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Posts posted by kamui

  1. The proper procedures were never followed and I doubt that the couple will return to find the appropriate recourse that they claim. Many on this thread are acting as judge and jury and others are acting as defense lawyers. Realistically IMHO I don’t believe that either way it could ever be resolved conclusively.

    I fully agree that the published material makes it impossible to draw a conclusive jugdement, since we have contradictory claims by the parties involved:

    - The couple says it's innocent

    - KP says they are thiefs, and supports this with a blurred video with the time stamp erased(!)

    - An official report by the police that the case is closed because of lack of evidence

    As long KP does not provide clear and conclusive evidence the case can't be judged.

    The only matter which seems to be clear is that corrupt policemen extorted money from the couple.

  2. Basically an interesting offer. The only thing I don't like is that my thaivisa member name would be my email name. Unless I misunderstand my email would be [email protected]. While I do not wish to use my real name for posting and arguing in this forum, I definitely would like to use my real name for a privat email correspondence that gives me twice the storage I get from hotmail which I hate just because every body on this planet seems to have a hotmail account. So once I can choose my email name freely let me know and I'll subscribe.

    Since you have no choice of the name with Thaivisa you have two other options with Google mail:

    You register directly at Gmail and you are free to choose your name:

    - http://mail.google.com

    Or, if you have a domain registered on your name, you can register at Google Apps


    and then you can choose not only your name, but your address doesn't let you look like a cheapskate since it looks like this: [email protected]

    It's free as well and the same system Thaivisa is using.

  3. It's called Google Apps For Your Domain (GAFYD) - see http://www.google.com/a/

    As Blackrain already pointed out, this is open to anyone who owns a domain name, I've also had a GDFYD account for months, nothing special for Thaivisa.

    I'm curious to see how it will end. With the amount of spam in circulation email is one of the biggest problems for all hosting companies. I know Googles supposed business model but I doubt they will be able to continue giving a premium service like this away for free. Time will show I suppose.

    Have a look at the details: Thaivisa is offering this for _all_ members for free. Usually Google Apps is limited to max. 100 subscribers - and the premium service is 50US$ per account...

    Anyway I am testing this as well at my private website and I am thinking of using it for our business as well, but I have some privacy issues with gmail.

  4. Having a second thought about the toilet issue, I presume that this might not be King Power's fault, since the AOT has been ordered to provide its own facilities for the rest rooms...

    Maybe some people which are/were involved in bigger construction projects could provide some background information how such kind of major mistakes could happen which were spotted immediately, even before the airport became fully operational. I mean this must have been a culmination of incompetence, disinterest, face saving of underlings and maybe corruption that this could happen.

  5. I am just thinking, what is or were the toughts of people involved in the design and designating

    facilities. It was a German company right that designed the airport with lot's of experience.

    Could it be that the person in charge does not like Thailand, due to Germany being the country with the highest number of Thai immigrants? :D

    There must be a reason for all of this, I am sure.

    Does anybody know the e-mail adress of the company that designed so we can ask a few questions?


    Just to avoid this kind of st*pid comments, two quotes from older posts from the board:

    The airport was built by the architecture company Murphy/Jahn. The head of the company and main architect is the German born Helmut Jahn (the founder C.F. Murphy died 1985).

    The company has decades of experience in building huge structures all over the world like the Sony Center on the Potsdamer Platz, Berlin and the One Liberty Place, the tallest building in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

    For his buildings Helmut Jahn will probably never win the Pritzker Price (the highest architecture award), since his buildings mights be impressive and functional, but the design is usually following the boring and faceless "International Style".

    An older statement on the S´airport from Murphy/Jahn website:

    Based upon the masterplan and preliminary schematic design documents that have been already prepared, this concept emphasizes passenger circulation over aircraft circulation. Although the curbfront area is not capable of providing for the ultimate capacity of the site, leading to two separate entrances, it is the most compact terminal of those that we studied.


    Actually I don't think that a company like Murphy/Jahn would miscalculate such basics like toilets and a much to small arrival hall.

    I wonder that knowbody already asked who gained from this fundmental design flaws.

    If I remember right King Power increased its retail space from the offical 20.000 square meters to 24,000 square meters without increasing its payment to AoT for the additional 20%!!! more space it has occupied illegally. A the same time King Power charges all retails for using the King Power outlets up to 20 per cent of their sales per month, which seems to be much more than at the old airport. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...78079&st=15

    The material of the outer layer of the tensile fabric roof is a PTFE-clad glass-fibre, that is translucent. There is a centre layer (not visible) consisting of a steel cable net and rubber-mounted polycarbonate sheets. An inner layer of glass-fibre coated with a low-E aluminium powder and teflon completes the package. You can see the inverted white triangles on some of the Concourse in the 2Bangkok photos. This basically will shield the passengers from excessive heat and sound, with natural light being sufficient during daylight hours. Air conditioning will be minimal, the upper parts of the concourses may reach 65 degrees Celsius, but as they are 15-20 metres above the general public, it don't matter.


    Weren't there some complaints about overheated upper floors? And how about some other comments about bad lightning? This might be a design flaw by Murphy/Jahn...

  6. The airport was built by the architecture company Murphy/Jahn. The head of the company and main architect is the German born Helmut Jahn (the founder C.F. Murphy died 1985).

    The company has decades of experience in building huge structures all over the world like the Sony Center on the Potsdamer Platz, Berlin and the One Liberty Place, the tallest building in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

    For his buildings Helmut Jahn will probably never win the Pritzker Price (the highest architecture award), since his buildings mights be impressive and functional, but the design is usually following the boring and faceless "International Style". His skyscrapers are usually no landmark buildings in a positive sense since they lack any 'personality'.

    The company was involved in building several airports*:

    1987 United Airlines Terminal 1 at O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois

    1999 Munich Airport Center, Germany

    2000 Airport Köln/Bonn, Köln, Germany (a smaller, very functional airport, but it won't leave any impressions on the traveller)

    1995-2004 New Bangkok International Airport**

    *List from Wikipedia, but Wikipedia does not list Suvarnabhumi Airport

    ** construction time frame from Murphy/Jahn website.

    Statement on the S´airport from Murphy/Jahn website:

    The New Bangkok International Airport will be constructed on a vacant site outside of Bangkok. It will be constructed incrementally. The first phase will have approximately 50 gates and 500,000 SM of terminal facilities.

    Based upon the masterplan and preliminary schematic design documents that have been already prepared, this concept emphasizes passenger circulation over aircraft circulation. Although the curbfront area is not capable of providing for the ultimate capacity of the site, leading to two separate entrances, it is the most compact terminal of those that we studied.

    A large roof trellis structure placed over the complex of functionally separate buildings unifies the site and provides an overriding consistent architectural image. Sized to accommodate future growth, the trellis provides an important functional advantage as well as an architectural one. With louvers positioned to shade the structures below from direct sunlight, mechanical loads are reduced.

  7. As predicted the story is now making the headlines in the yellow press. In Germany the magazine "Bunte" runs it as cover story (sorry, no link available). It doesn't contain any new information, but carries images from BKK, from the jail, the hospital and of the family as well.

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