keep it safe, I should just extend it and get a re-entry permit when I go travel, but my question is, what if I didn't. Basically to save the hassle of going to immigration in Chaeng and the fees with it. I will have money, hotel printouts, flight printouts.. etc when flying back into Thailand from Indonesia but it would be my fourth visa exemption this year alone. Would this be too risky you think? To sum it up, in my passport I have 1 Non-B ME visa, 3 visa exempts and 1 SETV.

    Sorry for the long read.. Regards


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